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The third target that Song Qingcheng sensed was a planet completely covered by the desert.

all around a barren, can’t see any green plants, let alone half a drop of water.

More importantly, there is no Spirit Qi on this planet, nor any valuable resources.

Obviously, as in the previous case, all resources on this planet and Spirit Qi are exhausted because of the existence of a gem.

“Is there any enemy in It shouldn’t be…”

Chen Xiaobei looked at the surrounding environment and sighed silently.

This kind of place where the bird does not shit is completely unsuitable for survival, not even for cultivation. Unless the brain has pits, it is simply impossible for someone to settle here.

“Yes! Brother Bei is very lucky! This is a waste earth planet, no one sets foot on it, naturally there will be no enemies!”

Six-Eared Macaque has the memory of Taixu Dilong King, and is very sure to give the answer.

“Very good! If there are no enemies, it will save you a lot!”

Song Qingcheng smiled and said: “Let’s go find the third orb, and then go to the next goal!”

After that, Song Qingcheng and Chen Xiaobei flew straight ahead.

In the middle of several huge sand dunes, there is a depressed basin, where the yellow sand is constantly turning like vortex.


With a wave of Song Qingcheng jade hand, Human Sovereign’s law suddenly came down and shrouded above the yellow sand vortex.

Soon, under the vortex, a white orb flew out.

After completing the communication of spirituality with Song Qingcheng, the word Shaohao appeared within Baozhu.

“This is Baidi Shaohao’s treasure orb, which contains a Law Imprint, the life of the Daoist world, which can now be put away!”

Song Qingcheng explained briefly, and used True Yuan to send Shao Hao Baozhu to Chen Xiaobei.


Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly when he was about to receive the Orb.

The trace of Purple Qi that Yan Lingshi gave before suddenly appeared to move.

Although this trace of life Qi Purple Qi can not be as aggressive as Yan Lingshi.

However, Chen Xiaobei’s instincts can also feel some good and bad signs.

“What’s wrong?” Song Qingcheng asked suspiciously.

“I feel an unclear breath…” Chen Xiaobei frowns saying: “In this matter, the disaster and the fortune depend on each other, not as smoothly as we thought!”

“The disaster is dependent on each other?” Song Qingcheng expression started slightly, and immediately became nervous: “It is a blessing to get the orb of Shaohao smoothly! Then, what is the disaster…”

“hong long long ……”

Song Qingcheng’s words did not fall, and a sensation of terrifying matchless suddenly came from behind.

A horror power of at least 5–Star Heavenly Immortal level suddenly fell from the air, and was falling where Six-Eared Macaque and the others stayed.

This force is extremely terrifying, making the entire planet tremble violently.

Moreover, with all the power falling, the pressure suddenly increased sharply, and this planet actually burst directly.

Like a stone broken by a hammer.

Fortunately, the planet at the moment was broken into countless pieces of large and small.

Destroy the planet in one blow!

This is the power Heavenly Immortal should have!

Before, Chen Xiaobei had seen a lot of Heavenly Immortal-level powers, but after those powers were issued, they had almost the same power to contend with, so, not at all appeared to smash the mainland and crush the planet.

But this time is different, the power came suddenly, and no one on the ground reacted.

In the absence of any force to resist, the terrifying power instantly shattered this planet.

“hong long long ……hong long long ……”

The terrifying explosion exploded with shock waves of cosmic storm level.

Countless fragments 4 scattered, rushing to the depths of the universe at a very fast speed.

The people in it are naturally not immune.

Void Son was seriously injured earlier. At this moment, the fleshy body and dharma body were torn apart by the blast wave of the explosion. Primordial Spirit wanted to escape, but was hit by the flying and exploding fairy, and instantly vanished.

Six-Eared Macaque is quick-sighted and recovers the storage bracelet of the void to minimize the loss.

And Twilight Night, Ling Taiji, Heng Yongxu, Dragon Evil Fire, Cultivation of 4 people are not up to 3–Star Heavenly Immortal level, although the response is extremely fast, immediately using the fairy body protection, but still broken by the shock wave, hit hard fleshy body and dharma body.

All four of them are powerless to defend himself. Although the life is still small, they are pushed directly into the Supreme Void Universe with the shock wave of the explosion.

“Brother Bei!!!”

In the end, only Six-Eared Macaque, the strongest of Cultivation, remains.

Six-Eared Macaque had no time to defend and was injured because of a sneak attack.

Fortunately, Cultivation is strong enough and the injuries are not serious.

After running the body protector, Six-Eared Macaque immediately rushed to the location of Chen Xiaobei and Song Qingcheng.

“Brother Bei!!!”

Six-Eared Macaque was very anxious, his eyes almost creaked and his heart was so tight that he almost stopped beating.

You know, Chen Xiaobei’s Physique is not as strong as Muchenye, and, without the protection of immortals, it is bound to die or die!

Song Qingcheng even Cultivation and Physique are very weak, I am afraid that they will be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in an instant, and even a trace of it will not stay!

Six-Eared Macaque is almost dying, while carrying the shock wave of riots, while frantically searching for Chen Xiaobei and Song Qingcheng, even the enemies behind him can no longer care about it.

“Shua! Shua! shua…”

As the explosion gradually subsided, there were 1000 silhouettes descending one after another.

These people Cultivation, at least 3-Star Heavenly Immortal start, the two standing at the front, all 2-Star Heavenly Immortal.

Take a closer look, they are all Ape Race Demonic beast.

The three 3–Star Heavenly Immortal are the flamboyant flaming monkey, the flaming monkey of Copper Skin & Iron Bones, and the dark flaming ape.

“It’s you !?”

Six-Eared Macaque did not find Chen Xiaobei and Song Qingcheng, but he recognized these enemies.

That’s right!

These three guys, just half a day ago, went to Chen Xiaobei to buy the first gold princess.

At that time, they bought a lot and were very generous.

didn’t expect, actually secretly stalking, followed Chen Xiaobei and the others to come here.

The purpose of the sudden attack is already obvious, which is to snatch the huge wealth of Chen Xiaobei.

“Where did the kid surnamed Chen hide?”

The Emperor Monkey King made a loud roar, his imposing manner was extremely arrogant, and his coercion was terrifying matchless.

“No comment!”

Six-Eared Macaque is loyal to Chen Xiaobei absolute death. Even if he knows it, he will not say, even more how, he did not find Chen Xiaobei at all.

“You’re so special, you’re so dead, you dare to talk hard!”

The explosive monkey king instantly murderous aura, fighting intent boiling, if there is any disagreement, war is about to start.

“Even if I die, I won’t betray brother!”

Six-Eared Macaque has a firm attitude and completely ignores the threat of the other party.

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