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Heng Yongxu was stunned for a moment, feeling that his instantaneous three-point view shattered the ground and could not be picked up!

what’s going on? Directly through the space wall? Should there be a limit for opening?

Barriers that penetrate the space wall directly!

In this case, Heng Yongxu is unseen, unheard-of!

Even with 10000 brains, he could not understand, what is going on?

In this way, the legendary Yunyi Road, which had been trapped to death by countless powerhouses, was completely useless in front of Chen Xiaobei!

Cattle fork! Incomparable bull fork!

All of a sudden, Heng Yongxu worshiped Chen Xiaobei in a mess, and felt from his heart that it was a wise decision to worship Chen Xiaobei as his elder brother!

“Fool, you won’t leave, I won’t wait for you!”

At this time, within the space wall, Chen Xiaobei’s impatient voice came.

“Yes! Brother Bei! I’ll be here soon!”

Heng Yongxu swallowed saliva and said, quickly rushed into the space to avoid.


Chen Xiaobei walked in front of him. When he encountered any space that hindered his progress, he just reached out and touched it gently, and the space wall would be blurred immediately.

Like a layer of illusory film, it can directly penetrate the past.

“Fortunately, the Space Law level here is not high, otherwise, with my Spiritual Power, it is really difficult to cross easily!”

Every time through about ten space walls, Chen Xiaobei must take a Promise Soul Pill.

Obviously, although Pangu Space Essence is extremely strong against the sky, the corresponding consumption is also extremely huge.

If there is no Promise Soul Pill as a support, Chen Xiaobei is afraid that he will already be overdrawn and he will pass out on the spot.

at last!

When Chen Xiaobei was left with the last Promise Soul Pill, they saw the exit of the maze!

“Brother Bei!!! Your wife is simply too awesome!!!! We arrived at the exit so soon!”

Heng Yongxu was so excited that he danced around Chen Xiaobei, and the huge body of the floater jumped and jumped, which was extremely funny.

Of course, this is not surprising.

A moment ago, Heng Yongxu was very worried about not being able to pass through the maze, and even worried about the fatal danger.

He could not have imagined that, under the leadership of Chen Xiaobei, this maze was completely useless, and easily went directly to the exit without any danger.

This is like a scumbag, under the leadership of Xueba, I took a perfect score.

At this moment, Heng Yongxu is the scum, and one can imagine how excited he is.

“hu ……”

Chen Xiaobei put away the last Promise Soul Pill, which was finally sighed in relief.

However, Chen Xiaobei’s state of mind still maintained this calm, and a high degree of vigilance.

do not forget!

In this space, it is very likely that there will be more powerful enemies!

“Okay, calm down, we will exit now! If there is danger, you better hide behind me and do nothing!”

Chen Xiaobei settled down and said flatly.

“Yes! Brother Bei, rest assured! I know what you mean!”

Heng Yongxu was nodded and obediently followed Chen Xiaobei.

There is no doubt that Heng Yongxu is more aware of the existence of danger than Chen Xiaobei, and also understands how horrible those who might bring danger!


As 2 people walked out of the maze, another Space Gate opened slowly. Obviously, this was the door to the next level.

“Brother Bei, there seems to be no danger. Maybe the four monsters passed this level successfully…” Heng Yongxu observed all around and said.

There are 7 super genius in the labyrinth.

In addition to Zuo Lenghu, Lan Bingyan and Heng Yongxu, there are 3 people left.

And Heng Yongxu called these 4 people’monster’. One can imagine how terrifying these 4 people are.

In Heng Yongxu’s view, those four are extremely powerful, and it is normal to successfully pass this level.

As long as the four people are not present, there will be no other dangers at this level.

“Not good! Poisonous!”

Suddenly, Chen Xiaobei frowned, and the whole person immediately became alert.

“Poisonous? Where?”

Heng Yongxu shuddered, and immediately screamed: “Really poisonous!!!”


There is nothing strange in the whole space. There is neither weird smell nor more than color.

However, the metal body of the Buddhism armor showed obvious signs of corrosion.

First, a piece of rust is born, and then the rust spreads and deepens, becoming a broken pit for each and everyone!

If you go on like this, within half a minute, the entire Buddha Slayer will be completely decayed.

By then, Heng Yongxu’s Nascent Soul Divine Soul will also be completely disillusioned, and there is no chance of running away.

“Brother Bei! Save me!!!”

Heng Yongxu looked towards Chen Xiaobei nervously.

Facing the colorless and odorless poison, Heng Yongxu had no choice but to ask Chen Xiaobei for help.


On the other side, Chen Xiaobei’s state is also terrible.

A lot of red rashes appeared all over his body, and his strength seemed to be evacuated, and the whole person fell weakly and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Chen Xiaobei’s Physique strength reached 2–Star Heavenly Immortal Late Stage, which is 2 times smaller real realm than the floater.

Otherwise, Chen Xiaobei’s body will have been eroded out of each and everyone’s blood-sac hole, and within half a minute, it will completely become a pool of blood.

“Brother Bei!!! Hurry up and abandon the fleshy body! Otherwise, there is no chance of poisoning Primordial Spirit!”

Heng Yongxu screamed nervously.

He didn’t expect that even Chen Xiaobei couldn’t take such a poisonous poison. In this way, his soul would surely go to extinction together with the Slayer.

However, at this moment of life and death, Heng Yongxu did not forget to remind Chen Xiaobei.

This shows that Heng Yongxu is not bad by nature.

“Oh, do you think you can escape my Yama chase after you abandon fleshy body?”

At this moment, a sneer came from the corner.

I saw that a ghost shadow of dark purple appeared, holding an incense burner in his hand.

The incense burner is extinct, as if something is burning.

However, no smoke appeared in the incense burner.

Obviously, Yama chasing fragrant in that population is a kind of colorless and tasteless, extremely powerful poison that kills invisible!

“You Lisha! How did you become this ghost?”

Heng Yongxu recognized the man and said very puzzled.

“Oh, this is my Primordial Spirit ability, poison incarnation body, poison incarnation, immortal!”

The guy named You Lisha made a smug grin.

Really worthy of being the ancient genius of the Great Desolate continent, immortal and immortal, and capable of poisoning the powerhouse of 2–Star Heavenly Immortal Late Stage, it is simply not ordinary powerful.

“Don’t struggle! Yama wants you to die 3 more! Who dares to keep you 5 more?”

You Lisha sneered and said, “My Yama’s life-fighting incense, blessing the fairy, even your Primordial Spirit will be poisoned! You have no chance of escape!”

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