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“No! We have to find a way!”

Chen Xiaobei immediately became nervous: “If you don’t solve these heavenly demons as soon as possible, even the super giant spirit vein may be sucked away!”

“No idea……”

Yan Lingshi frowns saying: “So many Demon Races, once you start, Ling Shen Ce will definitely arrive immediately!”

“It just doesn’t work, we can only go to the array…” Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly, and said: “But when I used the blood to find out, not at all found other runes of the array…”

It stands to reason that an array will have multiple formation eyes.

Chen Xiaobei impossible could not perceive the rune pattern at the same level as that beast bone.


Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed and said, “Unless that array is not in this space!”

“not here?”

Yan Lingshi immediately responded: “Then it is very likely to be inside the Space Gate of the Central King City!”

“In this case, we have only one way!”

Chen Xiaobei said: “Let the tiger away from the mountain again! Introduce Ling Shence, and we rush back to the central king city! Only by entering the Space Gate will it be possible to fight Ling Shence!”

Obviously, with Chen Xiaobei’s current hole cards, it is absolutely impossible to fight Ling Shence.

Although I don’t know the situation behind the Space Gate, there may be a glimmer of survival when I enter the door. If I don’t go in, there will be no first line!

“I listen to you!” Yan Lingshi nodded, said: “No matter what the ending is, I will support you!”

“Good!” Chen Xiaobei gave Yan Lingshi a deep look.

The more such moments of life and death, the deeper the emotions between each other.


Chen Xiaobei took out 9 Yan broke the prison, turned it back to the prototype, and suddenly rushed up.

Spiritual Qi is burning, and this Heavenly Immortal device of 2–Star Middle Stage instantly bursts into absolute overwhelming power.

Chen Xiaobei rushed towards the 2 10000 Demon, as if a tiger rushed into the flock.

I saw that the blades were wide open and chopped up willingly, each knife could roll up the blazing flames, and instantly the range of 10 li was turned into a fire sea.


I can only hear howling and wailing, those who only have 1–Star Heavenly Immortal level, have no resistance at all.

In the extremely powerful fire, they can only watch their bodies burned, their dharma bodies burned to pieces, and their souls burned to disillusionment.

In the end, only 2 10000 Primordial Spirit remained, howling wailing in the fire sea.

“Death God cage!”

Chen Xiaobei will naturally not let go of these energies, with a wave of his right palm, blood glow spreads across the sky.

In an instant, 2 10000 1–Star’s Primordial Spirit was absorbed into the Primal Chaos Blood Sword by Chen Xiaobei, transformed into energy.

Plus the Primordial Spirit energy of the previous fierce battle.

Primal Chaos Blood Sword swings again, the power can be infinitely close to 3–Star Heavenly Immortal level.


After the quick clearance, Chen Xiaobei immediately took out Emperor Qing’s Immortal Gourd.

I wanted to extract that spirit vein immediately.

However, when Chen Xiaobei went to the core of the spirit vein, he discovered that this spirit vein had almost reached the edge of exhaustion, and there was not much Spirit Qi left alone.


Chen Xiaobei was very puzzled: “When I use the blood spirit to perceive, Spirit Qi is obviously very sufficient. Even if these heavenly demons have been absorbing, it is soosible so quickly…”

“There is only one possibility!”

Chen Xiaobei settled down: “Spiritual Qi was sucked away by something else!”

“Smelly Brat! Are you looking for this Demon Emperor?”

At this moment, Demon Emperor’s dharma body suddenly came down.

This dharma body is an alien form with iron whiskers and looks very ugly.

“Shua! Shua! shua…”

Follow closely from behind, Hou Qingfeng and Ling Kong 5 also arrived at the scene.

“Smelly Brat! How dare you treat us like a monkey! See where are you going this time?”

Hou Qingfeng’s face was full of anger, and his whole body exuded cold and killing intent: “If it weren’t for Heavenly Venerate to be alive, Lao’zi is like letting you die without a burial site!”


Chen Xiaobei expression started slightly and said, “You mean, Ling Shen Ce didn’t come?”


Hou Qingfeng coldly said: “To deal with you such a small waste, why should Heavenly Venerate take action personally?”

Obviously, Ling Shence has been played once, and this time he will not be hooked easily.

In Ling Shence’s opinion, the following dogs are enough to catch Chen Xiaobei and Yan Lingshi alive.

Therefore, Ling Shence is still staying in the central king city at this moment, and he did not intend to come over at all, lest he once again lose the tiger away from the mountain.

“Ling Shence is really powerful! With the same strategy, there is no way to succeed in him twice!”

Chen Xiaobei sighed, but a brighter smile appeared on his face.

According to the original plan, Chen Xiaobei wanted to attract Ling Shence.

However, Ling Shence thought she was smart and did not come over in person.

And this just gave Chen Xiaobei a chance to obliterate all stray dogs.

Including Ling Shence, everyone in the enemy, even if his brain hole breaks through the sky, is absolutely unexpected. Chen Xiaobei’s Combat Force is completely different from the previous one!

Before entering the Independent Space, Chen Xiaobei’s strongest card was 9 Yan’s jailbreak knife, which could not be beaten by any one of the 5 volleyers.

But now, Primal Chaos Blood Sword already contains a power that is infinitely close to the 3–Star Heavenly Immortal level, only slightly weaker than Hou Qingfeng.

But even so, Chen Xiaobei is full of confidence in this battle.

“Now that you know that Heavenly Venerate is extremely clever, you should immediately give up resistance! The unnecessary struggle will only make you suffer more!”

Tian Can Demon Emperor waved densely packed iron whiskers on his body. The mouth said nicely. In fact, it has already been begin to stir.

In fact, if it were not for Ling Shence that had to catch alive, several people around had already rushed up to hang Chen Xiaobei.

“Oh, Ling Shence is very smart!”

Chen Xiaobei smiled: “But this time, he is a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity!”

“You… what do you mean?” Hou Qingfeng expression was stunned, and his heart was a little nervous.

Chen Xiaobei’s mouth evoked a touch of evil charm, said with a sneer: “If Ling Shence comes, I can only run away with my legs! But if he doesn’t come, I will be able to kill!”

“What!? You are going to kill!”

Hou Qingfeng hearing this, the expression was stunned, and then burst into laughter: “Are you trying to kill us? hahaha…… Is your brain getting into shit? There would be such an idiot!”

“It’s really stupid!” Demon Emperor Tiantian also laughed: “Just by your ants, the emperor’s iron whiskers can pump you into meat sauce! Do you want to kill the ring? It’s a big joke! “

At the same time, the volleyball 5 also laughed, looking towards Chen Xiaobei’s eyes, as if looking at a mentally retarded mentally.

Cultivation is so low, dare to say killing! This is not what is mentally retarded?

“zheng! ”

However, at this moment, Chen Xiaobei’s right palm suddenly burst into a violent sword sound!

Killing intent, envelopes the entire space in an instant!

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