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Obviously, Chen Xiaobei will not spare each other’s lives in vain! After all, the consumption of 2 of 7–Star Holy Artifact’s Spirit Qi is astronomical! At a loss, Chen Xiaobei will definitely not do it!

Therefore, if the other party wants to live his life, he must give Chen Xiaobei his life and obediently obey, otherwise, Chen Xiaobei will definitely ask him to take his life to repay Chen Xiaobei’s loss regardless of whether he is a member of the Lan family or not!

“I…I understand what you mean…”

The leader is not a fool, naturally knowing the meaning of Chen Xiaobei, immediately put away the ice war gun, and his attitude towards Chen Xiaobei also became respectful.

At the same time, the 1000 ice armor fighters also showed awe in their eyes, and looked towards Chen Xiaobei’s eyes, as if they were looking at a super holy lord over them, and they no longer dared to offend them.

Both Guanyin and Jin Chanzi gave Chen Xiaobei an appreciative gaze, and very much agreed with Chen Xiaobei’s approach to this matter.

Compared with the killing ring, the result at this moment is more in line with the concept of compassion.

From small to big, from this matter, Guanyin can also be more certain, Chen Xiaobei is the one who can help her realize her aspirations and let Western teachers return to the journey!

“Contact Mengchan immediately, let her come over, I want to see her!” Chen Xiaobei said: “You tell her, I am Chen Xiaobei, she will definitely come over!”


The leader said embarrassedly: “It’s not that I don’t want to listen to you. It’s just that the Young Master has just returned to the clan. I should still be meeting with the senior leaders of the Elder College. I can’t get in touch…”

“If this is the case, don’t leave! When you contact Mengchan, when will you be able to leave!” Chen Xiaobei said indifferently.

“This…” Obviously, the leader did not want to stay with Chen Xiaobei.

However, from Chen Xiaobei’s body, the leader can clearly feel a cold and arrogant coercion, even faintly has several points of killing intent!

There is no doubt that if the leader does not agree to Chen Xiaobei, he will definitely leave alive.

“Okay…I promise you…”

The leader had no choice but to accuse him: “However, my brethren, please be magnanimous, let them go…”

“Well…” Chen Xiaobei nodded did not refuse.

Then, the 1000 ice armor fighters passed through the huge ice cave Space Crack directly and left the Supreme Void Universe.

Gradually, the Space Crack closed, and the pale blue storage bracelet appeared in front of everyone.

Of course, at this moment, the Extreme Cold ability aura on the storage bracelet has completely subsided and will not freeze anything!


Chen Xiaobei moved his mind and took the storage bracelet back into his palm.

I didn’t know what it was before, but now, the question can finally be answered.

“What is this?” Chen Xiaobei asked.

The leader explained: “This is my family’s Clan Protecting Supreme Treasure! Holy ice heavenly soul ring!”


Chen Xiaobei expression started slightly and said, “Is it a Holy Artifact?”

“Do not……”

The leader shook the head and said: “It’s level is higher than True Sage, but no one can mobilize all its power and ability yet! Even if the Young Master gets the highest inheritance of the ancestors, there is still not enough. Strength urges…”

The level is higher than True Sage!

Isn’t it the Saint King Level on the same level as Dao Ancestor? ?

Chen Xiaobei was shocked, and at the same time, he also got a general understanding of Lan Mengchen’s situation.

Although Lan Mengchen got the highest inheritance of the Blue Ancestors, this inheritance has not been fully digested. She must wait for her Cultivation to be high enough to fully urge the power and ability of the holy ice heavenly circle!

“So, what is the capability of this Magical Artifact?” Chen Xiaobei asked.

“This treasure is an ancient relic. It has been lost for 100000000 million years in my family. Even the Great Elder now knows very little about it…”

The leader said: “Anyway, what I know is the First Layer ability that the Young Master can urge now! Freeze space, collapse space! It seems that there are other capabilities afterwards, and it is necessary to understood later…”

“Understood.” Chen Xiaobei nodded added another expectation.

As long as Lan Mengchen can break the space at any time, he can come to see Chen Xiaobei at any time.

After all, the 1000 ice armor fighters have just been put back, and they will definitely bring Chen Xiaobei’s name back to the tribe.

Once Lan Mengchen had the news of Chen Xiaobei, he would naturally find an opportunity to meet Chen Xiaobei.

With this in mind, Chen Xiaobei can rest assured.

Putting away the holy ice heavenly soul ring, Chen Xiaobei took out the summoning Jade Rune, first contacted Duobao Daoist, let him come to join, and then checked it again. There was still no reply from Zu Wu Bi Zi.

“By the way, Guanyin elder sister, do you have any news about Zu Wu Bi Zi?” Chen Xiaobei asked.


Avalokitesvara expression started slightly, hook the head said: “We have been looking for him, but there is no clue at all, otherwise, we have long left Supreme Void Universe!”

Obviously, at this time, the Taoist and Western sect entered the Supreme Void Universe, just to round up Zu Wu Bi Zi.

The reason why they never left is because they never found it.

“Even you have no clue…”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyebrows were tightly locked, and he seemed a little puzzled.

It stands to reason that both the elucidation and Western religions have sent powerhouses at the deputy level, and it should be possible to calculate the movement of Bizi. It is not difficult to find him.

“I understand!”

Suddenly, Chen Xiaobei thought of an extremely important issue, and suddenly his eyes lit up, excitedly said: “I think I already know where Bizi is!”

“Where?” Both Guanyin and Jin Chanzi were puzzled and curious.

2 The teaching master can’t find anything after all the twists and turns. Why did Chen Xiaobei suddenly find out?

“If I’m right, Bizi must be in the sacred realm!”

Chen Xiaobei said: “The forged Holy Land is a very special Independent Space, even Heavenly Dao can’t calculate the exact location! So, you can’t find Bizi, it must be because he hid in the forged Holy Land!”

“Well, this makes sense…”

Avalokitesvara is nodded, but questioned again: “But, is there a sacred realm in the Supreme Void Universe? Even if there is, where is it? The position cannot be calculated. Wanting to find is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack! “

Jin Chanzi was nodded side by side: “Yeah… but with a few of us, it is simply impossible to find the Holy Land of Creation…”

“Oh, don’t worry about this!” Chen Xiaobei grinned and said, “My people have already found the fortune-telling realm in the Supreme Void Universe, just wait for me to pass!”

This… how is this possible! ?

Both Guanyin and Jin Chanzi showed incredible expressions and were very surprised.

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