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Cultivation of everyone is not low, and the speed is naturally very fast. After a while, we arrived at the huge Earth Palace below the planet.

It is not so much an Earth Palace as it is a huge Underground City.

Although it has been deserted for many years, the existence of street houses can still be seen. It can be seen that a large number of people lived here.

From the width of the street and the size of the house, it can be basically judged that the people who live in this Underground City are all too big Dragon Race.

“Here was the Imperial Capital, the most splendid Malay…the most prosperous, there were 1000 100000000 million clansman living here…”

Taixu Dilong King walked and said solemnly: “It is said that here is full of Spirit Qi and rich in resources, everyone is happy and happy, very happy…”

“Since this… how could it be like this now?” Chen Xiaobei asked doubtfully.

“Because of a strange meteorite…”

Taixu Dilong King’s brow furrowed and said sadly: “At that time, a meteorite dropping from the sky, penetrating the planet’s crust, fell directly into Imperial Capital!”

“No one cared about it originally, but soon, a strange disease spread among Imperial Capital. All clansman began to age very quickly, there was no medicine to cure, and they all died.”

“Soon, the Dragon Emperor and the Elder discovered that the strange disease originated from the meteorite! Because it could not be destroyed, the Dragon Emperor ordered a seal altar to seal the meteorite.”

“Although the strange disease no longer spreads, the spirit vein of this Underground City has been evacuated, and the resources on the surface and underground of the planet have been absorbed! The plants and animals are completely dead, and heavenly materials earthly treasures have become waste!”

“Compelled by circumstances, our clansman can only migrate to a nearby planet to survive, and this Underground City is completely deserted.”

The voice of the Dragon King is too low. Obviously he is very distressed about Clansman’s experience that year, and he also regrets the fall of this glorious Imperial Capital.

Of course, in the final analysis, all this is to blame the damn meteorite, unbiased, just fell here, bringing a disaster to the entire Dragon Race.

This kind of natural disaster is really sad and angry, but it is helpless.

“So, you keep this place for generations, are you reluctant to that meteorite? Or are you reluctant to your hometown?”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed and raised a somewhat sharp question.

At this time, Song Qingcheng’s eyes had been locked on the seal altar in the center of Underground City.

Obviously, what Song Qingcheng sensed was just under the altar, the meteorite that brought disaster to Dragon Race in the Touhou.

The problem of Chen Xiaobei is to test the attitude of King Taixu Dilong towards the meteorite.

“Of course we are reluctant to have the once brilliant central Imperial Capital! This is the birthplace of our people! It bears the faith and civilization of our people! We will never give up easily!”

Too Void Dragon King paused, coldly said: “As for the damn meteorite, I wish it was destroyed now! In this way, my family can return to its homeland and restore Imperial Capital to its former glory!”

“If I say, I want to find something, that is the meteorite, will you let me take it away?” Chen Xiaobei asked.


The expression of the Dragon King was too stunned, and his eyes became complicated in an instant: “I said, you are never allowed to touch the altar! Once there is a problem with the seal, the meteorite will appear again, leaving the entire space covered with strange diseases! As a result, our family will be more impossible and return to their hometown!”

“Relax, I can help you take that meteorite!” Chen Xiaobei grinned, his tone very confident.

“What? Take it away?”

Too Void Dragon King frowns saying: “This is impossible! With your Cultivation, you will be infected with strange diseases in an instant, and within ten seconds, you will be old and die!”

“Trust me!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed, and he said seriously: “You should be able to feel that I am not a common person! I am very sorry for my life. If I am not sure, I will never die in vain!”

“This…” Taixu Dilong expression slightly started.

Judging from the previous signs, Taixu Dilong certainly believes that Chen Xiaobei is a deeply hidden expert.

Moreover, the Dragon King can feel that Chen Xiaobei is very clever and definitely not a brave man.

Since Chen Xiaobei dared to face the meteorite directly, there would naturally be a way to deal with it.

The stupid thing of giving up death in vain, Dragon King believes that Chen Xiaobei will never do it.

“No need to hesitate!”

Chen Xiaobei said: “I took the meteorite, your family returned to their hometown, one move, two gains, they are all happy! This is the best choice!”

“What if I don’t agree?” Taixu Dilong King’s eyes narrowed and he didn’t want to take risks.

Not agreeing to Chen Xiaobei can at least maintain the status quo. If Chen Xiaobei was promised, if 10000 had an accident, the consequences would be unimaginable.

“If you don’t agree, let’s go to war!” Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed. Although he couldn’t fight each other, he must not show any weakness at this moment, otherwise, everything before would be abandoned.

“You…” Sure enough, the Toxic Dragon King was deterred by Chen Xiaobei’s strength, and his heart was instantly upset.

The Dragon King is too stupid to be stupid. He knows that Chen Xiaobei’s strength and heritage is far from being as simple as it seems on the surface, and even has a deep and unmeasurable feeling.

If the war is really going on, the Dragon King is too uncertain, he can have several points of victory.

Obviously, this is a huge game.

It depends on whether the Dragon King dare to fight Chen Xiaobei.

“Xiaobei, looking at him, doesn’t want to cooperate with us!”

At this time, Song Qingcheng stood up, and the female amateur aura burst into the table instantly, and said with domineering incomparably: “We must get that thing! Block me, die!”

As soon as this remark came out, the state of the Emperor’s Dragon King was too trembling.

Although Song Qingcheng does not have the special Bloodline as other people, the gas field in Song Qingcheng and a special Paragon atmosphere are absolutely impossible to compare by others.

At this moment, the Dragon King of Toxic Earth even felt that Song Qingcheng is a deep and unmeasurable existence like Chen Xiaobei!

This pair of young men and women is definitely not simple!

cannot afford to offend ah…

Too Void Dragon King has no courage to fight, said solemnly: “I promise you, but if you can’t take away the meteorite! I will declare war to you on behalf of the entire Toxic Dragon Race! irreconcilable!”

“Relax, believe me, I will never let you down!” Chen Xiaobei shrugged gave Song Qingcheng a look.

Afterwards, the two went directly to the central altar.

At the same time, Taixu Dilong King and Mu Chenye and the others retreat at a rapid speed, fearing that they will get that horrible strange disease.

“I’m so persuaded!”

Six-Eared Macaque squinted at them, said playfully with a smile: “old dragon king, dare to bet me?”

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