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“True didn’t expect, this seal stone ball was actually sent here by space turbulence. In the midst of it, it was also a great opportunity for me!”

Chen Xiaobei took a look at the seal stone ball and moved his heart. Then he charged the Yunyi token floating not far away.

There is no doubt that if it were not for the guidance of Monster Ancestor Jun Moyue, Chen Xiaobei definitely found it here, and it was even more impossible to get this token that was chased by countless people in the ancient Great Desolate period.

Although the Great Desolate continent is broken, the existence of Yunyi Immortal Palace is still unknown.

But at this time, Chen Xiaobei conquered the 4 ancient geniuses, and helped Lan Mengchen to verify the ancient Bloodline. These two gains are already huge enough. Even if Yunyi Immortal Palace no longer exists, Chen Xiaobei is still making a profit!

of course!

Chen Xiaobei’s luck is now in an unprecedented Peak Stage state. Now that he has obtained the Yunyi token, when he arrives at Heavenly Realm, according to the guidance of the token, there is a high probability that he will get more benefits!

“Okay, next, it’s time to release Jun Moyue!”

Chen Xiaobei settled down, put his hand on the seal stone ball, and communicated with the stone ball in spirituality.

Previously, the stone ball came out of an Independent Space. In the space, there was a seal array under Dao Ancestor cloth, and Futian Xin’er was the core formation eye of the array.

At this moment, the stone ball has separated from the array, and the core formation eye has also disappeared. The strength of Seal is actually extremely weak.

“break for me !”

Chen Xiaobei slammed the palm of his hand, equivalent to the power of 2–Star Heavenly Immortal Initial Stage, directly hit the stone ball.

“Ka… Ka…oh la la…”

In the next moment, the stone ball is like a broken egg, cracking countless cracks, and then falling down at any time with rustling sound.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely stunning silhouette appeared in front of Chen Xiaobei.

That’s a very beautiful top grade woman. Needless to say, the face value is a perfect score. The figure is hot enough to explode, which is extremely eye-catching.

And the biggest 2 points on her body are her long, slightly curly hair!

The hairline is all scarlet gold, exactly the same as the trace of Hongmeng flame in Chen Xiaobei’s hand! In other words, she casually pulled off a hair, all of which are 1–Star divine object!

Don’t want it.

In addition, there is no trace of clothing on her body, but her skin is covered with some special scale armor similar to dragon scales.

Overriding presents the dazzling scarlet gold, which fits her body perfectly. It looks like a set of gold leather clothing, which makes her lithe and graceful the perfect curve, convex and vividly and thoroughly.


The woman opened her eyes slowly, and they were a pair of scarlet gold eyes. They were so magical that they exuded an unimaginable aura, as if they were Supreme Existence, arrogant, and temperamental beings!

“My God… who is this woman? She looks so beautiful… but why her eyes make one feel that one’s hair stand on end…”

All of a sudden, everyone on the scene exclaimed.

At the beginning 2 3 seconds, everyone was shocked by the beauty of the woman, but then, everyone was shocked by the woman’s temperament.

Although the woman is not angry, or even completely silent, everyone will feel fear from the heart.

This is simply unimaginable.

“I have fulfilled my promise! Now, you are free!”

Of course, Chen Xiaobei is completely different from everyone. Looking directly at Jun Moyue’s eyes, there is nothing wrong, and there is no fear.

“Thank you… thank you very much very much…”

Jun Moyue stared deeply at Chen Xiaobei, staring at this man who set her free.

“You don’t need to say polite words. I have important information to tell you.”

Chen Xiaobei said: “I went to the Hongmeng Monster Realm not long ago. In Tianyu and Xuanyu, there have been a lot of ambitious betrayals of Dao Lineage! They no longer believe in you. They have even started to stand up for Dao Lineage and want to replace you! “

“I have thought about this for a long time.” Jun Moyue’s expression did not fluctuate, and said indifferently: “Later, I will personally return to Hongmeng Monster Realm, reorganize the mountains and rivers, and restore strength! Then, I am looking for ways to find Hongjun to take revenge! “

Chen Xiaobei hearing this, the expression was slightly started, and said: “I heard Empress Nuwa said that if you want to restore the strength of Peak Stage, you must kill the spirit girl transformed by the 5-color Divine Stone! I must inform you in advance, do not fight her idea ! Otherwise, I am irreconcilable with you!”

“Do not worry!”

Jun Moyue smiled and said: “Regain control of Hongmeng Monster Realm, I don’t need to restore Peak Stage’s strength! As for finding Hongjun’s revenge, even if I restore Peak Stage’s strength, it’s not enough! So, don’t kill 5 The Divine Stone spirit girl is not very meaningful!”

Obviously, even if Jun Moyue restores the strength of Peak Stage, he cannot become Sage Heavenly Dao, and killing Futian Xin’er is meaningless.

“You can think like this!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed and said: “After you arrive at the Hongmeng Monster Realm, you can go to the Imperial Capital of Huangyu to find Heavenly Pride. He is your loyal believer. For faith, he can fight for his life at any time!”

“Yellow Domain? Too weak…”

Jun Moyue shook the head and said: “Although the Hongmeng Monster Realm has a traitor, I don’t lack die-hard believers. Even in Tianyu, many people are willing to work hard for me!”

Chen Xiaobei shrugged: “I just suggest that you don’t have to go to Tian Tianao! Save him to follow you, but get caught in danger!”

“You seem to care about this person.” Jun Moyue said indifferently.

Chen Xiaobei said: “He is the brother who was born and died with me. I just hope he can be better. Do you understand what I mean?”


Jun Moyue nodded: “I promise, I will never let him fall into danger. After I regain the overall situation, I will promote and reuse him!”

“Okay! With your words, I will not be in vain this time!” Chen Xiaobei pointed to the Space Gate in front of him and said, “The exit is over there, you can leave by yourself!”

“Okay! We’ll meet again some day!”

Jun Mo Yue slightly smiled, pointing to the Hongmeng demon fire in Chen Xiaobei’s hand, saying, “Remember to keep in touch!”

After that, Jun Moyue walked to the Space Gate by himself and left early.

Chen Xiaobei saw that her current culture is still suppressed by some mysterious force. Only Peak Stage Earth Immortal realm can freely move in Human Realm.

As Hongmeng Monster Ancestor, she naturally has a way to find the entrance to go back to Hongmeng Monster Realm.

After going back, she should be able to gather a large number of loyal believers quickly, and should be able to restore a certain strength, even if she can not return to the Peak Stage state of the year, but the high-level God Rank should not be a problem.

Not surprisingly, she should soon be able to return to the Peak Stage of Hongmeng Monster Realm.

“Not good !”

Suddenly, Chen Xiaobei expression froze for a moment, and suddenly remembered an extremely important thing.

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