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Obviously, although storage bracelet is important, life is more important.

Life is gone, what do you need storage bracelet for?

All of Ape Race’s top management surrendered the storage bracelet.

Even a dozen Ape Race senior storage bracelets just killed by Six-Eared Macaque were collected by them and handed over to Chen Xiaobei obediently and honestly.

In the end, Chen Xiaobei harvested 1066 storage bracelets, and kept its promise to release all the ape race seniors who were alive.

It didn’t take long.

Baoyan Spirit Monkey King took the lead to breathe, breathe one’s last.

Then, the Dark Demon King and Taixu Fight Ape King were both poisonous, and the fleshy body was killed.

You Lisha is worthy of being an ancient genius. This kind of highly poisonous man made by him is blessed by the fairy, and soon he broke the magic body and wiped out the Primordial Spirit of the Dark Demon Ape King and the Taixu Ape King.

At this point, the three Ape Race kings, all killed, body dies and Dao disappears.

“6 ears, you release the Primordial Spirit field, see if you can find Heng Yongxu a few of them.”

Chen Xiaobei gave a brief explanation, and then began to check the storage bracelet just harvested.

The storage bracelet of the Void Son has been searched by Chen Xiaobei once before, and there are only 2 pieces of 2–Star Late Stage Heavenly Immortal device, purple and green swords.

Next, there are 1060 storage bracelets of Ape Race high-level.

This resource is very rich.

First, a total of 1 billion low grade spirit jade was found, and Chen Xiaobei’s small vault instantly reached seventy two 100000000 low grade spirit jade.

Next, there are more than 100 Heavenly Immortal devices from 1–Star to 2–Star Peak Stage.

That’s right!

A full 103 pieces!

Chen Xiaobei was the first to harvest so many Heavenly Immortal devices. Although the level is not high, the number is really amazing.

Of course, that’s it again.

Only 1060 Heavenly Immortal devices were found in 103 Ape Race senior storage bracelets. Only one out of every ten people had a Heavenly Immortal device.

This shows that in the Supreme Void Universe, the Heavenly Immortal device is relatively scarce resource.

Ten high-level talents have a Heavenly Immortal device. In the hands of low- and middle-level members, I am afraid that a few 100 to 1000 talents have a Heavenly Immortal device.

However, in the final analysis, Magical Artifact is only valuable to people with low Cultivation.

For example, a 2–Star Heavenly Immortal, you give him a 1–Star Heavenly Immortal device. For him, it is completely tasteless, and he has little improvement for himself. Instead, he consumes cents to urge him.

Because of this, many people can’t find the Heavenly Immortal device that can match their own cultivation. Instead of carrying low-level ones, it is better not to bring them.

Just like Six-Eared Macaque at the moment, the 5–Star Heavenly Immortal level power is available in the wave room. If you give him a 5–Star Heavenly Immortal device, you can only add a 1% Combat Force. The cost performance is not high.

In other words, some powerful Heavenly Immortal is not incapable of getting Heavenly Immortal, but it is not necessary.

Therefore, Chen Xiaobei found 103 Heavenly Immortal devices, which is a relatively reasonable quantity.

“Crash-bang ……crash-bang ……”

Then, Chen Xiaobei took out Heaven & Earth Smelting Furnace, almost without any hesitation, and put all Heavenly Immortal devices, even the purple and blue swords of the Void, into the furnace together.

And burn Spiritual Power, take out a ray of Samadhi True Fire, and send it into the furnace.

After all, the level of Samadhi True Fire is much higher than Shamanic Dragon’s Exotic Flame, and these Heavenly Immortal devices can be refined at the fastest speed.

However, what Hong Hai’er gave Chen Xiaobei was just a kind of fire.

With Chen Xiaobei’s existing Spiritual Power, it can only spawn a very small fire and cannot form a large area of ​​damage. Otherwise, the destructive power of Samadhi True Fire will definitely exceed all Heavenly Immortal devices.

“Brother Bei! How did you refining all these Heavenly Immortal devices?”

Upon seeing this, Six-Eared Macaque couldn’t help but reveal a surprised look: “I see, there are still some good things!”

“good stuff?”

Chen Xiaobei shook the head, asked rhetorically: “Compared with Demon Dragon Tribulation, are these things good?”


Six-Eared Macaque expression froze and said: “Brother Bei, what are you kidding? Compared with the Dragon Tribulation, these Heavenly Immortal devices are simply garbage in the garbage, not worth mentioning at all!”

“Isn’t it over?”

Chen Xiaobei eyebrow raised, said with a smile: “I can’t bring Primal Chaos Blood Sword into this Supreme Void Universe this time, so upgrading the Dragon Tribulation will allow me to quickly obtain a powerful attacking Magical Artifact!”


Six-Eared Macaque nodded, said: “No matter how much Magical Artifact there is, it is always garbage! But if you can use a lot of garbage and exchange it for a boutique, it is definitely worth it! Even blood!”


Chen Xiaobei affirmed: “I had refining a lot of resources before in Monster Realm of Hongmeng. With this wave of resources, I can basically raise the Dragon Tribulation to the level of 3-Star Heavenly Immortal! Look at the follow-up, if There is something even better, the level of Demon Dragon Tribulation can continue to increase!”

After talking, Chen Xiaobei continued to search those storage bracelets.

These Ape Race executives did not disappoint Chen Xiaobei.

There are a variety of Heavenly Immortal objects, with a total of 1000 pieces, ranging from 1–Star to 3–Star Heavenly Immortal.

There are more than 1000 fairy medicine pills, which have nothing common with each other, and the levels are from 1–Star to 3–Star Heavenly Immortal.


Chen Xiaobei did not predict that all of these resources would be invested in Heaven & Earth Smelting Furnace, and then said with a smile: “This is stable! The Dragon Tribulation is enough to upgrade to 3–Star Heavenly Immortal Middle Stage!”

“Quick! Quickly look at the storage of the three Ape King Magical Artifact! There must be good things!” Six-Eared Macaque impatient said.

“it is good!”

Chen Xiaobei grinned and took out the last 3 storage bracelets.

First of all, the spirit jade of the three Ape Race kings are all used to buy the first love peach, so the total of the low grade spirit jade is less than 3, which is basically pocket money for Chen Xiaobei.

Of course, although there are few spirit jade, Chen Xiaobei directly recovered 600 first love peach!

This amount, not much, not too much, may come in handy in the future, or it may be sold to others to make a sum of money. It is definitely an income that cannot be ignored!

Then, Chen Xiaobei found a total of 3 Heavenly Immortal devices.

The Dark Demon King is a 5–Star Heavenly Immortal device, and the Blaze Monkey King and Taixu Ape King are two 2–Star Peak Stage Heavenly Immortal devices, respectively.

Obviously, these three Heavenly Immortal devices are like chicken ribs to them, so they didn’t use them.

However, for Chen Xiaobei, these three Heavenly Immortal devices are enough to make Devil Dragon Tribulation a new level.

“As long as these three Heavenly Immortal devices are refining together, the Dragon Slayer can be steadily upgraded to 3–Star Heavenly Immortal Late Stage, or even Peak Stage!”

Chen Xiaobei, without any mercy, directly put these three Heavenly Immortal devices into Heaven & Earth Smelting Furnace and refining them together.

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