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“Well, since you are so persistent, let you try…”

jade cauldron Real people also think that Yang Jian said something reasonable, and that this old man was originally an easy-going temper, and really took Divine Sword took out and gave it to Yang Jian.

“Master! I’m sorry!”

Yang Jian took over the sword and directly entered his own space.

After the separation of the two spaces, the real relationship between jade cauldron and Divine Sword’s spirituality was temporarily cut off.

“You… what do you mean!?” jade cauldron started.

Yang Jian quickly explained: “Master! I have formed an alliance with Section Cult Chen Xiaobei. He is about to start training with Guang Chengzi and the West. I am afraid that the Master will be affected, so I can only temporarily seal the Master!”

“Funny !!!”

jade cauldron real person hearing this furious, scolded: “You traitor! How dare you ally with Chen Xiaobei? And, isn’t he already dead?”

“No! Brother Bei is not dead!”

Yang Jian said sternly: “He not only did not die, but also defeated Mo Luowutian, caught the demon master Kun Peng alive, wisely destroyed the red cloud Old Ancestor, and caught the gods of Heavenly Court! All this, he did it!”

“This… how is this possible!?” jade cauldron was shocked by the reality, and could not believe his ears.

“Brother Bei has done more and more powerful things! I don’t mention any of them, only one of them!” Yang Jian nodded said seriously: “Brother Bei has obtained the blood inheritance of Pangu’s ancestor, inherited the ancestor. Holy Bloodline and Ancestral Will! Heavenly Dao’s secret is about to be revealed by Brother Bei! This world is about to change completely!”

“No…impossible…this is absolutely impossible…” Jade Cauldron’s face has changed greatly, and his eyes are steadily shaking his head, as if he has suffered a huge Frightening-Soul Sting shock.

Obviously, for those who do not know the secret of Heavenly Dao, Pangu is the creator of this World, and his body has done everything!

The Three Pure Ones Dao Venerable, Taiyi Emperor Jun, 12 Ancestral Witches, Nuwa Fuxi, etc… In fact, they are all bred from Pangu’s essence and blood or some important things!

Because of this, although Heavenly Dao and Pangu are enemies, from beginning to end, Pangu’s ancestor Holy Land has not been denied!

Otherwise, the entire world will be hostile to Heavenly Dao!

At the moment, the real reaction of jade cauldron is a bit strange. He shook his head again and again, saying’impossible’ as if he knew Heavenly Dao’s secret, but he couldn’t believe it, and Chen Xiaobei even knew it!

“Master … do you also know something?” Yang Jian is very smart and immediately sees something is wrong.

“No! I don’t know! I don’t know at all!” jade cauldron shook his head again and again, and his eyes and hearts were filled with unstoppable fear.

“Master! You don’t admit it, and I don’t want to force you!”

Yang Jian continued: “But, what I want to say now is, can you also form an alliance with Brother Bei? In that way, he doesn’t have to lock you up!”

“No! I will never betray the teaching!”

jade cauldron Really resolutely and decisively said: “Chen Xiaobei is my enemy! No matter what you say, I will not form an alliance with him! Also! You must also immediately terminate the covenant with him and clear all relations!”

“Why?” Yang Jian frowns saying: “Master, you know some inside information, you should know that Brother Bei is doing the right thing! It is the true ancestor’s will!”

“I know!”

jade cauldron is awe-inspiring, saying: “But, I know better, Chen Xiaobei impossible to win! We allied with him, and he will only be brought into the land of eternal damnation by him! For the teacher does not want to see you give away to death!”

Yang Jian hearing this is also helpless, he has long known that the real temper of jade cauldron is certainly not easy to persuade.

Having settled down, Yang Jian said: “Since the Master’s mind has been decided, I can only ask Brother Bei to seal the Master first, and wait for the Monster Realm’s affairs to subside before releasing the Master!”

“Seal me?”

jade cauldron complexion slightly changed, with a proud look in his eyes: “Do you think Chen Xiaobei can seal me by taking away Divine Sword? Naive! On strength, 10000 Chen Xiaobei, I am not afraid!”

“Master! You are too small to look at Brother Bei!” Yang Jian said solemnly: “Brother Bei can now be an invincible player under True Sage. It is easy to grasp the Master!”

“Hmph! This kind of bullshit, you’re almost deceiving a 3-year-old kid!”

jade cauldron The real man’s eyebrows were cold and his eyes were angry, shouted: “old man catches you first! lest you be scourge by Chen Xiaobei!”

I have to say that jade cauldron is really stubborn, even if he knows the truth, he still does not betray the teaching.

Of course, the real person of jade cauldron is not a pedantic person. The reason why he does not betray is not really stupidity, but he is worried that after the betrayal, he will attract disasters!

At the same time, Jade Cauldron is still a person with a very value emotion and value friendship. Even though Yang Jian has already betrayed first, Jade Cauldron still wants to seize Yang Jian and protect Yang Jian!

If you really change your heart, Yang Jian will be affectionate and true to jade cauldron!


tone barely fell, jade cauldron The real human body has burst out like a fine jade, a brilliant elementary Shenghui, which is extremely gorgeous and extremely dazzling.

This is the Cultivation of Peak Stage Quasi Sage Rank, enough for jade cauldron to crush the opponents of overwhelming majority.

Yang Jian can’t control the Divine Sword, simply cannot escape the palm of the real person of jade cauldron.

According to the original plan, Chen Xiaobei should come out at this time!

However, Yang Jian couldn’t even dream about it, and if he waited, he would be someone else!

“Gu lu lu ……gu lu lu ……”

Only heard a strange frenzied agitation, Mo Yuanze’s black quagmire, like boiling water, frantically flipped the bubbles, after bursting, burst out after one another black Yin Qi!

Before, Chen Xiaobei felt that Mo Yuanze was not simple.

At this moment it really came true.


Suddenly, in the middle of the mud, a huge gulf, such as ink-like thin mud, ran down in large quantities, like two opposite black waterfalls.

“sou! sou! Oh…”

In the next moment, from this huge gap, continuous one after another, flying out dozens of silhouettes.

Looking at the speed of these silhouettes, all of them are the existence of Quasi Sage Rank. Among them, the strongest 2 have even reached Peak Stage Quasi Sage realm.

Even more incredible is that among the 2 Peak Stage Quasi Sages, there is another person whom Yang Jian and jade cauldron actually knew.

“Fear of staying at Sun!? You… how are you here!?”

jade cauldron was started by a real person, and his eyes immediately locked on the opposite middle-aged man wearing a yellow robe.

That’s right!

This person is also one of the eleven Golden Immortal, Tu Xingsun’s Master, afraid of leaving grandchildren!

On the side of Fear of Sun, there is another Peak Stage Quasi Sage, with a human eagle wing, surrounded by purple electricity, Monster Qi is pressing!

The dozens of Quasi Sages that followed were all Monster Races!

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