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“big Stone!?”

Chen Xiaobei expression was shocked.

According to Futian Xin’er’s previous statement, this big stone can show some things from the outside world. Let Futian Xin’er understand the Wa people, learn basic common sense, learn to guard against bad guys, and even practice Sage Rank Cultivation Technique.

At the same time, this big rock will show some things, such as Futian Xin’er can not leave here, otherwise Heavenly Realm will have a prediction of a huge disaster.

It can be seen that this mysterious boulder is most likely a Magical Artifact controlled by people.

This Magical Artifact can monitor Futian Xin’er’s every move, and convey all the information that the master behind the scene wants to convey. At the same time, it can also better control Futian Xin’er.

At this moment, this mysterious boulder suddenly appeared, it should be that the Space Law here was being torn by no power.

In order to lock up Futian Xin’er, mysterious boulders must kill Chen Xiaobei to prevent Space Law from being broken.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaobei finally saw a glimmer of survival.

“Who you are !?”

Chen Xiaobei shouted at the mysterious boulder: “I know, you can sense everything here! See clearly! I am Heavenspan Cult Master’s Direct Disciple, Chen Xiaobei! If you kill me, I am afraid I can’t afford the anger of my Master! “


As soon as this remark came out, the mysterious boulder suddenly stopped suddenly and stopped in mid-air, and the terrifying red gold flame gradually extinguished.

“Gosh! Big Stone actually listens to you! Big Brother, you are so good!”

Seeing the scene in front of him, Futian Xin’er couldn’t help but exclaim, and bright and intelligent big eyes looked at Chen Xiaobei with admiration.

“Fool! The powerful person is not me, but my Master!” Chen Xiaobei smiled bitterly.

From the Space Law of Heavenly Immortal level, and the Super High Rank of mysterious boulders, Chen Xiaobei basically inferred that the other party is a Heavenly Realm person.

Since he is a Heavenly Realm person, he must know the prestige of Heavenspan Cult Master. Know more about the temper of Heavenspan Cult Master.

Heavenspan Cult Master is famous for protecting calves.

In those days, in order to protect the Disciple, he alone played against 4 Sage Heavenly Dao.

Although he lost in the end, his affection, courage, and courage were enough to make Three Realms admire and praise.

Looking at Heavenly Realm, even Primeval Lord of Heaven would not dare to openly kill Chen Xiaobei, unless he wanted all the disciples of the interpretation to be buried with Chen Xiaobei.

In Realm of Earthly Immortals, there are three Realms rules, Heavenspan Cult Master can not cross the border at will, otherwise, Dao Ancestor will inevitably be guilty!

Because of this, all influence was full of enthusiasm to kill Chen Xiaobei in Realm of Earthly Immortals.

Once in Heavenly Realm, there is no constraint of the plane law, who dares to attack Chen Xiaobei, Heavenspan Cult Master dare to let the whole family burial.

Therefore, the mysterious boulder in front of him suddenly stopped attacking, undoubtedly because he was afraid of Heavenspan Cult Master.

“Who you are? Why should Futian Xin’er be imprisoned?”

When Chen Xiaobei saw that the other party did not dare to shoot, he also withdrew the “North Xuan prisoner sky map”, but the ability to break the void did not all stop.

Chen Xiaobei has decided to save Futian Xin’er no matter who the other party is.


Soon, a wave of energy appeared on the boulder, and the golden light was shot from the head.

——Futian Xin’er can’t leave! Here is her lifelong mission! Once left, Heavenly Realm will usher in catastrophe!

“It’s useless to talk less! I’ve seen more of this shit prediction!”

Chen Xiaobei said disdainfully: “Your holocaust, why should a girl in the flower season bear her life? Even more how, even if she does not leave, the immeasurable amount of calamity is coming, what can you say about the calamity?”


The text just now disappeared and new text appeared on the boulder.

——Must not be reveled! But you must believe me! I helped you once! I will be an ally in the future!

“Have you helped me?” Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly and recalled a moment carefully, questioning: “Many people have helped me! How do I know who you are? How do you know if you are lying?”

“Om…” New words continued to appear on the boulder.

——I can provide some important information as a bargaining chip! As long as you don’t take away Futian Xin’er! Then you can save your other 2 friends!

“What do you mean? You made it clear!” Chen Xiaobei expression froze, and the whole person was nervous.

Chen Xiaobei has always been value emotion, value friendship, even to the safety of friends, even more important than his own life.

——Cháng’é and Howling Celestial Dog are out of touch, they may all encounter mortal danger, do you save or not?


Chen Xiaobei was shocked: “Do you know the whereabouts of Fairy Maiden Cháng’é and Howling Celestial Dog? Hurry! Tell me quickly!”

Obviously, this question has been plagued by Chen Xiaobei for a long time, and my heart has been worried, but no one can give an answer.

After a conversation with Tu Xingsun, Chen Xiaobei learned that Howling Celestial Dog may have gone to a barren place to chase down an ancient alien.

The ancient land itself is Extremely Dangerous. In addition, the ancient aliens that require Yang Jian to be able to deal with it must be a super powerhouse.

Therefore, it is absolutely possible that Howling Celestial Dog meets mortal danger.

In other words, the owner of mysterious boulder, not at all, is ignoring Chen Xiaobei. This person may really know the truth.

——If you want to know the whereabouts of Cháng’é and Howling Celestial Dog, you must assure me that Futian Xin’er will not be taken away!

“This…” Chen Xiaobei expression was stunned for a moment and fell into 2 difficulties.

On one side is Fairy Maiden Cháng’é and Howling Celestial Dog, on the other side is the poor girl of the Wa nationality.

With the character of Chen Xiaobei value emotion, value friendship, no matter which side is abandoned, it is equivalent to breaking through your own bottom line, and even Dao Xin will be subverted.

-Don’t hesitate! Both Cháng’é and Howling Celestial Dog have mortal danger! Leave Futian Xin’er before you can save them! What’s more, Futian Xin’er stays and can worry-free forever, and even survive the innumerable robberies safely! This is the best choice!

——On the contrary, if you take away Futian Xin’er! Cháng’é, Howling Celestial Dog, and even the entire Heavenly Realm will fall into the catastrophe of life and death! Even Futian Xin’er may escape death! This is the worst option!

“What you said makes sense…”

Chen Xiaobei nodded, but gave a negative answer: “But, I don’t want to listen to you!”

——Chen Zhufeng! You are a smart man! In this matter, 10000000 don’t be confused!

“Of course I won’t mess up!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes were fixed, said solemnly: “You teach Futian Xin’er and teach her Sage Rank Cultivation Technique, worrying that she will be in danger when she leaves, and want to protect her here and let her survive the innumerable robbery safely! This is enough Prove that you care about her! Even caring!”

As soon as this remark came out, Futian Xin’er’s small face could not help showing a complex look.

As Chen Xiaobei said, mysterious boulders have never done anything harmful to Futian Xin’er except to ban Futian Xin’er from leaving.

In other words, the master behind the mysterious boulder must have an unusual relationship with Futian Xin’er!

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