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“I heard about it in Xuanyu! This should be Ling Family’s Sect’s Exclusive secret medicine, White Golden Feather!”

Yan Lingshi said: “Taking this medicine pill can greatly improve Cultivation. Under 9–Star Heavenly Immortal, basically every ten pills of this medicine pill can increase a small realm!”

“Ten medicine pills, for a small realm!?”

Chen Xiaobei expression started slightly, and could not help but exclaim: “Although it is far inferior to Blood Bodhi, but the effect of medicine pill is also very good!”

“The effect is good, but the side effects are also great!”

Yan Lingshi said: “Each one of this medicine pill consumes ten 10,000 years of lifespan! Ten is one million years! Therefore, there is a saying in Xuanyu that White Golden Feather Huadan, not if you have money You have to have a life to eat!”

“Yeah…” Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly, and said: “So burning lifespan, where do most people dare to use it?”

You know, Chen Xiaobei has Heavenly Dao lifespan aura blessing, and now it is only more than 800 10,000 years lifespan.

For the average person, for 700,000-800,000 years, with White Golden Feather Huadan, even a small environment can not be promoted, it will be consumed by this medicine pill lifespan.

“But it’s back again! In Xuanyu, there are still a lot of people who don’t even want to live for Cultivation!”

Yan Lingshi said: “Ling Family made a fortune by selling this medicine pill, and step by step to the position of Xuan Yu First Great Influence.”

“Someone else is eager to get this shit?” Chen Xiaobei expression was stunned, his face puzzled.

“Yes! And still rush to ask!”

Yan Lingshi said: “In this world, powerhouse is respected, even if you lose lifespan and Spirit Stone, as long as you are strong enough, you will have the opportunity to earn it! If there is no strength, your money and lifespan will only decrease. It’s easy to count the accounts!”


Chen Xiaobei nodded asked again: “How many Spirit Stones does this broken medicine pill sell?”

“3000 low grade spirit jade.” Yan Lingshi said.

“What !? 3000 !?”

Chen Xiaobei hearing this, his eyes instantly glared at the boss: “This broken gadget sells 3000 low grade spirit jade, and some people are rushing to ask for it? Wouldn’t my Blood Bodhi sell for 30000? No! 300,000 for sale!”

You know, Blood Bodhi can improve Cultivation and Physique at the same time when you are not injured.

The point is, there are no side effects.

It is several million times stronger than this white Golden Feather!

“Of course it can’t be compared. Your divine fruit is Seizing Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, a naturally grown divine object! The medicine pill is forcibly refined and integrated with various raw materials the day after tomorrow!”

Yan Lingshi said: “It’s 30% poisonous, even more how. In every medicine pill, there are dozens of more than 100 kinds of poisons, and the side effects can’t be avoided!”

“Good! very good!”

Chen Xiaobei hearing this, could not help laughing: “I found a huge business opportunity!”

“What business opportunity?” Yan Lingshi asked.

“Sell Blood Bodhi!”

Chen Xiaobei said excitedly: “Blood Bodhi is useful for people below God Rank! And, this world seems to be only my Blood Bodhi Divine Tree! I can sell it to Heavenly Realm, surely a lot of people are rushing for it! “

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaobei gave Heavenspan Cult Master 30000 2000 likes again.

As long as Blood Bodhi sells in Heavenly Realm, the Blood Bodhi Divine Tree given by Heavenspan Cult Master will become Chen Xiaobei’s cash cow.

The fruit of continuously is the spirit jade which is continuously.

Just thinking about it makes it burst.

Having settled down, Chen Xiaobei continued to view Ling Shence’s storage bracelet.

There are not too many things in it, but each one is fine, high-level Heavenly Immortal objects, high-level Cultivation Technique, high-level Immortal Medicine, and lowest are Five Elements Heavenly Immortal level.

Chen Xiaobei is really reluctant to refining.

The point is that even if you want to refining, the level of Shamanic Dragon’s Exotic Flame is too low to refining at all.

“Shut it up first, maybe when it will have other uses.”

Chen Xiaobei settled down and took a rough inventory. There were 29 items in all.

Among them, there are most medicine ingredients, there are 5 kinds, which are obviously necessary materials for refining Bai Golden Feather.

In addition, there are quite a few Heavenly Immortal items. There are 8 pieces. Like the blue conch, it can be mainly used as a refiner.

As for the last 6 Cultivation Techniques, Chen Xiaobei is not interested. Looking for an opportunity to sell them later, it is also elated

After the inventory was completed, anyway, idle and idle, Chen Xiaobei and Yan Lingshi began to become unreasonable again, tangled and indescribable.


In the space of 5 countries.

“Xia Yilian… let me go… please let me go…”

Nascent Soul, who was seriously injured by Ling Shence, has lost the combat capability and may even be completely disillusioned at any time.

“Leave you alone? Oh, what do you dream of during the day?”

Xia Yilian sit cross-legged on the ground, silently running the fairy: “You think about it, how do you treat me? And how do I treat you? Can die in my hands, you should be content!”

“No! No!”

Ling Shencai begged: “I cultivated 9 million years, only to have today’s achievements and status…I don’t want to die…I don’t want to die…”

“Creatures with no power still unable to live without a purpose, of course you don’t want to die! But, if I want you to die, you will have to die!”

Xia Yilian shouted coldly, and at the same time, her body gradually rose up like fairy vines like vines.

“you listen to me……”

Ling Shence said nervously: “As long as you spare me not to die, I can take you back to overriding. All the wealth, status and power I have can belong to you… let me go… please let me go …”

“Wealth! Status! Power! I will take it all myself!” Xia Yilian said coldly: “As for you, just die!”

“Shua! Shua! shua…”

In the next moment, those things like vine-like immortals suddenly moved towards Lingshen Cefei!

Just like the roots sticking into the soil, the cents, a little bit into the Nascent Soul of Ling Shence, and absorb some mysterious energy.

That’s right!

This is Xia Yilian’s “Wood Spirit Captures the Dafa” from the space master inheritance!

The effect of this mystery is just like the plant absorbs the nutrients of the earth, and the Cultivation forcibly taking others is turned into its own use!


In the scream, Nascent Soul of Ling Shence shrank a little bit, and finally disillusioned.

And his Primordial Spirit was wrapped in countless fine roots and sent directly to Xia Yilian.

“Let me help you with my mouth for the last time…there will be no more time, Ling Shence!”

Xia Yilian smiled coldly, opened her mouth, and sucked Ling Shence’s Primordial Spirit into her mouth.

In this way, the Heavenly Venerate of 9–Star Heavenly Immortal level fell completely, and was completely erased from this world!

Soon after, a woman, Heavenly Venerate, will come to Xuanyu and officially open her formidable person’s road to heaven!

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