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Chen Xiaobei: My plan is simple! Another conspiracy of sandpiper and clam war together! Let the elucidation fight with the western religion!

Yang Jian: This… how is this possible! ? (100 puzzled)

Chen Xiaobei: In my hand, there are “Nine Songs of the Holy River” that Guang Chengzi wants to dream, and “Future Scripture” that he wants to dream under the Western Saint!

Chen Xiaobei: As long as I tell Guang Chengzi, take the head of a Buddha taught in the West, I will be able to exchange it for “9 Songs of the Holy River”! Then tell Maitreya, if you take the head of one of the Golden Immortal, you can switch to “Future Scripture”! You can think about what happens when the time comes?

Yang Jian: human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food! Once the two sides are blinded by greed and start to work, that is the irreconcilable situation!

Chen Xiaobei: That’s right! When they fight, I will find a chance to kill them all!

Yang Jian: This is indeed a trick! However, Brother Bei …… your three Realms first profiteer name, has long been known to everyone, known to everyone! Guang Chengzi and Maitreya are both characters of become intelligent, fundamentally believe in you!

Chen Xiaobei: Of course I will not negotiate with them as they are! Did you forget that after Hongyun was wiped out by me, his communication jade symbol also fell into my hands?

Yang Jian: Great plan! This trick is really wonderful! ! ! Among the Three Realms, apart from our own people, no one knows that Red Cloud is dead! Moreover, the red cloud has always been the title of Three Realms’ first oldest man. In the eyes of others, he will not lie!

Yang Jian: As long as Brother Bei arranges and uses it, he can certainly gain the trust of Guang Chengzi and Maitreya. As long as they can incite their greed and ambition, they will surely make them secret! Deathmatch, just hit it!

Chen Xiaobei: Yes! So, from now on, you must be more careful. If you are in danger, just start walking, 10000000 Don’t take your life to teach the West!

Yang Jian: I know! When the time comes, I shrink into the dark and knock the sap whenever I have the chance! Whether he is interpreting or Western teaching, there is one knocking one! There are 2 knocking a pair!

Chen Xiaobei: hehe! You learned badly so quickly!

Yang Jian: The world should be fair! Let them be bad, but don’t allow me to be bad?

Chen Xiaobei: Haha… It seems that you are enlightened! With this idea, you are very hopeful to become the 2nd profiteer of Three Realms!

Yang Jian: Then I will borrow the words of Brother Bei! Just wait to pit them!

Yang Jian: However, Brother Bei, I have another very important thing to tell you! This matter may affect your plan!

Chen Xiaobei: Come and listen!

Yang Jian: This time, a total of 2 people came from Golden Immortal! Hiroko, fear of staying grandson, and jade cauldron real person! Among them, real jade cauldron is my teacher! Without him, there would be no me today!

Chen Xiaobei: You mean, want to protect jade cauldron real people?

Yang Jian: Yes… I would like to ask Brother Bei to bother and help me Master plot against a living path! He only has 1–Star Holy Artifact to cut the Demon Sword. I am afraid that there is no chance of winning the Buddha who teaches in the West! If there is a death fight, Master is probably bode ill rather than well!

Chen Xiaobei: Um… this is going to change my plan… let me think about it!

Yang Jian: I know, this thing will make Brother Bei very difficult! However, the Master is recreating me, and I really don’t want to see him in trouble!

Chen Xiaobei: If you advise him to join me in Northern Profound Sect, will he agree?

Yang Jian: I’m afraid not… Master is loyal to the interpretation of teaching, and will not have any antipathy, otherwise, after so many years, the Master has helped me to rescue my mother!

Chen Xiaobei: Since this is the case, it can only be hard! You look for opportunities to lead him to an unmanned enemy. I used the “Norther Profound Sage Sealing Diagram” to seal him directly, shut it down for the time being, and slowly talk about peace later!

Yang Jian: It’s really not possible, so it can only be done… Seal the Master, in fact, to protect him…

Chen Xiaobei: Of course, before leading him out, you have to find a way to control the Divine Sword of your Master! If Holy Artifact is in hand, “Norther Profound Sage Sealing Diagram” won’t trap him!

Yang Jian: Good! I will try my best!

Chen Xiaobei: Then you decide the time and place, then inform me in advance, I will go there in an ambush, and fight for a win!

Yang Jian: I see! I will inform you in advance!

Subsequently, 2 people ended their private chat.

Chen Xiaobei took out Yunyun’s communication Yufu, and immediately contacted Guang Chengzi.

After the high-level meeting on elucidation was over, Guang Chengzi seemed to be fine, and immediately came back in seconds.

Guang Chengzi: Red Cloud Old Brother! ? You really are alive! Rumor has it that you died in the underworld, and I didn’t believe it! Sure enough, I was guessed!

Chen Xiaobei: Yeah, thanks to Zhen Yuanzi who saved me at a critical moment, otherwise, I might really die in the underworld!

Hiroko: How about it? Has your injury and cultivation recovered in recent years? I heard that after you were attacked by Kunpeng sneak, there was only one Remnant Soul left! In the underworld, he was stricken by the Styx! Even if Zhen Yuanzi saved you, I’m afraid you are like waste!

As the head of the eleventh Golden Immortal! This Guang Chengzi is really arrogant! How to say Hongyun is also his elder! He was so disrespectful, just like instructing Junior! Don’t be merciless at all!

Chen Xiaobei: My Cultivation and Injury, I’m so troublesome. Today, I want to talk to you about a sale!

Guang Chengzi: Trading? Oh, I’m very busy now, I don’t have time to talk about business with waste!

Chen Xiaobei: Really? Even if this deal involves “Nine Songs of the Holy River”, don’t you want to talk about it?

Guang Chengzi: What do you say! ? “9 Qu Shenghe Formation”! ? You are not cracking a joke! ?

Chen Xiaobei: You think about it, you are in Hongmeng Monster Realm, I can contact you, which shows that I am also in Hongmeng Monster Realm! If it was just for a joke, do you think I would be so much trouble?

Guang Chengzi: Well, what you said makes sense! You waste, go to Monster Realm, impossible is for courting death, there must be your plot!

Chen Xiaobei: So, are you talking about this sale or not?

Guang Chengzi: Talk! Say, do you want to explain? What can you give me?

Chen Xiaobei: I can give you the complete formation diagram of “Nine Songs of the Holy River”, and what I want is to teach a Buddha’s life in the West! And Holy Artifact in his hands!

Guang Chengzi: You seem to have lost money in this business? I know the three Buddhas. The strongest Holy Artifact in my hand is the 3–Star Holy Artifact of Maitreya, the heavenly bead, which is simply not comparable to “2 Qu Shenghe Formation”!

Chen Xiaobei: Losing is a blessing! Even more how, I lost my holy place in the past because of the worship of Western religion! For revenge, what can I do if I suffer a little?

Guang Chengzi: Killing a Buddha is called revenge? Oh, should I say you are naive? Should I say you are stupid?

Chen Xiaobei: I have my plan, you just need to answer, agree or refuse!

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