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“En? What’s that?”

For a while, the attention of Dark Demon King and Taixu Ape King were attracted.

Chen Xiaobei has never seen anything in his hand.

It was a red box, only half of the palm of the hand, with a golden Tiananmen painted on it, and 2 eye-catching characters, Chinese!

All of a sudden, up to the Ape King and down to the surrounding high-rise 1000 Ape Race, they all showed their faces with bold and bold expressions.

“This is the rare treasure I have gotten out of my exhauster untold hardships, and I am ecstatic!”

Chen Xiaobei raised the small red carton in his hand and talked nonsense seriously: “The value of this treasure is higher than the top grade Xiao Peach, I promise you will like it!”

“Pu…” Six-Eared Macaque stood beside him, almost smirked.

If it weren’t for Six-Eared Macaque who lived on Earth, he really believed Chen Xiaobei’s gossip.

What bliss ecstasy?

That is a pack of Chinese cigarettes on Earth!

But having said that, Six-Eared Macaque has always been very curious, what is the taste of smoking?

However, Chen Xiaobei has always warned him that smoking is harmful to health, and don’t be addicted to eyes because of curiosity. That’s only 100 harms, and no benefit!

Six-Eared Macaque trusts Chen Xiaobei extremely, so he has never smoked a cigarette.


Chen Xiaobei obviously also knows that the enemy is too powerful to fight, so he can only outsmart it!

To open the situation with a pack of Chinese cigarettes!

“Hehe, it looks like, killing this kid, we can not only get a few billion low grade spirit jade, but also get a lot of good things! It’s so cool!”

Taixu Fighting Ape King is already extremely excited.

Obviously, he did not intend to discuss with Chen Xiaobei, but to kill Chen Xiaobei and take away everything from Chen Xiaobei.

However, Chen Xiaobei did not panic, calmly said with a smile: “Oh, don’t blame me for not reminding you that this kind of ecstasy is absolutely extraordinary! After killing me, do you know how to use it?”


After talking, Chen Xiaobei threw the pack of cigarettes in his hand.


Dark Demon King and Taixu Fighting Ape King expression were stunned for a moment, and they were speechless for a moment.

Cigarette this thing, they are unseen, unheard-of, hold it in the left and look at the right, really do not know how to start.

In their view, cigarettes are extremely priceless and unique rare treasure, for fear of being accidentally destroyed.

So much so that they studied for half a day, stunned that even the wrapping paper was not removed.

No way, in the end they can only look towards Chen Xiaobei.

“I knew you wouldn’t work!”

Chen Xiaobei flew directly over and said, “Let me teach you!”

“Okay! This King wants to see, how is this little carton bliss? How ecstatic?”

Both Dark Demon King and Taixu Fight Ape King have absolutely crushed military force, so they are not afraid of Chen Xiaobei approaching.

If Chen Xiaobei dares to play tricks, they can instantly make Chen Xiaobei die without a burial site.

“Get it.”

Chen Xiaobei took back the pack of cigarettes from the Dark Demon King and said, “You are all humanoids first! This kind of smoke is very small, and your monster is too big to taste!”

After that, the Dark Demon King and Taixu Ape King both became humanoids.

Even if they return to human form, they can still crush Chen Xiaobei without any worries at all.

“Look at it!”

Chen Xiaobei took the pack of cigarettes apart, took out two of them, and handed them to the Dark Demon King and Taixu Ape King respectively.

The two guys saw cigarettes for the first time and held them in front of their eyes for a while to observe carefully, and then took them in front of their noses to sniff the scent carefully.

“Boy! Are you kidding us?”

Dark Demon King face turned cold, said angrily: “Isn’t this just wrapped some chopped dry leaves in paper? Where is the Bliss of Ecstasy?”

“Yeah! This thing has no spirituality. Common ones can no longer be common!” Taixu Fighting Ape King said angrily: “If you dare to fight with me, Lao’zi will make you unable to eat and walk around!”

“What’s the hurry? Isn’t top grade peach peach also without spirituality? Isn’t it delicious?” Chen Xiaobei smiled lightly and extracted a special small incense burner from the space ring.

This incense burner is completely black, and it is clearly extinguished, as if something is burning.

“What is this again?”

Dark Demon King and Taixu Ape King looked towards the incense burner, and they both felt unfathomable mystery.

There is something burning in the incense burner, but there is no smoke coming out, not even any smell of burning.

“This is a lighter.”

Chen Xiaobei flickered aura, indifferently said: “You put Ecstasy Ecstasy smoke on your mouth, then move closer to incense burner fire, take a breath, you can enjoy the feeling of Ecstasy Ecstasy!”

“it is good!”

Having tried the taste of top grade Xiao Pan Tao, the Dark Demon King and Taixu Ape King are full of endless expectations for Ecstasy Smoke.

As soon as Chen Xiaobei finished speaking, they immediately followed suit.

I saw that the Dark Demon King and Taixu Fighting Ape King had cigarettes in their mouths, and then leaned on the incense burner.

As soon as 2 people inhaled, 2 cigarettes were lit.

Then, the smoke went directly into their lungs along the mouth, and nicotine and a series of special ingredients immediately gave them obvious irritation.


Dark Demon King instantly sighed.

The feeling of smoking varies from person to person, some will feel fluttering, some will feel as cool as hehehe, others will feel refreshed and comfortable, and there are other wonderful feelings.

There is a saying on Earth, a cigarette after the event, live Divine Immortal!

Because it was the first time smoking, the strange feeling was particularly strong for the Dark Demon King and Taixu Fighting King.

This feeling, they never experienced it.

novel! revel! enjoy! Finally put it down! Bit by bit, they quickly smoked their first cigarette of life!

“It’s so enjoyable! Get it soon! We want it! Come on!!!”

The Dark Demon King and Taixu Fighting Ape King have not drawn enough, and immediately asked Chen Xiaobei impatiently.

Seeing the scene before me, the more than 1000 high-rise Ape Race surroundings all showed expressions of extreme envy and eagerness, and they all wanted to taste the ecstasy of Ecstasy.

Even Six-Eared Macaque has been unable to bear and has been licking his mouth, and he really wants to get a cigarette to try.

But at this moment.

Not only did Chen Xiaobei not give smoke to the Dark Demon King and Taixu Fighting King, but instead he smiled coldly: “2 idiots, dying, do you want to smoke?”

“What are you saying!? Uh…”

The Dark Demon King and Taixu Fighting Ape King are about to get angry, and instantly feel exhausted, and a terrible pain erupts.

In the next second, 2 people covered their throats, and both spurted black blood!


Upon seeing this, Six-Eared Macaque could not help but sigh: “Brother Bei did not lie to me! Smoking is harmful to health!!!”

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