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“This… what is going on here?”

Chen Xiaobei and the others are 100 puzzled.

I can’t think of it. Countless years ago, the meteorites that caused a huge disaster to Dragon Race in Taixu were essentially a 9-Star God Rank Flint Orb!

“Is such that……”

Song Qingcheng set his mind and explained: “Human Realm 8 Supreme Law, among which Time Law’s imprint, is stored in this Suiren Orb!”

“So, when the Orb fell into Underground City, it was not a strange disease, but a sacrifice of the lifespan of the Dragon Race in Taixu with the ability to maintain the imprint of time!”

“Time stamp!?”

Chen Xiaobei expression was shocked, and the whole person suddenly became nervous: “Is this thing related to the humanitarian mark?”


Song Qingcheng nodded, said: “Your luck is very good, at first you found an extremely important clue! Follow this clue, you can find the humanitarian mark!”

“Quick! Quickly talk about it in detail!” Chen Xiaobei impatient asked.

Song Qingcheng’s eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, he looked at the Emperor Dragon King, intentionally lowering his voice, and said, “Human Realm 8 Supreme Law seals are stored in a gem condensed by Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors!”

“Emperor Fuxi! Earth Sovereign Shennong! Human Sovereign Flint! Huang Di Xuanyuan! Emperor Qing Yu Shun! Flame Emperor Tang Yao! Bai Di Shao Hao! Hei Di Zhuan Xu! A total of 8 orbs!”

“Apart from this, and the 9th hidden orb! Collect everything, and when 9–Star continues to bead, you can summon out the humane mark!”

Song Qingcheng has clearly figured out the ins and outs of things through spirituality communication.

“9–Star Renju!?”

Chen Xiaobei is full of complex expressions.

On the one hand, important clues and directions of action have been found.

But on the other hand, the 9th hidden gem, even Song Qingcheng, doesn’t know what it is, and I’m afraid I can’t perceive where.

Looking at it this way, it is definitely not too easy to gather 9 orbs.

Of course, in any case, things have finally made a major breakthrough, better than at first like a headless fly.


Chen Xiaobei put away the Suiren Orb, then came to Taixu Dilong King with Song Qingcheng.

“I’ve got things done, after that, you can take your clansman back to your hometown, I didn’t let you down?”

Chen Xiaobei with a light smile.

“Your bosses great magical power, This King admires it!”

Taixu Dilong King swallowed saliva and said, really convinced Chen Xiaobei by mouth.

In those days, Long Di and 108 Elder were mostly killed and wounded in order to seal the Flint Orb.

But it was good, Chen Xiaobei and Song Qingcheng as easy as blowing off dust took the Orb of Flint, even not more than 30 seconds.

After this comparison, Taixu Dilong King even more determined that Chen Xiaobei and Song Qingcheng deeply hidden must be extremely powerful superpowers.

To this end, Taixu Dilong King is really fortunate. Fortunately, he did not fight with these two powerful men just now. Otherwise, I am afraid I don’t know how I died.

“Come! This is for you!”

Chen Xiaobei moved his mind and took the white jade box out and handed it to Taixu Dilong King directly.


The King of the Toxic Earth expression was surprised for a moment, looking at the white jade box and accusing it: “We agreed before that you only gave me 5 ecstasy strips after you took things away. What does this mean now?”

Chen Xiaobei said indifferently: “Originally, I just wanted to give you 5 of them. However, I think you have a good character, reason, and commitment. You are a friend worth making, so these sad ecstasy strips are all for you. !”

“This…” Taixu Dilong can’t help swallowed saliva and said, shocked happily said: “This gift is too expensive… This King is ashamed…”

“Hold it!” Chen Xiaobei shrugged: “No matter how expensive a gift is, it’s not as good as the friendship between friends. What do you say?”

“Yes! That’s right!”

Taixu Dilong took the white jade box and said solemnly: “From now on, Your Excellency is my best friend. In the future, if you have any trouble, as long as you command, I will go through water and tread on fire. Keep your word!”

Obviously, in the eyes of King Taixu, this big box of Spicy Bar, worth 1.5 billion low grade spirit jade, is simply too expensive to describe.

Chen Xiaobei was so generous and generous, and the Dragon King was too fragile to repay Chen Xiaobei.

I have to say that Chen Xiaobei is really a man.

Sending the Spicy Bar too much to the Dragon King will make him feel comfortable and grateful.

Moreover, Chen Xiaobei’s vision of people is very accurate.

If these Spicy Bars are good for people with bad character, it is equivalent to thankless wretch, which is not good, and may even ignite.

But these Spicy Bars give people with good character, then they can exchange for a good friend of value emotion, value friendship, and at a critical moment, they can also pull themselves.

The most important thing is that Chen Xiaobei still has 1,000,000 bags of Spicy Bar in his hand, which is so small that even one hair from nine oxen can’t be counted, but it can make the Taixu Dilong King owe a huge amount of humanity, which is simply profitable!

“Old dragon king, your hometown is safe, and the food has been obtained. Should the bet between us also be fulfilled?” Six-Eared Macaque eyebrow raised, asked.


Too Void Dragon King set his mind, if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, said: “I lost just now, you can make a request at will, This King never has 2 words!”

Six-Eared Macaque grinned and said, “I want to be you!”


As soon as this remark came out, the Dragon King and Mu Chen Ye and the others were all obsessive and bold, and they didn’t understand the meaning of Six-Eared Macaque.

Only Chen Xiaobei and Song Qingcheng smiled, didn’t expect, Six-Eared Macaque actually found a transformation object.

If it can be transformed successfully, Six-Eared Macaque can have the Cultivation, Dharma Body, and Monster God prototype of the 5–Star Heavenly Immortal.

In this way, Chen Xiaobei will have an extra super bodyguard next to him! The danger in Supreme Void Universe will also be greatly reduced!

“Uh… This King can answer your request, but I don’t know, how will you become This King?”

Too badly, the Dragon King lost his gambling contract, and he still held a box of big Spicy Bar in his hand, so sorry refused at all.

“You can stand as long as you don’t resist!” Six-Eared Macaque grinned and looked away, looking towards Chen Xiaobei.

“How many spirit jade do you want?” Chen Xiaobei without the slightest hesitation.

No matter how big this investment is, Chen Xiaobei will not refuse.

“9 1 billion low grade spirit jade!” Six-Eared Macaque’s face was full of excitement, so excited.

“How much… how much!?”

As soon as this remark came out, the Dragon King and Mu Chenye and the others were almost taken away by their jaws. They couldn’t believe their ears.

Such a huge amount of wealth is equal to the sum of all the possessions of the 5 Taixu Dilong Kings! Moreover, you must smash the pot to sell iron to make up!

Chen Xiaobei can really get it alone?

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