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White Bone Spirit panicked!

She simply did not give Lan Mengchen to Primeval Lord of Heaven! Even, she simply did not catch Lan Mengchen!

Because there are 2!

First, if she sent Lan Mengchen to Primeval Lord of Heaven, she should also send the storage bracelet together!

Second, if she had a way to send things away, she would not stay in place and wait for support just now, but should leave Supreme Void Universe directly!

It can be seen that if the storage bracelet really belongs to Lan Mengchen, then Chen Xiaobei’s most worrying thing can be resolved, and the unsolved dead end will certainly be loosened!

After all, Chen Xiaobei has always been value emotion, value friendship. If Lan Mengchen is in the hands of the enemy, he will be threatened and restricted everywhere. If he wants to break the game, simply is impossible.

However, if Lan Mengchen is not in the hands of the enemy, then Chen Xiaobei will have the greatest concern and can always come up with a way to break the game.

“Let’s go!”

After getting the pale blue storage bracelet, Sakyamuni completely lost interest in White Bone Spirit.

After all, it is necessary to take account of the face of elucidation, and you cannot erase White Bone Spirit on the spot.

After speaking, Shakyar took the crowd and turned directly to fly away.

White Bone Spirit was stunned, looking disappointed and regretful.

“Shua … shua … shua …”

About a few minutes later, the large team of educators finally arrived at the scene.

Similar to the number of Western teachers, the large army is also composed of 1000 people, and Cultivation is all above God Rank.

And three people are in charge of leading the crowd.

One of them is Taiyi Zhenren, one of the eleven Golden Immortal, and the other is The Pagoda bearing Heavenly King — Li Jing Li Jing.

With the release of Heavenly Court gods together, Li Jing gained absolute trust from the enemy. It was sent by Primeval Lord of Heaven to perform this important task.

And speaking of which, Tai Yizheng and Li Jing also have quite a relationship.

Tai Yizheng is the master of Little Nezha.

That year, after Little Nezha committed suicide, it was Taiyi who kept Little Nezha’s Primordial Spirit, and then helped Little Nezha reshape the lotus root fleshy body, so that Little Nezha could be reborn.

With the relationship between Li Jing and Little Nezha, Chen Xiaobei wants to win the Taiyi real person, it is definitely not difficult.

However, the problem lies with Li Jing and Tai Yizheng, there is also a big leader of this operation!

Dipankara Daoist!

Dipankara Daoist is the deputy Cult Master, not only is Cultivation higher, but also holds 24 Holy Artifact Sea God Bead!

The most important thing is that this time the mission is extraordinary. Primeval Lord of Heaven failed to secretly give Dipankara Daoist other Magical Artifact, maybe even a higher order Holy Artifact!

Because of this, both Li Jing and Tai Yi live action must obey Dipankara Daoist.

Li Jing, in particular, dare not help Chen Xiaobei blatantly, otherwise, he will definitely die, and he will also be involved in his family!

“Meet Dipankara Daoist! See you Taiyi real people! See The Pagoda bearing Heavenly King — Li Jing!”

White Bone Spirit ushered in quickly, first saluting respectfully, and then impatient said everything that had just happened.

“What!? Chen Xiaobei came to the Supreme Void Universe!? And it was caught by you!?”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was started, and the expression on his face became extremely complicated.

You know, they want to catch Chen Xiaobei in their dreams! Moreover, not only them, even Primeval Lord of Heaven, even Dao Ancestor have tried their best to catch Chen Xiaobei, or even at all costs! However, none of them succeeded!

But it’s good, the little goblin White Bone Spirit can actually catch Chen Xiaobei alive.

For everyone, this is definitely a huge shock.

But, at the same time, this is also a huge regret.

Because, Chen Xiaobei was intercepted by Westerners! ! !

What is this concept?

Those who are equivalent to educating people have expended all their energy, energy, and time to make a Fruit Tree bear great fruits!

However, this fruit was picked directly by Westerners!


Dipankara Daoist’s entire face was distorted, as if he had eaten a cart full of depression.

After catching Chen Xiaobei, you can make great achievements, and even hope to be sanctified directly by Heavenly Dao and set foot on the Peak Stage of life.

But it’s good, just because I brought someone to support it a little slower, the cooked fat duck flew away!

Dipankara Daoist wanted to vomit blood when he thought that he missed the opportunity to set foot on Peak Stage in his life.

“Master … what should we do now?”

Li Jing looked at Dipankara Daoist respectfully and asked.

That’s right!

Dipankara Daoist is the master of Li Jing!

At the beginning of the last mass robbery, Li Jing’s earliest Master was originally a Loose Immortal of no Sect, no Faction, named Du Erzhen.

However, in the aftermath of innumerable robberies, Li Jing sought to protect himself and protect his family. Therefore, he turned to explain and worshipped under the Dipankara Daoist.

This is also very similar to Li Jing’s style!

Right now, the fourth immeasurable disaster is approaching. Li Jing also plotted against the retreat early in the morning, using Little Nezha to send the black demon dragon spirit bone to Chen Xiaobei, and even formed an alliance with Chen Xiaobei before Chen Xiaobei caused the Heavenly Court!

However, this alliance has not been made public from beginning to end!

In this way, after the amount of robbery, Li Jing can protect himself no matter which side wins, very brilliant!

“I can never accept this result!”

Dipankara Daoist settled his mind and said angrily: “The inheritance and Chen Xiaobei of the Lan family were taken away by Western religion! It means that our action was completely in vain and failed completely! Without credit, that’s all, after going back , Primeval Lord of Heaven will certainly punish me!”

Originally, Dipankara Daoist got the storage bracelet of the blue inheritance, which can be regarded as a credit! Seizing Chen Xiaobei again is a great achievement!

But it’s good, the credit will be gone in a blink of an eye, instead it will become a punishment!

This kind of reversal is like falling into heaven directly from heaven, and Dipankara Daoist simply cannot accept it!

“Then what should we do?” Tai Yizheng asked.

Obviously, Dipankara Daoist is the chief commander of this operation, and he is the one who decides the next step.

“Go! Follow me to chase Westerners!”

Dipankara Daoist didn’t hesitate too much, gnashing teeth said: “They will ask them to spit out what they take!”

“This… this is probably not realistic…”

Taiyi lived up and said: “Western people who are impossible will hand over the benefits! If we come hard, if we do not do well, there will be a direct war!”

Obviously, Taiyi is still more cautious and does not support head-on conflict with Western religion.

However, at the moment, Li Jing said solemnly: “I support the Master’s decision! The people in the West are becoming less and less ridiculous! They must be taught a lesson! Let them not forget that my interpretation is the first Saint Church! This is about The face of Primeval Lord of Heaven! Never give in!”

Obviously, Li Jing said this in order to create chaos and rescue Chen Xiaobei.

Moreover, Li Jing is very clever, and has also removed the face of Primeval Lord of Heaven.

“Well…I…I also support…” Even if Taiyi does not want to conflict with Western religion, he is even more afraid to lose the face of Primeval Lord of Heaven!

“All! Follow me!”

Dipankara Daoist was already very angry. With the support of Li Jing and Tai Yi, he no longer had any concerns, just like a violent tiger, went straight ahead.


Ahead, the Western teachers pressed Chen Xiaobei and came to a planet occupied by them.

There is an array here, once activated, everyone can return to Heavenly Realm, the headquarters of Western religion!

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