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Obviously, this little girl is the biggest victim, most sympathetic and pitiful, so her request is the most convincing.

The Taixu Black Kun Emperor is also a reasonable person, and immediately converged the fairy, giving Chen Xiaobei a chance.

This turnaround looks nothing special.

But in fact, this has a great relationship with Chen Xiaobei’s luck value and charm value.

The luck value makes things better in the midst, and the charm value makes it easier for little girls to trust Chen Xiaobei.

As long as he can practice medicine, Chen Xiaobei will never let everyone down.

“Get out of here!”

Chen Xiaobei walked over to the three medical officers and said, “Open your eyes wide and look good! I will let you know that you are 3 a frog in well!”

“You… you are so arrogant!!!”

The three medical officers were flustered and exasperated, and even screamed: “We will stare at our little boy how to heal! If the medical treatment is not good, we will definitely ask your majesty to let you not have the will to live and be unable to ask for death!”

“Shut up! It’s important to save people!” Emperor Taikun Black Kun shouted coldly.

The three medical officers immediately closed their mouths, and no longer dared to have half a nonsense.

Of course, in their hearts, they were still cursing Chen Xiaobei, and even waiting to watch Chen Xiaobei go abroad, hoping that Chen Xiaobei would fail to heal and be sentenced to death by the emperor Taikun.

“He… can he really do it…”

At the same time, Lan Bingyan’s heart is still extremely entangled, worried.

“Master, rest assured! Xiaobei must be able to do it!”

Lan Mengchen smiled and said confidently: “Not only can the Little Sister heal his eyes, but his face can also be restored!”

“This… how is this possible!?” Lan Bingyan couldn’t believe it at all.

“Brother Bei is out! Everything is possible!” Six-Eared Macaque grinned and the whole person relaxed.

Subsequently, everyone’s eyes focused on Chen Xiaobei.

Including the Taixu Black Kun Emperor, his eyes widened, and his eyes stared at Chen Xiaobei without blinking.

“”Kind Book”!”

Chen Xiaobei didn’t have any movements in his hand, but he directly activated the “Kind Book” function.

The rule of Supreme Void Universe is the same as that of Human Realm. You can start “Kongde Book”, which is much more convenient than Hongmeng Monster Realm.

“Redeem, 1 – Star Heavenly Immortal level 2 Healing Medicine Pills, 1 Yuyan Pill!”

Chen Xiaobei made a decision silently.

With Chen Xiaobei’s medicine, of course, one old and one young can be cured. However, relying solely on medicine will consume a very long time. If you use Exalted Immortal Dan, you can save a lot of time and even cure them on the spot. !

Ding-merit reward, successful exchange, deduct 3100000000 300010000 points!

Ding-current Three Realms Merits 2000597100000000 500010000 points (charm value: 200059100000000 750010000, luck value: 200059100000000 750010000)!

“Shua! Shua!”

Chen Xiaobei first took out a healing Elixir and gave it to the little girl.

Because the physical strength of the little girl’s Physique is only 9–Star Earth Immortal, Elixir’s effect is extremely obvious.

The medicine takes effect immediately, almost at the speed visible to the naked eye, so that the injuries of the little girl’s face and eyes can be recovered quickly.

Of course, after the wound on the face heals, it is inevitable to leave scars.

Chen Xiaobei let the little girl take a 1–Star Heavenly Immortal Yuyan Dan.

This level is much more powerful than the Yu Yan Dan that Chen Xiaobei made himself!

As soon as the little girl took this Heavenly Immortal Yuyan Dan, the scars on her face quickly faded and she quickly returned to smooth and fair skin!

“God! I’m really healed! Isn’t this a dream?”

The little girl recovered very quickly and has stood up herself.

She raised a pair of small hands and kept touching her cheeks. The skin that had been burned to the point of flesh and blood is now smooth and watery, even more perfect than before!

At the same time, her eyes kept glancing at all around. The original blurred vision was now clearly clear, and her eyes seemed to be unharmed.

Finally, her eyes fixed on Chen Xiaobei’s body, a pair of bright and intelligent big eyes, full of the most sincere gratitude.

“Young Master! Thank you! Your help to me is almost equivalent to giving me a new life! I really don’t know how to thank you?”

The little girl was very excited, and the expression on her face was full of admiration for Chen Xiaobei.

“This… how is this possible!?”

Seeing the scene before him, everyone around him showed a very surprised expression.

The sea emperor planet closed its doors, and the common 100 surname simply had never seen such a magical Elixir.

All of a sudden, countless lights fell on Chen Xiaobei, all filled with awe-inspiring colors, as if looking at the power of an extremely found mystery, no one of the family name Imperial Family 100 dared to despise Chen Xiaobei.

“This Young Master really is extraordinary! We brought him here, what a wise choice!” The warrior leader and the surrounding warriors felt light on their faces and raised their chests.

It was they who brought Chen Xiaobei into the imperial city of the sea. If Chen Xiaobei fails, they are sinners.

But at this moment, Chen Xiaobei succeeded, and the credit for curing the wounded also has their share.

“This…this is too awesome…”

Lan Bingyan couldn’t believe Chen Xiaobei, and was extremely worried that she would be affected by Chen Xiaobei.

But at this moment, the facts were already in front of her, and Lan Bingyan’s suspicions were all broken, which made her feel extremely embarrassed and ashamed to raise her head.

Of course, this fact also made Lan Bingyan re-recognize the essence of Chen Xiaobei.

Compared with Chen Xiaobei, Lan Bingyan feels like she is weak.

“Hmph! What a marvel!”

However, at this moment, the three medical officers said in disbelief: “Aren’t you going to show medical skills? What is the ability to take out 3 medicine pill? Rely on someone else’s medicine pill to pretend to beep, you brat want to have no shame?”

Obviously, they are very unhappy with Chen Xiaobei!

Even if Chen Xiaobei has cured people, they still have to pick bones in the eggs and say nothing to convince Chen Xiaobei!

“Okay, it’s okay to heal people. It doesn’t matter what method is used! There is an old man who has not been cured. Don’t mess up with the three of you!”

At this time, the Emperor Taikun Black Kun expressed his attitude with a solemn tone.

Obviously, the Emperor Taikun did not trust Chen Xiaobei’s medical skills, but as long as Chen Xiaobei could save people with medicine pill, that would be a good thing.

Therefore, the Emperor Taikun Black Kun will show his attitude, lest the three medical officers continue to interfere with Chen Xiaobei.

However, Chen Xiaobei smiled cynically and said, “Oh, don’t you just want to see my medicine? Open your eyes and look carefully!”


I saw that Chen Xiaobei moved his mind and directly took out the body of Dragon Felfire.


Then, under the inexplicable eyes of everyone, Chen Xiaobei took out Demon Dragon Tribulation, and cut off the right arm of Dragon Evil Fire!

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