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“Okay, you have a good rest. I went out and sent Jade Emperor away! The Space Gate was always on, 10000. When he went to Dao Ancestor, he bit me and said I would not accept Elixir. It was my sin.”

Chen Xiaobei gently kissed Luo Puti’s forehead, then put on his clothes and walked out of the cave.

At the moment, it was already dawning, and Chen Xiaobei and Luo Puti were really tossing all night long.

“Chen Xiaobei! You are finally out!”

The tone of The Great Jade Emperor is full of grief, as if it has been greatly wronged.

“Nonsense! Bring my Elixir! Otherwise, don’t blame me for going back to sleep!”

Chen Xiaobei urged impatiently, even threatening to go back to sleep again.

“Hold it! I didn’t say no to you! Don’t go back if you are 10000000!”

Jade Emperor sweated down, and no longer dared to delay for half a minute, immediately sent 2 flying Elixir to the lower bound.

“These two Elixirs have no hands?”

Chen Xiaobei took the 2 soaring Elixir, the evil evil said with a smile: “I will let Empress Nuwa check it for me later! If you move, you will have to accompany me 4!”

Last time, Chen Xiaobei used this move to earn an extra Elixir from Jade Emperor.

Of course, in the final analysis, Jade Emperor’s own harbor ulterior motives acted on Eli Qingir of Song Qingcheng. Without Chen Xiaobei grasping the handle, he could only compensate.

“You think too much!”

The Great Jade Emperor helplessly said: “I just suffered a big loss last time! How could I make the same mistake again this time?”

“Oh, forgive you!”

Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently and said, “Last time you didn’t show up, this time eagerly personally came to deliver medicine pill, and also waited for me all night, have something to tell me?”


The Great Jade Emperor complied, directly secret voice transmission, said: “I do have something to tell you! You should be able to guess!”

In a flash, the sound directly entered Chen Xiaobei’s mind, and outsiders heard everything impossible.

“You don’t dare to use Three Realms Red Envelope Group to chat privately, afraid to leave a chat record, fools can guess, you have to tell me about Xu Fu!”

Chen Xiaobei responded to Jade Emperor, but he was unable to speak and could only respond via secret voice transmission.

That is to say, at this moment, Chen Xiaobei’s voice was actually controlled by Jade Emperor, and Jade Emperor could not speak without releasing control.

This shows that the strength of The Great Jade Emperor is undoubtedly extremely powerful.

He has the ability to control Chen Xiaobei’s voice, and has the ability to directly kill Chen Xiaobei across the border.

Because of this, before Chen Xiaobei was in Monster Realm in Hongmeng, he wanted to return to Realm of Earthly Immortals halfway. Yan Lingshi reminded that there will be a Death Tribulation.

That Death Tribulation came from The Great Jade Emperor.

Only later, Dao Ancestor paid attention to Chen Xiaobei’s achievements, The Great Jade Emperor had to close.

It can be seen that although Jade Emperor has suffered some losses in Chen Xiaobei’s hands, in the final analysis, he is still aloof and remote, the extremely powerful Heavenly Court ruler.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaobei couldn’t help but calm down, and dared not to despise Jade Emperor anymore, took out 100% of his spirit, and was ready to negotiate with Jade Emperor.

“Since you know that I am going to talk about Xu Fu, then I want to hear your opinion first.”

The tone of The Great Jade Emperor gradually settled down, revealing a pressure of self-confidence.

“My view is very simple, the wrongs are the head, the debts are the main ones. Whatever you have done, you have to pay!” Chen Xiaobei said directly.

“So, do you want Xu Fu to come out and testify about those things?” The Great Jade Emperor asked back.

“Seriously, I didn’t think about how to deal with Xu Fu.” Chen Xiaobei shrugged, said indifferently: “Why don’t you give me a suggestion?”

Obviously, this negotiation is a game.

Jade Emperor wanted to test Chen Xiaobei’s intentions to prepare for the response.

Chen Xiaobei also wanted to test Jade Emperor’s bottom line, to see where he could retreat, and how much benefit Chen Xiaobei would have.

At this moment, Chen Xiaobei really wants to thank Dao Ancestor.

If Dao Ancestor was not in town, The Great Jade Emperor simply would not negotiate, and would only use the method of the founder Profound Sect to directly kill Chen Xiaobei.


The Great Jade Emperor pondered for a moment, and said aloud: “My suggestion is that we have something to say, there is no need to make trouble either the fish dies or the net splits!”

“Well, let me talk about it first, what benefits can you give me?” Chen Xiaobei indifferently said: “Your sincerity determines whether I am willing to say something!”

“I can guarantee that after you reach Heavenly Realm, the forces of Heavenly Court will not be against you!”

The Great Jade Emperor said: “Don’t say I threaten you, I have reached the Quasi Sage position, Heavenly Court gods fleshy body There are many saints! The immortal officials are all over the next 32-layer days! And I am the enemy , You must die in Taihuang Huang Zengtian!”

Chen Xiaobei hearing this, could not help but take a breath.

I actually let a Quasi Sage wait for an overnight, really pretending to be a beep, and ignited the burial ground!

Looking back, Chen Xiaobei’s vests were all sweating.

Heavenly Realm has The Three Pure Ones 4 Yu 5 old saying.

The Three Pure Ones is The Grand Supreme Elderly Lord, Primeval Lord of Heaven, Heavenspan Cult Master.

4 Yu is the Great Jade Emperor of the East Pole, the Great Emperor of the Arctic, the Great Emperor Changsheng of the South Pole, and the Great Emperor of the West Pole!

And The Great Jade Emperor is also the head of the 4 Royals.

In Heavenly Realm, there may be some powerful Cultivation over Jade Emperor, but in terms of power and status, Jade Emperor is the second only to 3 Sage Heavenly Dao’s existence.

And Heavenly Court is almost the pinnacle of cream of the crop except Saint Saint.

So, what Jade Emperor said just now is not exaggerated.

If Chen Xiaobei is going to be an enemy of Heavenly Court, it is very likely that he will die directly at the lowest level of Emperor Huang Zengtian of Heavenly Realm.

Of course, when Jade Emperor said this, not at all used a threatening tone, and more often reminded Chen Xiaobei not to play with fire.

“If I don’t let Xu Fu go, you won’t be against me, does that mean?” Chen Xiaobei asked.

Obviously, Jade Emperor can threaten Chen Xiaobei, and Chen Xiaobei can also threaten Jade Emperor.

This is the game!

The two sides have mutual advantages and disadvantages, and have mutual advances and retreats. Between advancement and retreat, seek the most perfect balance. Ensure the respective interests of both parties.


The Great Jade Emperor said solemnly: “Between you and me, everyone minds their own business! You are safe, and I have no worries! 2 The best of both worlds, all happy!”

“I can promise your terms!” Chen Xiaobei said very seriously: “However, you have to make sure that you don’t hurt the people of my Northern Profound Sect!”

“OK! I promise!” The Great Jade Emperor knows Chen Xiaobei value emotion, value friendship and moves Chen Xiaobei’s relatives and friends more seriously than moving Chen Xiaobei.

“I still have some doubts…”

Chen Xiaobei thought for a while, said solemnly: “Anyway, you are always the educator! The entire Heavenly Court is the power of elucidation! 10000 A Primeval Lord of Heaven wants you to kill me! What should I do?”

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