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“Since you sincerely invite, then I will deference is no substitute for obedience!”

Chen Xiaobei is also polite, and under the eyes of countless people who are extremely envious, he stepped on the war chariot of Taixu Hei Kun.

In the eyes of the sea emperors, this is Supreme’s glory.

This means that at this moment, in the imperial city, Chen Xiaobei will have the same status as Taixu Black Kun Emperor. Offending Chen Xiaobei is equivalent to offending Taixu Black Kun emperor and the entire Imperial Family.

Later, Lan Mengchen, Six-Eared Macaque, and Lan Bingyan took other cars. Under the watchfulness of countless people, head to the Imperial Palace at the center of the sea imperial city.

This Imperial Palace is very huge, but it is not luxurious, but it also echoes the character of Taixu Black Kun.

Originally too imaginary, the black king wanted to set up a state banquet to catch up with Chen Xiaobei and the others.

However, Chen Xiaobei rejected his good intentions and only had a separate meeting in the living room.

“Since the young master Young Master is in a hurry, the emperor will not turn around!”

Emperor Taixun Heikun went straight to the theme and said: “The reason why the emperor invited you to Young Master into the Imperial Palace is that he hopes that the young master will be able to be a guest and stay in the emperor planet to teach medical doctors! Come to benefit more 100 surnames!”

Obviously, the sea emperor planet closed its doors and locked its country, and its medical skills were quite backward.

For a country, this is undoubtedly a huge flaw!

For this reason, the Emperor Taikun Black Kun urgently needs the help of Chen Xiaobei. As long as he can benefit 100 surnames, he can make the entire dynasty stronger.

“I must have no time to teach medicine!”

Chen Xiaobei said indifferently, “However, if you don’t dislike, I can leave a few medical books, and you can let the doctors learn by themselves! They are not incompetent people, and they can learn by spending some energy!”

“Okay! Thank you so much Young Master!”

The Emperor Taikun Black Kun was extremely happy, and even took the initiative to bow and thank Chen Xiaobei, and sincerely said: “Regardless of the merits! Since the Young Master is willing to give medical books, the emperor should also pay back accordingly! Young Master Anything you want, just say it, the emperor must agree!”

Chen Xiaobei knew the character of Emperor Taikun Hei Kun, and then bluntly said, “This is the case. In fact, I came to the Sea Emperor planet this time to find a treasure and a ruin!”

“Treasure Orb!?” Emperor Taixu Black Kun immediately tense up: “Young Master said, wouldn’t it be the Tearing the Void, the bead that brought my family endless disaster?”

“We said that it should be the same pearl!” Chen Xiaobei said: “However, in order to confirm, you still talk about the disaster that the orb brought you?”

“As you can see, our sea emperor planet is now in a state of closed doors!”

Emperor Taikun Black Kun said: “But this is not because we are unwilling to contact the outside world, but that pearl does not allow us to leave!”

“That pearl seems to define a space. The people of our sea emperor family can only leave 1000 meters away from the sea, and they can’t step outside!”

“At the same time, the pearl seems to be extremely repulsive to outsiders. Once an outsider approaches, then the pearl will descend the terrifying God Rank Thunder Tribulation out of thin air!”

“In those days, there were many Taixu Ancient Races that were closely related to our ethnic group. Business transactions, official visits, and exchanges of 100 surnames were very frequent!”

“However, since the emergence of the pearl, several thunders have come, not only causing death and injury to the 100 surnames of our family, the city was extensively destroyed, but also the aliens in the imperial city of Hai, all died here!”

“So, we have to refuse aliens to enter the sea emperor planet, this is not only to protect themselves, but also to protect others!”

As soon as this remark came out, the face of Taikun Hei Kun was full of helplessness.

Obviously, as a generation of Mingjun, he did not want to shut down the country, but the existence of pearl forced him to do so.

“Space blockade! God Rank Lei Jie! If you guessed right, this should be a simulation of Space Law of Human Realm!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed and said, “I can basically conclude that the beads you said are the gems I’m looking for!”

Obviously, the description of Taixu Heikun is very similar to that of Human Realm.

The entire Human Realm is just like the sea emperor planet. It is locked up by a huge space. Humans cannot go to Heavenly Realm or Earthly Realm freely, and can only stay within the scope of Human Realm.

At the same time, the creatures of Earthly Realm and Heavenly Realm, once they enter Human Realm, will be rejected by Human Realm, inducing 9 Heavenly Lightning Tribulation, either they leave Human Realm, or die under Thunder Tribulation, there is no third choice.

From this, it can be seen that the orb of Taixu Hei Kun said that there should be an imprint of Human Realm Space Law inside.

“What is Young Master looking for that bead?”

Emperor Taikun Hei Kun frowned and said, “You are not a member of the Imperial Family of our sea. Once you get close to the bead, you will provoke Thunder Tribulation. Not only will you die, our imperial city will also be in great trouble again!”

“Do not worry!”

Chen Xiaobei said with great confidence: “I have a way to subdue the pearl and help you solve the future problems completely, and you don’t have to shut the country down!”

“This… how is this possible!?” Taixu Heikun couldn’t believe it.

“Trust me! I won’t let you down!” Chen Xiaobei is confident, and the whole person exudes a domineering control of the whole.

“This…” Emperor Taixu Heikun was very hesitant, but the aura in Chen Xiaobei’s body, and the high charm value in Mingxing, impressed Taixu Heikun.

“Okay! The emperor is willing to believe you!” Taixu Black Kun emperor said solemnly: “What are you going to do?”

“It’s very simple, just take me over and leave the rest to me!” Chen Xiaobei smiled lightly.


Chen Xiaobei, under the leadership of Taixu Heikun, went to the absolute forbidden area in the sea imperial city.

Sure enough, a golden orb floated there. From the horrible fluctuation of spirituality, it reached 9–Star God Rank.

It is the orb that Chen Xiaobei is looking for!


Chen Xiaobei moved his mind and released Song Qingcheng from Xumi space.

Then, Chen Xiaobei burned Spiritual Power to create a space cage, temporarily covering the orb.

In this way, when Chen Xiaobei and Song Qingcheng are close, they will not be perceived by Baozhu, and Thunder Tribulation will not come down.


After Song Qingcheng communicated using the Human Sovereign rule, the word Shennong appeared in Baozhu.

This shows that Baozhu has recognized Song Qingcheng and will no longer inspire Thunder Tribulation ability to exclude outsiders.

“Shennong Orb is here! One step closer to the final victory!”

Chen Xiaobei put away Shennong’s treasure under the eyes of the stunned Emperor Hei Kun, and said, “I will take away this treasure pearl! Next, I will find a ruin!”

“What remains?”

Emperor Taikun Black Kun wondered: “On our sea emperor planet, not at all special remains…”

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