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As a man with bad luck, how could Chen Xiaobei return empty-handed from a treasure trove?

Although Yan Jun and Zhu Rong have consumed the resources in the treasure house one after another, it seems that there is no hair left.

However, as the founder of Yanyan Tianzong, Yan Jun fights in the bones, hoping that Sect can continue to carry forward. Therefore, he has hidden an important item, which can only be obtained by heirs approved by Yan Jun.

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei happens to be this person!


Following the guidance of the explosive order, Chen Xiaobei quickly went to an unremarkable corner of the treasure house.

“Ka! Ka! Click …”

Just listening to the sound of the waves of stones moving from the wall, actually opened a secret dark grid.

There is also a sophisticated hermit array, which can hinder the field of Primordial Spirit, and ordinary people simply cannot sense what is hidden in the dark grid.

Although Zhu Rong is not an ordinary person, when he entered the treasure house, the high-level Magical Artifact, Spirit Stone, resources, and capital were taken away by Yan Jun.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Zhu Rong didn’t mention much interest in this treasure trove, and naturally he would not explore every corner carefully. Otherwise, with Zhu Rong’s ability, this dark cell will most likely be found.

Of course, since Zhu Rong did not find it, then the treasure hidden in this dark grid naturally became Chen Xiaobei’s bag.


It was a mass of fire that was only about the size of a red date, swaying in a dark grid, flickering suddenly and suddenly, as if it would go out at any time.

“what is this?”

Chen Xiaobei frowned, silently wondering: “In Yan Jun’s last words, this secret case was not mentioned, nor did he say what the fire is…”

Of course, doubts are doubts, and after a careful observation, Chen Xiaobei suddenly thought of something.


Chen Xiaobei directly extracted a red jade ball from the space ring.

To the naked eye, this jade ball is ordinary, and even the texture of jade stone is very general. The point is that there is no spirituality. Even if it is put in the jade stone market in Earth, this jade ball can only be regarded as a medium-to-low grade.

That’s right, this is the mysterious jade ball Chen Xiaobei got from the Void Jade Palace treasure house.

According to Emperor Jiang, there is a very mysterious and extremely pure Fire Attribute True Yuan hidden in this jade ball!

However, this trace of True Yuan is really too subtle, and Emperor Jiang cannot give a definite answer. He does not know what kind of fire is this, nor can he define its level.

The reason why Chen Xiaobei took the scarlet jade ball at this time is obviously because the scarlet jade ball and the dark grid fire are the existence of Fire Attribute.

Moreover, although the fire in the dark grid is weak and may even be extinguished at any time, the breath of the fire element in it is also extremely pure and strong!

Because of this, Chen Xiaobei speculates that if these two people are put together, some magical things may happen.

“I guess right!”

After Chen Xiaobei brought the scarlet jade ball close to the dark grid, it changed a lot.

“Kh! Kah! Kah…”

I saw that the scarlet jade ball was like a cracked egg, and the surface was broken a little bit.


Immediately afterwards, as soon as the hair-like rays of light floated out, exuding scarlet gold rays of light, the dim treasure house was illuminated.

At the same time, even more terrifying high-temperature eruptions broke out, and the surrounding air appeared distorted ripples, and the rocky walls and ground all melted into lava.

“What a horror! This terrifying high temperature is 1000, 100 times more fierce than lava outside the treasure trove…”

Fortunately, Chen Xiaobei has a fire bead body protector, otherwise, if it is so close to the Chijin hairspring, it will be burned to death by a violent high temperature in minutes, and all forms will die.

Chen Xiaobei has no fear of high temperature, so he can calm down and observe carefully.

“What the hell is this?? It exudes such a pure Fire Attribute True Yuan, but the essence is not flame…it looks like the hair of some kind of creature…”

Chijin hairspring fluttering in midair, looking like a casually falling woman’s long hair.

However, if this is really a hair, then who is it in order to have such a terrible hair?

“Gu lu lu ……gu lu lu ……”

While Chen Xiaobei was thinking, the high temperature was still spreading. In a moment, half of the treasure house had been melted into boiling lava.

Just one hair, containing very few Fire True Yuan, has already brought such terrible consequences.

If there is such a woman with red hair with brilliant lights and vibrant colors, what terrifying existence should it be?

I am afraid that looking at the entire Heavenly Realm, she can be regarded as a high-level presence. Raising a hand and throwing it between the feet can burn a planet, so that the world is swallowed by the fire sea.


Just as Chen Xiaobei secretly calculated, the fire in the dark grid also emitted that kind of golden rays of light, and actively floated towards that strand of hairspring.

“This kind of fire and gossamer seems to be the same root with different branches…the atmosphere is very very close to each other, and there is a strange resonance…Where do they come from? Who is the original owner?”

There are more and more questions in Chen Xiaobei’s mind.

The hairspring comes from the Void Jade Palace. Tinder comes from Self-destruction Yan Tianzong. Obviously, neither of these 2 Sects is the real master of the hairspring and tinder.

It is through certain opportunities that the hairspring and the tinder fall into the hands of these two big Sects.

“It’s useless to rely on me to dream alone…”

Chen Xiaobei 100 was puzzled and settled Divine Dao: “First find a way to get Spirit Stone and make Six-Eared Macaque into Zhurong, maybe I can answer the doubts in my heart!”

“Hu! Hiss…”

However, at this moment, Tinder was suddenly pulled by the hairspring and completely injected and fused into the hairspring.


Even more incredible is that after the fusion of Tinder, the Chijin hairspring actually shot directly at Chen Xiaobei’s eyebrows.

At this moment, Chen Xiaobei was very close to the hairspring, and his attention was carefully observed. There was no precaution at all, and he was suddenly stunned by the red gold hairspring.


With just a blink of an eye, the Chijin hairspring directly drilled into Chen Xiaobei’s flesh!

That was the existence of a tyranny carrying Fire True Yuan and terrifying high temperature, so it fell into Chen Xiaobei’s flesh and blood, and the consequences were simply unimaginable.


Listening only, Chen Xiaobei groaned painfully, his face changed suddenly, his pupils contracted, and his body was stiff, as if confined by a seal, even one finger could not move.

“Gu lu lu ……gu lu lu ……”

Soon, Chen Xiaobei, who was stiff all over, gradually sank deep into lava.

Life and death are uncertain!

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