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Through the Space Gate, Chen Xiaobei and Heng Yongxu appeared in a huge palace at the same time.

From the decoration point of view, this palace is extremely simple and elegant, and can be seen everywhere. The ornaments such as plum orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, it can be seen that the owner here should be an extremely elegant Confucian.

“Is this Yunyi Immortal Palace?” Heng Yongxu’s eyes widened, and he said curiously in 4 places.

“Do not……”

Chen Xiaobei shook the head, said: “This is just an illusion! There is no one around, not even a trace of Spirit Qi! Where is the Immortal Palace in such a place? It is almost the same as the prison!”

“Good eyesight! It can be seen at a glance that this is an illusion, it is not easy!” At this time, a shadow fell from the left side of the palace.

This person has long flowing hair, face white like paper, wears a blue robe, and there is a blue and purple behind him. 2 Flying Sword, sparkling, suspended in the air, it is not an ordinary product at a glance!

“Void child!?”

Heng Yongxu exclaimed in an instant: “Brother Bei, be careful! This guy is a void! Ziqing Swords are both 2–Star Late Stage Heavenly Immortal appliances! The two swords are close together, invincible at the same level!”

“Oh, who is this? You know quite a bit about Void Son!”

At this time, another person fell on the right side of the palace.

This person has a full head of red hair, a red face, and his entire head, like a burning Fireball, is also covered with red scales. Obviously it is a powerful Monster Race.

“Dragon Evil Fire! You… are you there too?”

Heng Yongxu swallowed saliva and said violently, a layer of cold sweat quickly emerged on his forehead: “Brother Bei …… This… This person is a Chiming Heavenly Dragon, Bloodline Peak Stage can reach 1–Star God Rank, so that, His Cultivation has reached 2–Star Heavenly Immortal realm, and he has not yet completely transformed into a humanoid!”

“Good! You brat even know Fireball? If you guessed right, you and the same batch of us participated in the assessment?”

At this time, the third person fell behind the palace.

The man was young and handsome, with a cynical sneer on his face, no magical artifact on his body, and he didn’t see any extraordinary talents.

“Ling Taiji! Lao’zi warned you 800 times! You are not allowed to call Lao’zi Fireball!”

The robust man named Long Xiehuo instantly roared.

“You don’t admit that’s all yourself, but everyone is not blind! Isn’t your crimson curly hair, coupled with scarlet beard, a free-fire Fireball head?”

This guy named Ling Taiji is always smiling, like he is cracking a joke.

“Brother Bei…”

At this time, Heng Yongxu had shrunk to Chen Xiaobei’s side and whispered in horror: “This Ling Taiji is even more powerful, with a 3–Star God Rank Platinum Battle Phoenix Bloodline, watching him a pair of harmless to humans and Like the animals, a platinum battle spear reaches 2–Star Heavenly Immortal Peak Stage. In the younger generation, it is almost invincible!”

“Surnamed Ling? Platinum War Phoenix?”

Chen Xiaobei expression was slightly started, and I couldn’t help thinking of Ling Shence in Hongmeng Monster Realm.

Obviously, the Platinum War Phoenix family should have existed before the establishment of Monster Realm.

A part of clansman moved into Hongmeng Monster Realm, and another part of clansman remained on the mainland of Great Desolate.

This Ling Taiji and Ling Shence should be regarded as relatives of Chaoyuanfang.

Although Ling Taiji’s Cultivation is lower than Ling Shence, but according to time calculation, Ling Taiji should be the character of the Ling Ancetor’s Old Ancestor generation.

Of course, if Ling Taiji is not trapped here, to this day, Cultivation can definitely get rid of Ling Shence’s vast distance!

“Motherfuckers! Say no to Lao’zi Fireball! Believing or not Lao’zi will fight with you now!”

Long Xiehuo’s character is really hot, very different, and the fairy on his body has already run, and he will fight against Ling Taiji!

“Oh, after so many years, have you not been afraid of me?”

Ling Taiji said calmly with a smile: “If it were not for the joint defeat of the final Immortal Monarch, you think I will let you live to this day?”

“Asshole! Ling Taiji! You bully intolerably! Lao’zi made a living today, and I will not believe you!”

Long Xiehuo was extremely angry, and he was about to start his hand.


At this moment, a cold Bingbing voice came from the front of the great hall.

Looking through the sound, I saw a man wearing an ink robe, standing noblely like an emperor, standing in the middle of the palace.

His arrogant gaze glanced at the audience, and the coercive pressure came to the entire space in an instant.

“Yo, Lord Ye is alarmed?” Ling Taiji grinned and no longer provoked the dragon evil fire.

“Yuye, Ling Taiji, he…” Long Xiehuo also quickly converged the fairy, like a bullied child, to complain to the Yeye.


The old man’s eyes were cold, the tone Extreme Cold was biting, and he was extremely proud: “It’s been so many years, haven’t you 2 been noisy enough?”

“Enough… Enough…” Ling Taiji swallowed saliva and said involuntarily, the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

“Enough! Enough!” Long Xiehuo also closed his mouth tightly, and he never dared to say more.

“Who is this thing? Looks like it’s being pulled.” Chen Xiaobei’s expression was indifferent. He didn’t feel the coercion of that Lord Ye at all, and even looked at the other party indifferently.

“Brother Bei! Don’t talk nonsense!”

Heng Yongxu was almost scared to urinate his pants: “This is the Ninth Prince of Immortal Emperor! The first young genius in the South of Great Desolate! With 5–Star God Rank Nightline Bloodline! Twilight night that claims to have Divine Emperor talent !”

As soon as this remark came out, Mu Chenye couldn’t help but arrogantly revealed.

At the same time, Ling Taiji, Dragon Evil Fire, Void Child, and three people’s faces more or less revealed awe.

their three people can be dissatisfied with each other, fighting and even fighting.

But for Twilight Night, they were all convinced and did not dare to be half disrespectful.

Even when Heng Yongxu introduced Ling Taiji just now, he emphasized that Ling Taiji is almost invincible among the younger generation!


In other words, there are exceptions!

Obviously, Twilight Night is the exception!

Among the younger generation, Twichen can’t come out at night, Ling Taiji can be invincible. However, once Twisted Night appeared, Ling Taiji could only obscure his tail and bow his head to be a man.

All of a sudden, everyone’s eyes fell on Chen Xiaobei.

Ling Taiji, Dragon Evil Fire, Void Child, 3 people all looked at Chen Xiaobei.

Even Mu Chenye squinted at Chen Xiaobei.

“Why are you all looking at me?” Chen Xiaobei shrugged asked suspiciously.

“Brother Bei ……” Heng Yongxu quickly lowered his voice and said: “Hurry… Hurry to apologize to Lord Ye! Otherwise, you will die!”


Everyone looked at Chen Xiaobei and wanted to see Chen Xiaobei immediately kneel on the ground, apologizing to Chen Chenbei for his offense and praying for Chen Chen’s forgiveness.


Chen Xiaobei smiled: “I said he would apologize? He wanted me to die, should he pay his life?”

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