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The content of the message is very simple. It is to inform Chen Xiaobei that everyone is ready for the Crossing Tribulation to soar.

The better Chen Xiaobei and Song Qingcheng, the time for ascension is set in half a day.

The whole process is also very smooth.

After all, Chen Xiaobei has already prepared for 10000!

At the appointed time, Chen Xiaobei asked Futian Xin’er to open the Space Gate and opened it at the Heavenly Realm 1 Heavenly Layer.

After passing through the Space Gate, Chen Xiaobei straightened out all Heavenly Soldiers who guarded the Tianmen.

The first to fly up was Chen Zhongfu and Zhang Cui’e. 2 They always took the flying up Elixir without having to be frightened by Thunder Tribulation. They arrived at Heavenly Realm smoothly and smoothly!

Chen Xiaobei briefly exchanged a few words with 2 old men and they will let them enter the Jianmu world first.

The next person to soar is Lu Bu, Diao Chan, Zhao Yun, Xiang Yu, Ying Zheng.

They each had a Heavenly Immortal device in their hands, with no scars on their bodies. Obviously, Crossing Tribulation was very easy for them.

After the greeting, they also entered the Jianmu World.

And then soaring, it is Song Qingcheng, Linxiang, Murong Xiaoyao, Murong Tian, ​​they are relatively difficult to ascend, but, with the Heavenly Immortal body protection provided by Chen Xiaobei, it is naturally safe and sound, soaring smoothly.

After they entered the Jianmu world, they successively soared many important figures related to Chen Xiaobei.

These people have also entered the Jianmu world.

In the end, there were 7 people soaring smoothly. They were naturally Chen Xiaobei’s 7 Direct Disciple in Human Realm.

They are also very easy to ascend, the reason why they came up in the end is just to be responsible for the queen’s all.

“its not right!”

However, after seeing the 7 Direct Disciple, Chen Xiaobei immediately became nervous: “What about Bodhi and child??”


The Great Disciple Feng Qingyang expression was shocked and said with amazement: “Bodhi Young Lady and child have taken Elixir. Together with your parents, Master, the first batch will rise!”

“I didn’t see them! The first batch of them came up, only my parents!” Chen Xiaobei panicked completely, his face changed drastically, his pupils shrank, and an ominous hunch burst out instantly.

Before, Futian Xin’er said that there was something to happen before Chen Xiaobei hadn’t taken it seriously.

didn’t expect, something happened so quickly!

And it is still enough to make Chen Xiaobei worry about the extreme trend!

My wife and child are gone! How else to play?


Chen Xiaobei 2 Without saying a word, immediately took out the peeping heavenly saint, and urged the ability, looking for Luo Puti.

But, strangely, simply cannot find Luo Puti.

“No! They both took Felix Elixir, but they disappeared out of thin air! Does it mean that those 2 Felix Elixir have a problem? They were killed!?”

Chen Xiaobei was nervous all over.

This is a result that he absolutely cannot accept. If this is the case, he may collapse completely.

Of course, Chen Xiaobei’s state of mind is still very strong, in this situation, there is still no mess.

He immediately took out the summoning Yufu and contacted Yama.

Chen Xiaobei: Old Brother! Hurry up and look up the lifespan of Luo Puti and my child! Human life is a dead end! most urgent! ! !

Yama: Good! Wait a minute…

Yama: I found out that Luo Puti’s lifespan is the same as the world!

Chen Xiaobei: What! ? ? (Startled) Life with the world! ? How could this be? ?

Yama: The reason I am not understood, maybe because of the special Bloodline, maybe because of the special physique, or maybe for other reasons…

Chen Xiaobei: Right! Old Brother Have you ever heard of the Saints?

Yama: Lord? I never heard……

Chen Xiaobei: Perhaps, Bodhi’s lifespan is related to her race! At the beginning, Mo Luo Wu Tian had plot against and wanted to capture Bodhi!

Yama: You have to ask Saint about this. At this level, I have no clue.

Chen Xiaobei: All right! As long as the bodhi is alive, everything is easy to say! In addition, have you found the child’s lifespan?

Yama: No… You haven’t named the child yet. In the “Life and Death Book”, the unnamed child is recorded as nameless! You can’t find it until you have taken your name!

Chen Xiaobei: I don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl, and I can’t take the name…

Yama: Then wait! Mother is okay, child is not dangerous!

Chen Xiaobei: Good! Then wait!

After exiting the private chat with Yama, Chen Xiaobei quickly contacted Zhuo Tiaoist again.

Chen Xiaobei: I want to mention Saint! Have you ever heard of the princes?

Probably mention: Saint! ? I have heard of this, but this race was extinct 100000000 trillion years ago!

Chen Xiaobei: Tell me about the story of this race!

Probably mention: the world is first opened, 10000 people are born! The princes, with their superior ability, can ignore all Primordial Spirit ability, and the long lifespan and amazing cultivation speed will soon reveal an unparalleled edge!

Zhun Ti: Of course, soon, they were spotted by Heavenly Dao. After being plot against, the whole family became extinct! One is not left! In the following years, no one will ever mention the word sage 2, where did you hear it from?

Chen Xiaobei: Frankly, my wife is the remnant Bloodline of the clergy! There is also my child, and some bloodlines of the clergy! I let his mom eat Soul Elixir, and I planned to soar today, but after they had eaten Soul Elixir, people didn’t come to Heavenly Realm. I searched through the Heavenly Saint Rune and found no trace of them!

Precise mention: Don’t worry! The power of the Saint Family is far beyond your imagination! Even if they are extinct, they will have a way to protect their descendants!

Precise mention: Even, there is a possibility that the sage of Heavenly Realm has not been completely extinct! It was they who took the people directly through Heavenly Tribulation!

Chen Xiaobei: Do they really have this strength?

Quasi mention: Of course! The clansman is the earliest force to destroy Heavenly Dao! It can be seen that their strength and heritage can surpass any Saint Great Church! They can’t find them even if they glance at Heavenly Saint Rune! Trifling Heavenly Tribulation, how can they stop them from taking people away?

Chen Xiaobei: However, even if Bodhi and child are really taken away by clansman, I still can’t feel at ease!

Standard mention: This can only be adjusted by yourself! After all, now we have no clue! No matter how restless you are, it won’t help! It might as well take care of the things in front of you! Waiting for you to be strong enough, perhaps, the clergy will come to you by themselves!

Chen Xiaobei: Looking for me? Will they come to me?

Quasi mention: Of course! They have a genocide with Heavenly Dao! When you are strong enough to help them get revenge, they will naturally come to you!

Chen Xiaobei: I get it! I went to Hongmeng Monster Realm and snatched the East King Bell!

Quasi mention: Ruzi can be taught too! Take Red Envelope! I have prepared a few cards for you. At a critical moment, I might be able to help you!

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