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Empress Nuwa said: “As far as I know, Kṣitigarbha has launched an army to attack the Asura clan, and has defeated the Styx! Soon, Kṣitigarbha will be able to unify Earthly Realm and gain a huge defensive merit! At that time, he will become a Buddha, even Have the opportunity to slash 3 corpses and prove the sanctification!”

Obviously, Mo Luo Tiantian has been sanctified, which makes Empress Nuwa lose its value!

Immediately afterwards, if Kṣitigarbha is also sanctified, then Heavenspan Cult Master will also become an abandoned child! In the case of Chen Xiaobei without chip exchange, Heavenspan Cult Master may be killed at any time!

Because of this, even if he knew that the place of imprisonment was defended by “Immortal Executing Sword Formation”, Empress Nuwa had to brace oneself to put forward the idea of ​​adventure rescue!

If you don’t save, you can only watch Heavenspan Cult Master die!


In this situation, Chen Xiaobei didn’t panic at all, but instead wanted to laugh: “Empress Nuwa, rest assured, Kṣitigarbha can’t become a Buddha, not a saint!”

“This… how is this possible!?”

Empress Nuwa expression started slightly, beautiful eyes flickered, and suddenly realized: “Did you say that even Kṣitigarbha has been plot against you?”

“Empress is smart! I’m going to deal with Kṣitigarbha now!”

Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently and said, “Unsurprisingly, Kṣitigarbha and all the Western members present will fall into my hands! Like the Gods of Heavenly Court, they will also become my bargaining chips!”

“You… you are so sure!?”

Empress Nuwa was a little unbelievable, looked at Chen Xiaobei in surprise, and said: “As far as I know, the power used by Kṣitigarbha this time is very, very powerful! Stygian and the power of the Asura clan cannot be resisted. You are so singlehanded before go with……”

Halfway through the talk, Empress Nuwa stopped and didn’t talk down.

What is the difference between singlehanded going and death?

This is the doubt that normal people have.

However, Empress Nuwa knows Chen Xiaobei very well, this Three Realms first profiteer, will never fight a battle that is not sure, let alone a loss-making battle!

For this reason, although Empress Nuwa was a little surprised, she would never think that Chen Xiaobei was going to die.

On the contrary, seeing Chen Xiaobei so confident, Empress Nuwa was really relieved.

This is trust!

unconditional! absolute! Pure trust!

As long as Chen Xiaobei said so, Empress Nuwa is absolutely willing to believe!

The reason for this trust is entirely because Chen Xiaobei never disappointed Empress Nuwa!

“If you are interested, Empress Nuwa will be able to wait and see on the far side later, and I will pass by all by myself, and I will be able to calm everyone in the West!”

Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently, the tone was very calm, but he could exude an unquestionable madness to control the whole world like an overlord!

“Okay! I just want to see your abilities with my own eyes!”

Empress Nuwa settled down, and a smile on the corner of his mouth was so beautiful that it could amaze all beings.


2 people flew all the way to the Ghost Burial Mountain.

Because Empress Nuwa Cultivation was lost, Chen Xiaobei specially let Xiao’er and Futian Xin’er come out to protect.

The reunion of Empress Nuwa and Futian Xin’er mother and daughter is naturally overjoyed and excited.

Xiao’er was slobbering in the direction of Ghost Burial Mountain and muttered to himself: “There are so many delicious things over there… the levels are very, very high… If I can take a bite, I will die for ten years. Willing too!”

As soon as this statement came out, both Chen Xiaobei and Futian Xin’er were unable to bear to give Xiao’er a glance.

This snack food has a lifespan with the same life as heaven and earth. Not to mention ten years of life, even if it is 1 billion years, it does not matter.

Of course, Empress Nuwa said seriously: “12-Winged Golden Cicada’s perception of heavenly materials earthly treasures is extremely sensitive! There must be extremely powerful Holy Artifact in the enemy’s camp!”

Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy.

With Xiao’er’s whisper, Empress Nuwa immediately gave an early warning!

Although Chen Xiaobei can think of it, it is absolutely necessary to take the initiative to remind!


Chen Xiaobei nodded, said: “I contacted Kṣitigarbha before! He said that there are 100 Wan Jinggang Lux, 108 Arhat in front, and there are 3 treasures that will lead Daoist!”

“Get 3 treasures!?”

Empress Nuwa’s eyes fixed, said solemnly: “Ming Guangbao! 9 away from the dust! No rosary! These three are 3-Star True Sage Rank treasure! It is the magical artifact of the lead! Formidable power is comparable to the Magical Artifact of the same level Even better!”

“No wonder Styx will lose…”

Chen Xiaobei said: “There are only 2 Holy Artifacts in the hands of Stygian and Yuan Tu, although they are also 7–Star Sage Rank, but they are all weaker! Moreover, there is only one less number, and there is simply no way to fight…”

Obviously, the three treasures of the connection are all the Daoist’s natal Magical Artifact. Although it cannot be said that it is invincible at the same level, it is definitely a superior existence within the same level.

Abi and Yuantu are considered to be medium, but they are already weak. 2 treasures vs 3 treasures, the battle directly loses the suspense.

“Xiaobei! Now, do you still have confidence in your plans?” Empress Nuwa asked with some concern.

Although Empress Nuwa absolutely trusts Chen Xiaobei, she is still worried that Chen Xiaobei does not understand the power of leading 3 treasures, and it is still too late to look back.

“rest assured!”

Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently and said, “It’s the brain that seeks the plan! Today, don’t say Kṣitigarbha only controls the 3 treasures! Even if he made a jade dish with his left hand, right hand Pangu axe, I can still play him!”

Arrogant! overbearing! Arrogant!

Chen Xiaobei This simple sentence immediately shocked Empress Nuwa!

Futian Xin’er and Xiao’er have followed Chen Xiaobei for a long time, but they are not shocked at all, but they are staring at the small stars, and they are completely confused about Chen Xiaobei’s worship!

For Futian Xin’er and Xiao’er, every sentence spoken by Chen Xiaobei is truth, there is no need to doubt at all, as long as absolute belief is enough! Chen Xiaobei 100% can do it!

“Okay! Since you still have faith! Then I also believe in you!”

Empress Nuwa settled down. Although some unimaginable Chen Xiaobei was going to do, Empress Nuwa chose to trust.

In the eyes of Empress Nuwa, Chen Xiaobei is so reliable!

No doubt at all!

“The three of you are watching here, no matter what happens, don’t come closer!”

Chen Xiaobei confessed, and then took off directly and hurried towards the Ghost Burial Mountain.

Empress Nuwa, Futian Xin’er, Xiao’er, stay in place, wait and see Chen Xiaobei’s wonderful performance!

Ghost Burial Mountain.

At this moment, the Western teaching army is already waiting!

Kṣitigarbha IQ online, there is absolutely no slightest intention to pull out all Combat Force.

100 Wan Jinggang Lux form a Sage Rank battle! 108 Arhat forms the second Sage Rank battle formation! And Kṣitigarbha himself, took out to pick up 2 treasures, sit in the middle and form a 3rd barrier!

With the strongest Combat Force, wait for Chen Xiaobei!

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