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“Brother Bei!? What are you doing!?”

Not only was Tiānpéng killed completely unprepared, but even Emperor Jiang and Six-Eared Macaque were stunned and shocked.

A few people couldn’t figure it out even after racking their brains, why did Chen Xiaobei attack Tiānpéng?

“Brother Bei… Am I doing something wrong? Why are you doing this to me… We are brother…”

Tiānpéng kneels on the ground in pain, True Yuan is cut off, and the mental torture makes the flesh out of control.

As a good brother of Life and Death Friends, Tiānpéng was secretly calculated by Chen Xiaobei, and naturally had a face full of grievances.

“Your acting skills are good, but there are too many weak spots!”

Chen Xiaobei has always been value emotion, value friendship, but at the moment, his eyes are empty, with no emotion at all.

I saw that Chen Xiaobei released True Yuan, rolled the wooden box into his hands, and opened the lid, asked indifferently, “Tell me, what is this?”

“This…” When Tiānpéng saw the contents of the box, his face changed suddenly, and he was speechless.

It turned out that his trick had been seen by Chen Xiaobei. At this moment, even if he borrowed 100 mouths, he could not prove himself innocent.

“Desire to kill centipede!?”

Emperor Jiang and Six-Eared Macaque immediately recognized what was in the box.

That was Lu Yue’s personally refined special poison. After Lu Yue’s arrest, the whole Realm of Earthly Immortals, the only person who could take out this poison, was only one.

Mrs. Bone!

At the beginning, Lu Yue gave Mrs. Bone a total of eleven life orders.

Each of the 7 reincarnated ancient demon who were previously caught has one, that is to say, there are 4 left in Madam Bone!

At this moment, since there is a life-threatening centipede in the wooden box, this fake Tiānpéng identity is naturally ready!

“Are you the White Bone Spirit?” Emperor Jiang asked staring at the fake Tiānpéng.

“I am Mrs. Bone’s subordinate!”

Fake Tiānpéng sees his identity revealed, and he no longer pretends, blunt said: “I advise you to let me be obedient! Otherwise, really Tiānpéng and Deng Chanyu, have to be buried with me!”

“What are you talking about!? White Bone Spirit grabbed the Second Senior Apprentice Brother and Deng Chanyu!?” Chen Xiaobei hearing this, his face changed suddenly, and the whole person was nervous.

“Yes! We saw the text messages of you and him from Tiānpéng’s mobile phone!”

Fake Tiānpéng said annoyedly: “I originally wanted to poison you to death! Didn’t expect you brought Emperor Jiang! Emperor Jiang is far stronger than you, I have to change the poisoning target! Because I take the initiative to approach Emperor Jiang, it was only you who discovered the weak spot… Otherwise, you are now a dead person!”

“Don’t talk about these useless! Give me evidence! How can you prove that Second Senior Apprentice Brother and Deng Chanyu have been caught by you?” Chen Xiaobei’s nerves are tense and he will never easily believe the enemy. He must be 100% sure about this matter Authenticity.

Chen Xiaobei has always been value emotion, value friendship.

Tiānpéng is brother, and Chen Xiaobei sees it as more important than his own life.

Although Deng Chanyu is just a chess piece, Chen Xiaobei has promised Tu Xingsun to protect her, even if he fights for his life, he can never vow.

Because of this, Chen Xiaobei absolutely does not allow any accidents in this matter!

“Evidence? You call Tiānpéng, don’t you just understood?” Fake Tiānpéng sneered with a sneer. Although One Will Severing The Heavens severely injured Nascent Soul, the whole person was not at all afraid.

Chen Xiaobei immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Tiānpéng’s mobile number.

Soon, the phone was connected, and a murky woman’s voice came: “Chen Zhufeng! It’s a pity, you called, it proves that my man’s plan has failed…”

Obviously, this woman is Mrs. Bone!

Tiānpéng’s mobile phone is in her hand, and it is basically certain that Tiānpéng is also in her hand.

“Less nonsense! Where are my Second Senior Apprentice Brother and Deng Chanyu? How are they doing now?” Chen Xiaobei asked abruptly.

“Don’t be nervous…” Mrs. White Bone sneered with a sneer. “Although they were all caught by me, but I will still use them as hostages to catch you, naturally they will not hurt them!”

“Okay! I’ll be waiting for you at Divine Sect! What’s the matter if you let them go, despite coming to me!” Chen Xiaobei is very courageous, and is willing to gamble on his own life for brother and friends.

“Oh, come at you? Are you stupid of me?”

Of course, Mrs. Bone knows Chen Xiaobei’s power and said with a smile: “Later, I will send a place to your mobile phone! You come alone and do what I say! When the time comes, I will Put Tiānpéng and Deng Chanyu!”

“Why should I believe you?” Chen Xiaobei asked abruptly.

Mrs. Bone said indifferently: “You can believe it or not, I will still send you a place, you come directly and collect the corpses for Tiānpéng and Deng Chanyu!”

“and many more!”

Chen Xiaobei’s heart was awkward, and there was no choice at all: “I believe in you! As long as you put Second Senior Apprentice Brother and Deng Chanyu, I am willing to obey your arrangement!”

“Very good! Really worthy of Heavenspan Cult Master’s disciplinary, affectionate and true, is a man!” White Bone Spirit could not help but praised, Yin said with a smile: “See you later!”

After that, White Bone Spirit hung up the phone.

Chen Xiaobei’s face was condensed, his emotions were unprecedentedly low, and he was desperately thinking about the way to break the game, but he was completely clueless.

Mrs. Bone holds the hostage in her hand, and she has to choose a place that will inevitably take advantage of the time and place.

If Chen Xiaobei goes alone, he will definitely fall into absolute passiveness, and there is no way to crack this dead end.

“Brother Bei, don’t worry, things may not change forever!”

At this time, Emperor Jiang remained calm, solemnly asked: “Just now, how did you find the fake Tiānpéng weak spot? It shouldn’t be as simple as he was near me?”

As soon as this remark came out, the fake Tiānpéng couldn’t help but stunned expression.

He believe oneself infallible because of his proximity to Emperor Jiang and revealed a weak spot, but at this moment, it seems that things are not so simple.

“hu ……”

Chen Xiaobei settled down and calmed himself down: “The Appearance Changing Technique of White Bone Spirit is very powerful, making this person’s breath and culture almost the same as Second Senior Apprentice Brother! Not even “Three Realms” Detected!”

“However, White Bone Spirit has neglected one thing! Second Senior Apprentice Brother, in addition to likes to eat and drink, prefers female color! Every time I saw Second Senior Apprentice Brother, I can smell the strong fat powder aroma! But there is no one in this person!”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone suddenly realized.

Fake Tiānpéng frowned slightly and said uncomfortably: “Anyway, the result is the same. What weak spot saw me through, is there a difference?”

“Of course there is a difference!”

Emperor Jiang’s eyes narrowed, and said: “White Bone Spirit is extremely good at changing dresses. It can be said that it is the Great Grandmaster in this respect! She absolutely impossible neglects the obvious problem of fat powder aroma!”

Chen Xiaobei hearing this, the eyes suddenly lighted up: “That is to say, when the Senior Senior Apprentice Brother was brought in front of White Bone Spirit, the scent of his body had disappeared! The wind impossible blows the scent so little, then there is only one possibility ! The fragrance was washed away by the water!”

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