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As a result, Pangu Zusheng was recognized by Primal Chaos Azure Lotus!

He entered Azure Lotus and went to another mysterious world!

In that world, he was cultivated for trillions of trillions of years, experienced countless trials of life and death, and tried his best to assist in continuous cultivation. In the end, he had the strength to fight Heavenly Dao!

Then, he got Pangu axe again because of a huge great opportunity!

Finally, he returned to Primal Chaos through Primal Chaos Azure Lotus!

Waving the Pangu axe in his hand, he suddenly cut Primal Chaos, and divided the obscure world into divided two!

However, he found that this is not enough!

The entire space is still a dark place, and the Primal Chaos will be gradually restored!

More importantly, there is no change in all beings here, it is still like a maggot, and the aimless creep in the mixed movement is still the energy source of Heavenly Dao captive!

Pangu knows that to completely change, Heavenly Dao must be removed!

So he tried his best, even his life, brandished the Pangu axe, chopped over Primal Chaos, and suppressed all the jade dishes!

hong long long! ! ! ! !

With a destroying heaven extinguishing earth-like pop!

Pangu put together a blow of his life, and completely smashed the jade dish!

However, it is a pity that the jade dish of the chemical industry has sealed 50 Hongmeng Purple Qi, which is so powerful that Pangu never thought of it!

Therefore, the price of crushing the jade dish is Pangu’s death and the collapse of Pangu’s axe!

In the end, Pangu didn’t even see Heavenly Dao.

of course!

Pangu’s death is by no means worthless!

The jade dish was broken, the “cage” designed by Heavenly Dao, there was a huge loophole, which prevented Primal Chaos from reuniting again!

Before Pangu died, he had already made preparations and even thought about all plans!

He cultivated a “Holy Technique” and sacrificed his body!

His eyes turned into sun and moon! Turn your pores into stars!

Since then, this New World has been divided into heaven and earth, Yin and Yang black and white!

His body turned into the Great Desolate continent! The hair became grass and the skeleton became the mountain range! Blood flow became rivers! Bone marrow turns into spirit vein!

Since then, all 10000 living beings have a place of standing cones!

His Primordial Spirit and Soul have become the laws of New World!

Since then, the newly born creatures have wisdom, eyes, ears, nose and tongue!

When the picture arrived here, it came to an abrupt end!

Obviously, Pangu Zusheng has given everything he has done, and has done everything he can. As for the subsequent things, he must be handed over to his successor!

Therefore, Ancestor Pangu left an inheritance and waited for someone who could inherit his will!

His will is to overthrow Heavenly Dao and liberate all beings!

“Hu … Pangu Zusheng is so great…”

Chen Xiaobei put out a long breath, sighed from the heart, said: “If there is no Pangu ancestor’s resistance, there will be no Pangu ancestor’s selfless sacrifice, all the souls in the world will be confined by Heavenly Dao like maggots, Heavenly Dao sucks blood and sucks the bone without knowing it!”

“Although Pangu Zusheng failed to defeat Heavenly Dao in the end, he used his life to split heaven and earth apart to create New World, and won a glimmer of survival for our future generations! Heavenly Dao, liberate all beings! And this is the will of Pangu’s ancestors!”


Thinking of this, the bloody light sphere in the sky suddenly changed!

This light ball is like knowing the thoughts in Chen Xiaobei’s heart, knowing that Chen Xiaobei fully agrees with the will of Pangu’s ancestor! I even know that Chen Xiaobei will use his life to fight Heavenly Dao like Panzu!

So, this bloody light ball, agreed with Chen Xiaobei!

“Wow … Wow … Wow …”

The next moment, with Chen Xiaobei as the center, a terrifying scary hurricane broke out in an instant!

At the same time, the bloody sphere of light expands infinitely, like a waterfall flying down the stream, injecting the inheritance of Pangu ancestor’s essence into Chen Xiaobei’s within the body!

As long as the inheritance is over, Chen Xiaobei will become the true heir of Pangu’s ancestors!

Within the body of Bloodline, mysterious changes also occur!

Derived Ancestral Bloodline!

Of course, inheritance is a long process.

In the process, Chen Xiaobei thought of many things again!

“Although the world’s creatures have wisdom and more freedom now! But, to put it bluntly, they are still in the cage of Heavenly Dao! They are firmly controlled by Heavenly Dao, and they are still absorbed by Heavenly Dao!”

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei’s judgment is completely correct!

Pangu’s ancestors’ struggle, bluntly, just transformed the cage, not at all truly liberating all beings!

Because of this, Heavenly Dao did not kill to the last one!

Even Heavenly Dao disguised himself with justice and kindness, so that all beings are willing to surrender and awe!

Because of this, Heavenly Dao did not kill Heavenspan Cult Master and Empress Nuwa!

The more powerful creatures, the more energy can be provided to Heavenly Dao. Before there is no substitute, Heavenspan Cult Master and Empress Nuwa both have use value!

Of course, Pangu’s ancestors changed the cage, which caused Heavenly Dao no small trouble!

That is, with the flow of time, more and more people threatening Heavenly Dao will appear!

Rahu! Hongjun! Hongmeng Monster Race…These are the first people who might threaten Heavenly Dao!

Hongjun chose to surrender and became Sage Heavenly Dao, and has survived to this day.

Others who have not surrendered are impossible to sanctify, and even most of them have died.

Afterwards, Dragon Race, Phoenix Clan, and Qilin clan may all threaten Heavenly Dao. As a result, Heavenly Dao secretly planned the first innumerable robbery, making the 3 clan bloody battle, almost extinct!

Afterwards, Taiyi Monster Race and the Maori have risen strongly, and Heavenly Dao has boosted the situation again, bringing out the second innumerable robbery, which makes both sides suffer from both sides suffer.

After that, Section Cult suddenly emerged, and 10000 immortals came! Even if Heavenspan Cult Master has surrendered to Heavenly Dao, but still suffered the disaster of extinction! 4 Sage Heavenly Dao teamed up to break the Immortal Executing Sword Formation, 10000 cents, so that the Section Cult disciple was completely dispersed, leaving only Heavenspan Cult Master!

It can be seen that Heavenly Dao is very worried, and there will be another figure like Pangu Zusheng!

Therefore, as long as any force and anyone have a little bit of such signs, Heavenly Dao will conduct relentless repression! Would rather kill 100000000 10000 by mistake, it is also good to put one!

This! It is the essence of immeasurable quantity!

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaobei finally understood why Heavenspan Cult Master would say that when the last Primal Chaos Azure Lotus Seed blossomed, it was the fourth time the immeasurable robbery came!

That’s because, once Zhutian Purple Lotus blooms, the owner of this Holy Lotus will become the target of Heavenly Dao to eradicate!

And everyone related to this person will be irreconcilable!

This is the fourth innumerable robbery!

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