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Obviously, the current situation is very unfavorable for Six-Eared Macaque.

In this state of full-on confrontation, Six-Eared Macaque’s cents and minutes are expending huge amounts of energy, and his injuries are constantly deteriorating.

Maybe Six-Eared Macaque can still support for a while, but for a long time, he will definitely lose.

With the angry temper of the Monkey King, Six-Eared Macaque will be brutally tortured once it falls into his hands, not even have the will to live, impossible to ask for death!

“Hahaha…… Don’t waste your time! Obey and surrender! The final result is the same anyway!”

Explosive Spirit Monkey King proudly raised his chin, his face full of excitement.

In his view, this is a battle with absolutely no suspense, and the outcome from the very beginning is already doomed.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Taixu Ape King couldn’t help saying solemnly: “This guy is really loyal enough, knowing that it is a dead end, and doing unnecessary resistance!”

“It doesn’t matter…” The Dark Demon King said indifferently: “As you said, this is a pointless resistance, it can’t change any results, at most it’s a little waste of time that’s all.”

Obviously, both the Taixu Ape King and the Dark Demon Ape King also believe that this is a battle of winning and losing.

For this battle, the King of Apes believes that Six-Eared Macaque is doing unnecessary resistance, and the King of Dark Apes believes that Six-Eared Macaque is just wasting time.

These 2 ape kings have no intention of even a single shot.

After all, they are already the kings in Monster Race. They all have their own pride. They simply don’t bother to join forces to bully a weak person. That way, it will only make them laugh.

That’s right!

In their eyes, Six-Eared Macaque is a weak person! Disdain! Contempt! Even extreme contempt!

But, in the next moment, a scene that made them unimaginable appeared.

“Fire Spirit retreats!!!”

Six-Eared Macaque, which was originally suppressed, suddenly issued angry roar.

At the cost of burning a lot of Spiritual Power, he actually inspired a mysterious attack that should never belong to the Toxic Dragon King.


in an instant, the scorching blazing sun above the top of the head suddenly loosened.

At this moment, the scorching sun and the earth jail spirit jade are in a state of stalemate.

It’s as if two fists are stuck together.

If the power of one of them is greatly weakened, the result can be imagined!

“Hu wow…”

The location where the scorching sun was loose was instantly torn apart by the power of Void Domain.

The power and system collapsed instantaneously, and the scorching sun was unable to form an army. They were immediately attacked by the power of Void Domain. Not only was it suppressed in the reverse direction, but it also showed a decline.

In less than 3 seconds, the power of Void Domain, like a hot knife through butter, completely torn apart the scorching sun, and moved towards the scorching monkey king deity strikes in the past.

“This… what the hell is going on??”

Everything happened in a flash, and the Blaze Monkey King hasn’t even figured out what happened.

In the first second, he was confident and proud, and did not even take Chen Xiaobei into his eyes.

This second, in the face of the arrogant lethality of assaults the senses, no matter how fast he reacted, he was too late to defend.

“bang! !!”

Only a loud noise was heard, and the power of Void Domain was blasting on Qi Sea Dantian of the Monkey King.

Due to excessive self-confidence, Baoyan Spirit Monkey King did not even consolidate True Yuan at all.


A violent and offensive offensive, sturdy on the Qi Sea Dantian of the Monkey King, instantly caused his huge body to fly out, and blood spewed out.


Everything is in the plot against Six-Eared Macaque.

Seeing the opponent defeat, Six-Eared Macaque immediately chased after the victory.

The Dark Demon King and Taixu Fight Ape King haven’t reacted yet, Six-Eared Macaque has rushed to the side of the explosive flame monkey king.


Qi Sea Dantian of the Monkey King of the Flame Flame has been bombarded with great force, blood and flesh blurred, internal organs flowing horizontally, all fleshy body has been abandoned.

Moreover, the xianyuan ability of the Toxic Earth Dragon King can prohibit the enemy from coming out of the way.

In other words, the Primordial Spirit of the Monkey King of the Flame Flame can only be kept in the Physique that has been scrapped.

Just like fish on a cutting board, let Six-Eared Macaque slaughter.


Six-Eared Macaque runs the Immortal directly, covering the Primordial Spirit of the Blaze Monkey King, grinning said with a sneer: “You want to capture me as a hostage! Now, you have become my hostage, surprise is not unexpected? Surprise is not surprise ?”


The Flame Monkey King has lost the combat capability, and Primordial Spirit cannot escape. There is no way but to shout, “Brother! Second brother! Save me! Save me soon…”

Obviously, the only hope of the Monkey King is the Dark Demon Ape King and Taixu Ape King.

Dark Demon King is very calm, not at all eager to act, but looked towards Six-Eared Macaque, solemnly asked: “I want to know, how did you do it?”

Taixu Ape King also raised his ears, full of curiosity about Six-Eared Macaque’s counterattack.

Just now, Six-Eared Macaque has clearly been defeated and will definitely be defeated. Undoubtedly, the attack of the explosive flame monkey king was instantly relaxed, and the super strike of one strike certain kill was completed.

This result not only made the Dark Demon King and Taixu Fighting Ape King feel the ultimate shock, but also resembled loud slaps, making them red-faced and scarred.

After all, there are also 1000 high-level Ape Race executives around.

Their king also solemnly vowed a second before and decided to win. This second was directly hit by reality.

If this is spread, the faces of Dark Demon King and Taixu Ape King will be completely lost.

“How did I do it?”

Six-Eared Macaque smiled: “Say it, you may not believe it, I can control a little bit of the law of fire!”

Obviously, Six-Eared Macaque has no boasting.

Before he became the Emperor Dragon King, he still retained the form of the fire ancestor Wu Zhurong.

From Zhu Rong’s memory, Six-Eared Macaque has a profound perception and beyond understanding of the law of fire.

Just now, Six-Eared Macaque actually thought about countermeasures.

In the fight, he deliberately weakened, so that the Emperor Monkey King suppressed himself, relaxed his vigilance, and won himself a chance to counterattack.

I have to say that Six-Eared Macaque is very smart.

This move playing the pig to eat the tiger instantly reversed the decline, not only to avoid falling into the hands of the enemy, but to capture an enemy as a hostage, kill two birds with one stone.

“What!? The Law of Fire!?”

All Ape Races around showed unimaginable expressions.

The rule of control is something that only high-level gods can do.

Moreover, it must be the most cutting-edge part of the gods to be able to do it.

This is incredible!

Of course, the shock returns to the shock, and the Dark Demon King will not stop here: “Although you won a game, the result will not change!”

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