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With Heavenly Immortal realm breakthrough, Xiao’er’s body shone ten thousand zhang golden light, a little sun like a golden, instantly shining the dim Underground City in a bright light!

In this golden light of dazzling, the second pair of cicada wings appeared slowly on Xiao’er’s back.

crystal clear and near-transparent, slim and bright!

From this moment, Xiao’er already has 4 wings, which is a step closer to the shape of the 2 1 wings from Perfection.

“Golden Cicada Great Sage ……Golden Cicada Great Sage ……Golden Cicada Great Sage ……”

Seeing the scene before me, the number of onlookers on the scene of 10000000 million people all began to call Xiao’er the title.

At the same time, what is happening here is spreading to every corner of the entire Underground City at the speed of fast as lightning.

More and more people are kneeling on the ground, even if they are 10,000,000 li apart, they will still move towards Xiao’er’s direction, kneel down and worship, paying tribute to the most devout respect.

“This… how is this possible!?”

1000 Emperor Ling Ling was completely stunned, and the pace of attack was frozen.

With Xiao’er’s realm breakthrough, the pressure and breath of his body skyrocketed more than 100 times.

It is as strong as 1000 eyes of Emperor Ling, and the state of mind is shocked again.

“Imperial Father! Quick! Get started! It’s just 1–Star Heavenly Immortal realm, it’s not a worry at all! However, once the 100 surnames of the whole family are overwhelmed by him, we will lose people’s hearts and lose all power and honor! “

At the same time, the 1000 mesh Crown Prince shouted almost crazy.

As he said, if people lose their hearts, their Imperial Family will lose many, many things.

Even more how, if Xiao’er is not killed at this moment, even this entire planet may be completely changed!

“en! ?”

Of course, Xiao’er heard Crown Prince’s shouting of 1000 eyes, and he was so uncomfortable that he glared at him.

In an instant, the terrifying pressure on Xiao’er’s body and the supreme imposing manner of the insect race Great Sage were instantly like mountains and seas, moved towards 1000 mesh Crown Prince.


1000 mesh Crown Prince instantly felt shocked by electric shock, feeling that his state of mind may collapse at any time!

His eyes glared like a bull’s eye, his entire face was twisted, his chest was extremely depressed, and he felt that the heart was about to stop beating, and even breathing was about to freeze.

“Want to break my state of mind! you are courting death!!!”

1000 Emperor Lingling set his mind and launched the offensive again, moved towards Xiao’er and rushed past.

There is no doubt that the 1000-head Ling Huang and the 1000-head Crown Prince think exactly the same, as long as Xiao’er is removed, you can have everything in your hands.

Even more how, at this moment Xiao’er has threatened the 1000 mesh Crown Prince, but it must be removed.


However, even 1000 Emperor Ling could not even dream, Xiao’er broke through 1–Star Heavenly Immortal realm, just started!

As the fluctuation of the cents gradually became stronger, an obvious leap suddenly broke out!

2–Star Heavenly Immortal realm, breakthrough! ! !

In an instant, the golden light on Xiao’er’s body became stronger. The existing 4 wings became brighter and brighter, and even the whole figure grew up in a circle, becoming the size of an egg.

The golden armor on his body became bigger and stronger, and the edges, claws, fangs, and fangs became sharper and more showing off one’s ability.

“Break through 2 great realm!? This… how is this possible!?”

1000 The Emperor Ling was dumbfounded, and he couldn’t even dream about it, Xiao’er could still break through.

All of a sudden, the 1000-eyed Crown Prince is a shocked look pale, dumbstruck, and the 100 surnames on the entire planet are extremely worshipped by Xiao’er, even as godly as a god!

“The Emperor will kill you!!!”

1000 Emperor Ling’s own state of mind has also been greatly shaken. At the same time, he is more aware of the seriousness of the situation.

If Xiao’er is not removed, not only the empire will be changed, I am afraid that his emperor will die without a burial site!


However, the voice of the 1000 eyes of Emperor Ling has not fallen, and Xiao’er once experienced a strong wave of soaring cents.

3–Star Heavenly Immortal realm, breakthrough! ! !

“Gosh… isn’t the emperor dreaming!?”

1000 Mu Ling Emperor took a breath, and his mood was instantly shocked by a thousand times burst, and the whole person was stiff in place.

“Xiao’er is too fierce!”

At the same time, Six-Eared Macaque has been dumbfounded: “Even breaking 3rd-layer great realm! This is the rhythm of going against the sky!”

“But… even if you break the 3rd-layer great realm, you still can’t solve the problem…”

Song Qingcheng’s eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and on her pretty and charming face, there was a sudden and extreme shock: “Could it be said that Xiao’er can continue to break through?”


Sure enough, as Song Qingcheng expected, Xiao’er’s body once again exploded in soaring cents!

4–Star Heavenly Immortal realm, breakthrough! ! !

“This … this this this …”

At this point, the state of mind of the 1000-eyed emperor has reached the brink of collapse.

dignified 6–Star Heavenly Immortal class clan Sovereign, at the moment, was actually dumbstruck, not keeping his soul, even his legs were soft and weak, unable to bear wanted to kneel towards Xiao’er!

You know, Xiao’er’s aura and coercion will increase 100 times with every breakthrough! This is the larvae of the insect race Great Sage, innately has the heritage and talent to deter any insect race!

At this moment, just after breaking through 4–Star Heavenly Immortal realm, you can directly deter 1000 eyes of Emperor Ling Emperor!

It can be seen how great Xiao’er is!

However, it is not over yet!


Once again the cents soared, and Xiao’er broke into Five Elements Heavenly Immortal realm directly! ! !


At the same time, the state of mind of the 1000-eyed Emperor collapsed completely, and the whole portrait seemed to be emptied of his soul, and he kneeled involuntarily.

At this moment, even if Chen Xiaobei took a knife and cut off his head, he will not have any reaction.

On the other side, the 1000-eyed Crown Prince had already been blown away by the deterred state of mind. The whole person fell into a coma, rolled his eyes, foamed in his mouth, and his body twitched violently from time to time.

“Cut! 2 wastes, can’t even keep my heart, and want to kill me? It’s ridiculous!”

The golden light on Xiao’er’s body gradually converged, slowly falling back to Chen Xiaobei’s shoulder.

Obviously, even breaking the 5th layer great realm has exhausted its energy within the body, and this result is already good enough.

“Brother Bei, these two goods, what are you going to do with it?” Xiao’er asked.

“Slaughter it.” Chen Xiaobei shrugged, absolutely killing decisively.

These two guys just wanted to kill Xiao’er just now. It can be seen that they have no bottom line in life, and they don’t care about faith and morality.

If such a person stays, it is equivalent to leaving 2 poisonous snakes who will bite at any time!

Chen Xiaobei will not do such a stupid thing!

“How much waste is slaughtered?”

Xiao’er swallowed his mouth, bad said with a smile: “Let me eat them!”

“Eat?” Chen Xiaobei expression froze for a while and said in a hurry: “Can you eat?”

“Brother Bei don’t know yet? My Primordial Spirit ability, named…”

Xiao’er took a deep breath and instantly urged ability.

“Heaven Eats!!!”

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