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“Sherby’s body was sent by me to find his own body… Fire Spirit Holy Mother was there as an aid, beside him…”

9-color Qilin did not dare to talk nonsense and obediently answered Chen Xiaobei’s question.

“Good! Very good!”

Chen Xiaobei grinned and was in a good mood.

There is no doubt that this is exactly what Chen Xiaobei wanted most.

Just wait for the corpse to retrieve his body, and then let 9-color Qilin release the Primordial Spirit contract, Chen Xiaobei can get another ancestor to join, and can harvest another body of ancestors.

Kill two birds with one stone, it’s so cool to fly!

There is no doubt that this day for Chen Xiaobei is definitely a bumper harvest before futile.

With just one battle, all the problems in Hongmeng Monster Realm have been solved!

Monster Church, elucidation, Western religion, all forces competing for the East Emperor Bell were all settled by Chen Xiaobei!

In addition, Chen Xiaobei also harvested a lot of resources, as well as 3 pieces of Holy Artifact, plus a “Five Elements”!

At the same time, Chen Xiaobei also counteracted the real person of jade cauldron, and filled Yang Jian’s loyalty to the Master.

Moreover, Chen Xiaobei also captured a large number of hostages, 5 formations of Monster Sovereign, 9-color Qilin, Hirohiko, and Maitreya. In the future, they will be of great use.

Even those who defeated the Disciple of Discipline and the Disciple of the Western Discipline are not ordinary mortals. They also control the reincarnation of Ancient Immortal. When necessary, Chen Xiaobei can liberate 1000 reincarnated Ancient Immortal in one wave!

All this is today’s gain!

Of course, the most important gain was the important information Chen Xiaobei just asked from the enemy.

12 The whereabouts of Ancestral Witches have cleared most of them.

In this way, from the collection of 12 Ancestral Witches’ body, it took another big step.

For Chen Xiaobei, this gain is even more valuable than all the previous gains!


Chen Xiaobei put 9-color Qilin’s Primordial Spirit into the Sumiya space.

Then, all the resources that are not available will be invested in Heaven & Earth Smelting Furnace for refining.

All spirit jade are filled into the Hundred Yuan Gold Bucket, which can urge this 2–Star Holy Artifact once.

As for Qiankun Dzi Bead, Buddha Vajra Pestle, Heaven Turning Seal, Chen Xiaobei, they can only be put away temporarily, once they can’t be refining, and since there is no Spiritual Qi in the past, they can only be used as decoration without meaning. .

So far, all problems have been dealt with.

However, Chen Xiaobei’s eyebrows were locked tightly, and she felt a little feel ill at ease: “Strange… Why did Xia Yilian not show up after such a big noise? Even if she didn’t dare to go to war, she should come to see it nearby. That’s right…”

Obviously, there is another variable in the Hongmeng Monster Realm at that moment, that is Xia Yilian!

This woman is like a venomous viper, who dares to despise her, whoever might be killed by her alive!

According to Chen Xiaobei’s understanding of this woman, she was impossible to notice the war just now.

However, she does not appear at all.

Chen Xiaobei doesn’t think she dare to come!

This kind of crazy woman, already fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, impossible dared not come to check it out.

The only reason why she didn’t show up was that there was only one explanation.

And this is also the root problem of Chen Xiaobei feel ill at ease.

As the saying goes, easy to dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark.

However, for Xia Yilian, Chen Xiaobei feels that the dark arrows are difficult to prevent, and it is not easy to hide from stealing!

10000000 don’t forget! Xia Yilian has devoured Jun Moyue’s Monster Ancestor origin, and can control Hongmeng Monster Realm’s law!

Calmly speaking, even in a head-to-head battle, Chen Xiaobei’s odds are actually not high.

Even more how, Xia Yilian is still hidden in the dark, and she does not give Chen Xiaobei a chance of a head-to-head battle at all, and when she suddenly shoots, she will definitely be more terrifying than the head-on battle!

This is the characteristic of the poisonous snake scorpion!

Hidden in a dark corner, it’s enough if you don’t take it. One shot is bound to be a venomous trick to see the blood seal your throat!

At the thought of this, Chen Xiaobei became even more anxious.

Although he had just won a big victory, Chen Xiaobei did not dare to relax at all. The whole person was even more vigilant than before! Be more cautious!

It can even be said without exaggeration that, in Chen Xiaobei’s view, Xia Yilian is more dangerous than anyone else before!

In this way, Chen Xiaobei returned cautiously to Zhen Shishan.

Although it is necessary to beware of Xia Yilian, Donghuang Zhong still has to look for it.

Chen Xiaobei summoned Eastern Sovereign Taiyi, and under his induction, moved towards the location where Donghuang Zhong was located.

It takes time and effort for others to find Donghuangzhong, even if the town is turned upside down, they may not be found! However, under the guidance of Eastern Sovereign Taiyi, Chen Xiaobei soon reached the exact position of the Tibetan clock!

This is the power of Heavenspan Cult Master.

Plot against early to today! Let Chen Xiaobei choose Eastern Sovereign Taiyi at the Winter Solstice Conference!

“Brother Bei! Within the valley with the East Emperor Bell in front!”

Eastern Sovereign Taiyi’s eyes are fixed, said solemnly: “You 10000000 be careful! There is a huge “Hidden Array” in this valley. Before entering, no one knows what is dangerous!”

Obviously, the East Emperor Bell is the treasure that Heavenly Dao uses to suppress Hongmeng World, impossible is thrown casually in a within the valley.

Although there is a huge “Hidden Array”, outsiders are easy to find.

However, it’s not easy to say that someone has actually entered into it by mistake.

If there is no strong force to protect, Donghuang Zhong is afraid that he will be taken away.

Therefore, the reminder of Eastern Sovereign Taiyi cannot be ignored!

In the huge “Hidden Array”, there must be a Heavenly Dao guarding the layout of the East Emperor Bell, and rushed in. I am afraid it is ten deaths without life!

“Don’t rush in…”

Chen Xiaobei settled down and said, “There must be danger in it, and it is a fatal danger! We must be prepared!”

“Don’t prepare! I know the dangers inside!”

Just then, a very pleasant voice came from not far away.

Chen Xiaobei and Eastern Sovereign Taiyi looked sideways and immediately saw a very beautiful Qianying, and the models came.

The face value of top grade, the figure of top grade, in the realm of Hongmeng, this woman is definitely a top stunner enough to captivate any man.

And with this good skin, she took one man after another, evacuated their Cultivation, and used their bones as a ladder to climb to today’s height step by step.

That’s right!

This woman is the poisonous snake that Chen Xiaobei has been guarding against, Xia Yilian!


Chen Xiaobei immediately took out Hunyuan Jindou, don’t want to talk nonsense, up is the strongest killer.

“Don’t be excited!”

Xia Yilian said with a smile indifferently: “Your Magical Artifact can’t hurt me! Really a battle, you will definitely lose!”

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