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“Bei Xuan Prison Sky Map”, Dragon Seizing Demonic Black Blade, Primal Chaos Blood Sword, 9 lock sky net, destroying heaven extinguishing earth streamer, sky shadow god beads, mystery Bone Blade!

7 Big Heavenly Immortal instruments emerged like a halo around Chen Xiaobei.

“This … this this this …”

Sure enough, the little girl Futian Xin’er was shocked in an instant. The big black eyes stared round, and the petite red mouth became O-shaped. For a long time, he was shocked by speechless.

Even if she was dreaming, she could never have imagined that there were 6 Heavenly Immortal devices in her hands in a trifling 7–Star Earth Immortal?

This is incredible!

You know, the half-step Heavenly Immortal is always the half-step Heavenly Immortal. Although it is only half a step, it is also a difference between the heavens and the earth. It is basically impossible the same day.

Even more how, what Chen Xiaobei showed was not a Heavenly Immortal device, but a full 7 pieces.

Even if Futian Xin’er has great ability, Chen Xiaobei can’t help it.

“Come on, tell me, do you surrender? Or surrender?”

With a cynical smile on his face, Chen Xiaobei didn’t plan to shoot at all, just wanted Xiao Futian to see how powerful he was.

“You… you’re ridiculous!” little girl’s eyebrows were tightly wrinkled, her mouth chewed up, and her expression was unconvincing.

“Don’t play tricks?”

Chen Xiaobei was not happy: “If you guessed right, you are the god body, and even Saint Bloodline, Sage Rank Primordial Spirit Attack! Heaven’s spoiled daughter like you, suppressing me as a common person, I haven’t said that you’re playing skinny !”

“I…you…” Little girl is not deeply involved in the world, how can she be as good as Chen Dayou? Instantly speechless.

“Okay! I won’t be lower oneself to somebody’s level with you!” Chen Xiaobei grinned and said: “It turns out that I am better than you. If I’m a bad person, I’ve caught you up and fart!”

“Well, what you said makes sense…”

Futian Xin’er is simple and kind, and is so surrounded by Chen Xiaobei, his vigilance is greatly eliminated.


True Yuan converged, and the huge ancient tree phase disappeared.

Chen Xiaobei also put away all Earth Immortal devices, and immediately asked, “Is the law just now built wood? Legend has it that the root of the built wood grows in the Human Realm, but the top of the canopy can reach Heavenly Realm! Bridge! This kind of law is not something that ordinary people can condense!”

“you’re right!”

little girl nodded: “I cultivated Sage Rank Cultivation Technique in order to condense the image of building wood! Let alone ordinary people, even the average Divine Immortal can’t do it!”

“Where did this Sage Rank Cultivation Technique come from?” Chen Xiaobei asked curiously.

Futian Xin’er said indifferently: “When I was very young, this Cultivation Technique appeared on the big rock. I followed the cultivation and learned slowly.”

Chen Xiaobei settled down and said seriously: “Anyway, I am not a bad person. Can you take me to see that stone?”

“No!” Although little girl is simple, she is definitely not stupid.

How can this big secret related to the life of the family show to a stranger?

Chen Xiaobei can fully understand this, but out of curiosity, Chen Xiaobei still wants to find out.

No way, Chen Xiaobei can only continue to be close to Futian Xin’er, if you can become friends, everything will be easier.

“Oh! Look at this!”

Chen Xiaobei quickly raised his hand and showed the yin and yang life and death ring to the little girl: “This is what I got from the dark Black Dragon mound, the 3–Star Heavenly Immortal device, created by Empress Nuwa!”

Futian Xin’er’s eyes lit up, and he used the Primordial Spirit realm to perceive: “It’s really a breath of the Wa people! And, very kind and very gentle… Although I haven’t felt the breath of Empress Nuwa, I believe that this ring must be her Made!”

“I didn’t lie to you?”

Chen Xiaobei eyebrow raised, said: “I and the Wa people really have a deep relationship, you let me look at the big rock, I will definitely not hurt you! Maybe, I can take you out of this place and go outside to see World!”

“go away?”

Futian Xin’er’s small face stiffened, and his expression suddenly dimmed: “I want to leave in my dreams, but Boulder has long said that I can never leave, nor can I leave! Otherwise, Heavenly Realm will usher in disaster… Many, many people will die…”

“Idiot!” Chen Xiaobei said seriously: “These shit predictions are all nonsense! When disaster strikes, we will find a way to smooth it out! Can we leave, can we try to understood? Why do we need to trap ourselves?”

“How do you know I haven’t tried it?”

Little girl pursed her lips and sighed in loss. “Space Crack when you came in, it took me 30,000 years forcibly to explode! But I couldn’t get in, and you, the first one to come in… “

“This…” Chen Xiaobei expression froze for a moment, and his expression became grim: “You mean, you are sealed in this space? Even if you tear the Space Crack, you can’t leave?”

“Yes…” Futian Xin’er weakly nodded: “This is my destiny, and it has appeared on the big stone for a long time.”

“Damn!” Chen Xiaobei frowned, feeling extremely uncomfortable!

Although Futian Xin’er is an absolute heaven’s spoiled daughter, it gathers great good fortune in one body, Divine Physique, divine blood, Sage Rank Primordial Spirit, and lives with heaven and earth!

However, she was sealed in this space from an early age, and she could not leave the prison even for a lifetime.

Living the same life with heaven and earth is equivalent to life imprisonment! It doesn’t make any sense to own the greatest fortune!

For a cute, simple and kind girl, this is definitely a cruel thing.

This made Chen Xiaobei’s heart full of sympathy for Futian Xin’er, and even more unhappy with the people who sealed Futian Xin’er.

“Although we just met, although you may not believe me, but I assure you, I will definitely find a way to let you leave here!”

Chen Xiaobei has justice in mind and has a deep relationship with the Wa people.

This matter, Chen Xiaobei is in charge!


Futian Xin’er expression was stunned for a moment, and his dark eyes were full of doubts.

Although Futian Xin’er had a hard time understanding why Chen Xiaobei wanted to help herself, she could clearly feel the firm aura from Chen Xiaobei!

It is an undoubted domineering, and it is also a heartfelt heart that will surely be completed!

“I believe you……”

Intuition made Futian Xin’er believe in: “I will appreciate your help regardless of the ending!”

“Crack the void!!!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed and once again inspired Shamanic Dragon’s Nine Transformations.

Although Futian Xin’er blasted a Space Crack by herself, not at all broke Space Law’s constraints, so she couldn’t come and go freely.

But splitting the void is different. In theory, as long as Chen Xiaobei’s lifespan is enough, splitting the void can tear any Space Law below God Rank, forcibly breaking through the cage.

“hong long long ……”

But at this moment, the whole space trembles violently!

Terror mutation suddenly broke out!

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