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Subsequently, Chen Xiaobei returned to Jianmu World.

At this moment, everyone was anxiously waiting there. As soon as he saw Chen Xiaobei appear, he was so excited that he yelled.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, Chen Xiaobei faced the red cloud alone, and it was definitely an unsolvable death with ten deaths without life.

However, at this moment, Chen Xiaobei came out intact.

For everyone, this is definitely a super huge surprise! It has a very strong impact on their hearts! They even make them unbelievable!

Then, Chen Xiaobei probably explained to them what happened just now.

Everyone was another super surprise. Didn’t expect, Chen Xiaobei not only killed the red cloud, but also won the Pangu ancestor inheritance.

Then, Futian Xin’er opened the door of Jianmu World to Heavenly Realm.

Chen Xiaobei can connect to Three Realms Immortal Network through the opened door and try to contact Daoist.

Chen Xiaobei: I want to mention Saint! I’ve got the red cloud, and I got the inheritance of Pangu ancestor! The point is, I also got a Pangu axe fragment!

Quasi mention Daoist: Very good! very good! Heavenspan’s vision is so toxic! I can find you such a Disciple! With Pangu ancestor inheritance, there are infinite possibilities! I have even begun to look forward to the volume of robbery as soon as possible!

Chen Xiaobei: Yes, but I mainly want to ask you about Pangu axe fragments! My Master always wanted to find Pangu axe fragments, but he didn’t say any specific purpose! This fragmentation level is too high, I can’t devour it, I can’t refining it, I don’t know what it is for?

Quasi mention Daoist: Maybe you don’t know yet, after the Pangu axe shattered, the largest 3 pieces became the earliest and most powerful Primal Chaos treasure! Pangu streamer! Taiji picture! And Primal Chaos Bell, also known as the Eastern King Bell!

Chen Xiaobei: I seem to have heard about this. Do you mean that the use of Pangu axe fragments is related to these 3 treasures?

Daoist: Yes! Pangu axe fragments are closely related to these 3 treasures of same root with different branches! Can guide you to find these 3 treasures!

Chen Xiaobei: So, Master is looking for Pangu axe fragments, in fact, to let me find the 3 greatest treasures?

Quasi mention Daoist: No! Pangu streamer is in the hands of Primeval Lord of Heaven! Taiji is the trump card of The Grand Supreme Elderly Lord! You don’t need to find these 2 treasures, you won’t get them!

Chen Xiaobei: I get it! ! ! Master means, let me use the guidance of Pangu Axe Shards to find Donghuang Bell!

Daoist: Yes! Heavenspan is for this purpose! After all, he definitely wants you to be sanctified! If you want to be sanctified and do not want to be controlled by Heavenly Dao, the only way is Force Prove Dao! Donghuang Bell is essential!

Chen Xiaobei: Now that the Pangu Axe Fragment is in hand, I will simply go to the Monster Realm in Hongmeng to see if I can get Donghuangzhong! “

Quasi mention Daoist: You have to think carefully about this matter and make sufficient preparations before taking action!

Chen Xiaobei: What’s wrong? Are there any variables?

Daoist: Yes! The immeasurable imminent imminent, all influences are thinking of the East Emperor Bell! To the best of my knowledge, Illustrated has sent 2 out of 3 Golden Immortal, brought a large number of Illustrated students, and reincarnated Ancient Immortal to Hongmeng Monster Realm!

Quasi mention of Daoist: In addition, the West teaches Daoist to send 3 Buddhas, and a large number of reincarnated Ancient Immortal! I have already gone to Monster Realm!

Quasi mention Daoist: These 2 are hard on the surface, and there are still some secret forces. Although I don’t know which one, but I can be sure that such forces must exist!

There is no doubt that Daoist is really smart.

What he said, the forces of covert operations include Liu Xuanxin and Yan Lingshi sent by Empress Nuwa. Moreover, a mysterious Monster Race giant will probably take action.

It can even be said without exaggeration that before the question of the ownership of Donghuang Zhong is determined, Hongmeng Monster Realm will fall into an unprecedented chaos.

Chen Xiaobei: It seems that I want to get Donghuang Bell, which is far from being as simple as I thought!

Quasi mention Daoist: more than not simple? It is as difficult as heavenly ascension! In addition to all influence snatching, hiding the East Emperor Bell and protecting the array of East Emperor Bell is Heavenly Dao’s personal arrangement! Even me, I don’t know how to break the formation!

As Zhuo Ti Daoist said, the East Emperor Bell was used by Heavenly Dao to suppress Hongmeng World.

Unless Heavenly Dao approves, no one can find it, even if it can be found, it is easily taken away.

Chen Xiaobei: This is very contradictory! If no one can break the Heavenly Dao array! So, what’s the need for all influence to find Dong Huang Zhong? I found it, but I couldn’t get it. It makes no sense at all!

Daoist: be that as it may, but Heavenly Dao has never said that it is forbidden to go to the East King! 10000 One, if someone finds the East Emperor Bell and can be approved by Heavenly Dao, then it is possible to get the East Emperor Bell, or even be directly sanctified!

Chen Xiaobei: This… (startled) According to this saying, the East Emperor Bell is equivalent to a test set by Heavenly Dao. If someone can complete the test, maybe Heavenly Dao will take the fancy!

Quasi mention Daoist: That’s right! Three of the 2 Golden Immortal out of the sect are Guang Chengzi, scheduled real person, and fear of leaving grandson!

Quasi mention Daoist: Among them, Guang Chengzi and jade cauldron real people, both have great talents and great opportunities, and they can all prosely be holy!

Chen Xiaobei: Yes! Empress Nuwa gave me a list of possible saints before! There are these two people in it! But what about the fear of leaving grandchildren? Why did he go? (alert)

Proper mention of Daoist: Fear of leaving Sun proficient in Strange Escape Gate A, the seal of the spell, he is going to help! If necessary, he still has to rely on him to solve the problem!

Chen Xiaobei: I have determined before that Fear of Sun has been refused to educate, his real master, is a extremely mysterious Monster Race giant! It seems that the explanation has been plot against!

Quasi mention Daoist: Sure enough, it’s an undercurrent!

Chen Xiaobei: Asked again, what about Western teaching? I remember that Empress Nuwa mentioned that people who have the chance to be sanctified in the West have Bodhisattva Guanyin, Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, and Maitreya!

Zhuo Daoist: Only Maitreya came and went this time, and the other 2 Buddhas, like Fear of Grandchildren, played a supporting role!

Zhuo Daoist: Of course, as I said just now, they also brought a lot of reincarnated Ancient Immortal! Among them, Profound Nether and West Emperor Jun are both present, and these two people also have the potential to be sanctified!

Chen Xiaobei: I get it! Right now, Heavenly Dao is eager to promote 2 new saints to replace my Master and Empress Nuwa! No wonder all influence must choose at this time to start!

Quasi mention Daoist: Right! I suddenly remembered an important thing to ask you!

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