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“You know my First Senior Brother!?”

Zipeng Shengzun was also dumbfounded, his complexion involuntarily: “However, this is not surprising, after all, my First Senior Brother was also a Section Cult Disciple! And it is one of the 7 attendants who always accompany Heavenspan Cult Master!”

“7 Attendant!?”

Chen Xiaobei settled down and said, “I just probably heard the name of Long-eared Dingguangxian, but I don’t know anything about him! You can tell me specifically! No oil or vinegar, let alone omission!”


The truth about Zi Peng Sheng Zun gave himself a slap in the face, so what kind of mouth? If this is not done, you will offend First Senior Brother, which is ultimately a loss-making business.

However, at this moment, the life of Zipeng Lord is in the hands of Chen Xiaobei, so dare not say anything. Moreover, Chen Xiaobei can be verified afterwards. His Zipeng Lord did not dare to lie, and could only obediently and honestly explain.

“The so-called 7 attendant is the Section Cult Disciple that Heavenspan Cult Master highly trusts. Although it is not a Direct Disciple, it has been serving beside Heavenspan Cult Master all the year round. Its status and culture are extremely high!”

“Long Er Ding Guang Xian ranks 7th among the 7 attendants. Because of his young age, Heavenspan Cult Master cares more about him and is especially good to him! No! To be precise, it should be very very good to him!”

“You know, the prototype of the fairy body with long ears is the most common hare. The aptitude is extremely mediocre! But forcibly under the training of Heavenspan Cult Master, he embarked on the super high realm of 7-Star Quasi Sage!”

“Imagine how much energy Heavenspan Cult Master has invested in him! How many resources! It is even comparable to the real Direct Disciple!”

“Isn’t it? After betraying Section Cult, 100000000 million years passed, and Cultivation of Long-eared Dingguangxian didn’t rise at all, and he was still standing still! He was also a self-inflicted retribution!”

Lord Zipeng slowly told what he knew.

When he said the word’betrayed’, Chen Xiaobei’s complexion suddenly fell.

“What!? He betrayed Section Cult!? Betrayed my Master!?”

Chen Xiaobei was originally a person of value emotion, value friendship, and the one he hated most was the traitor.

Even more how, if Heavenspan Cult Master is not good for the long-eared Dingguang Xian, he will betray that’s all.

However, Heavenspan Cult Master has added to the long ear Dingguang immortal encounter, and it can even be said to be a reincarnation of Entong! However, his long-eared ears must betray Heavenspan Cult Master, which is simply a wolf heart, no! He is not as good as a dog!

The dog is full and can shake his tail.

His long-eared Ding Guangxian was fed, but he chose to betray.

“Say! What did he do!”

Chen Xiaobei’s aura settled down, and the terrible coercion suddenly dispersed the entire space, as if Demon God came into the world, terrified.


Zipeng Shengzun forcibly took a breath in shock, his heart jumped, his face suddenly changed, and he took a few deep breaths before he could barely adapt to Chen Xiaobei’s coercion.

“To speak of which, this long-eared fixed light fairy is really strange…”

Zipeng Shengzun recalled: “At that time, it was the third innumerable disaster, the most critical moment of Section Cult and the interpretation war! Heavenspan Cult Master’s “Immortal Executing Sword Formation” was joined by 3 Saints plus 4 2 Golden Immortal Crack!”

“However, Heavenspan Cult Master has a second move, “10000 Celestial Great Formation”! This large formation was created by Heavenspan Cult Master himself, with its own core as the formation eye! The horror of power, even in “Immortal Executing Sword Formation” “On top!”

“At that time, Heavenspan Cult Master led 10000 Disciples to form “10000 Immortal Formation”! The weakest people in the formation were all high-level Great Principle Golden Immortal, that is, high-level mythical gods! array power is enough to suppress the power of the 4 Holy Teams !Surely win!”

“But no one didn’t expect, there was a traitor in the battle! It was the long-eared fixed light fairy! Heavenspan Cult Master trusted him very much and gave him the Holy Artifact 6 Soul streamer!”

“And the 6 Soul streamers are guarding it is the second formation eye of the second only to the core formation eye in “10000 Immortal Great Formation”!”

“The long-eared Dingguang Xian fled with 6 Soul streamers during the war and surrendered to the Western religion! The 2nd formation eye immediately collapsed, plus Section Cult’s first use of “10000 Xian Da Zhen” did not cooperate well, In the end, the big formation was defeated by the 4 Holy Team!”

“In this way, Section Cult completely lost the strongest trump card and was defeated! The 10000 Disciples were either killed or captured by the enemy and controlled. Only a few people escaped… After that, Exalted Immortal Xiaobei you should Just understood…”

Zipeng Shengzun took a deep breath and felt that he was a little difficult to resist Chen Xiaobei’s increasingly strong coercion.

This coercion is even comparable to the magician Kunpeng!

It’s incredible!

“Such dog thief, I must tell him not to die!”

Chen Xiaobei complexion is gloomy, and the dark black eyes are full of gray and black, enough to make people lose their sharp awns, as if they can penetrate time and space and crush the universe, even if Myriad Realms collapses, it cannot change his killing intent!

“Exalted Immortal Xiaobei is angry… I… I still hold the Qiankun Purple Flame Lupin… 10000000 Don’t accidentally hurt me by fire…”

Lord Zi Peng was really pressed down by Chen Xiaobei’s coercion. Fearing that Chen Xiaobei would lose his mind, he would directly kill him.

“You can rest assured! I am not a brave man with no courage!”

Chen Xiaobei set his mind, and his anger returned to his anger, but he would never lose his mind: “speaking of which, this long-eared Dingguang immortal, and your Master Kunpeng, have several points of similarity!”

“Similar? What do you mean by this?” Zipeng Saint said puzzled.

“Kunpeng betrayed Taiyi at the key point of Lich’s war! Long ear Dingguangxian betrayed my Master at the key point of the war!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed, and he immediately made a judgment: “Perhaps, they are all subject to Heavenly Dao’s will! Therefore, they would betray themselves in a battle that could have been won! The endings are all in favor of Heavenly Dao. Orientation!”

“Exalted Immortal Xiaobei! You want to die?”

Venerable Zipeng took a breath and quickly said, “Here is Heavenly Realm! You keep on saying that Heavenly Dao will be condemned!”

Chen Xiaobei smiled: “Oh, Heavenly Dao doesn’t know my existence at all, otherwise, can I still talk to you alive?”

“This this……”

Venerable Zipeng was stunned for a moment, and was shocked: “Yes! Why Heavenly Dao doesn’t know about your existence? Why doesn’t Sage Heavenly Dao know that you are still alive? This… why is this?”

“Hehe, this is not the question you should ask!” Chen Xiaobei indifferently said.

“Yes, yes… I have a lot of talk…” Zipeng Shengzun swallowed saliva and said, which one has a little more nonsense?

In his view, Chen Xiaobei has the ability to hide Heavenly Dao, but he is afraid of hiding more horrible means.

Chen Xiaobei must never be provoke!

“How should I deal with the long-eared light fairy?”

Chen Xiaobei looked at the empty treasure chest before his eyes, and suddenly his eyes lit up: “hmph hmph! I suddenly had a bold idea!”

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