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Tu Xingsun: I will! But you must ensure that Yu’er is absolutely safe!

Chen Xiaobei: Rest assured, when you get the Xianfu, I will naturally give you a satisfactory explanation!

Tu Xingsun: it’s a deal! Hope you don’t let me down!

Chen Xiaobei: You have to be more careful, I don’t want to get a disappointed answer!

Finally, Chen Xiaobei successfully formed a cooperative relationship with Tu Xingsun. Whether 60000 100000000 Top Grade Spirit Stone can be obtained depends on Tu Xingsun’s ability.

As for Deng Chanyu, Chen Xiaobei specifically contacted Tiānpéng and asked him to stare carefully.

Tiānpéng’s answer is that Deng Chanyu has been retreating, and there has been no movement in the near future. It is likely that he will be impacting Heavenly Immortal realm for half a step, wanting to ascend Heavenly Realm.

Of course, Tiānpéng is not sure and can only continue to stare.

Chen Xiaobei thought about it, not at all immediately went to rescue Deng Chanyu, after all, Tu Xingsun was about to steal the charm.

If Deng Chanyu had an accident, fearing that Sun would be suspicious, that would make Tu Xingsun’s actions more difficult, and there might even be a mortal danger.

60000 100000000 Top Grade Spirit Stone, all tied to Tu Xingsun, Chen Xiaobei should naturally consider it for him.


Put away the phone, the destination in Emperor Jiang’s mouth has also arrived smoothly.

It was a low-lying basin.

Due to the lack of water all year round, the area of ​​barren and the ground even split a cobweb-like ravine.

From these ravines, you can even see the boiling lava, and the black, pungent smoke from time to time.

“This place is really the place where the strongest Fire Attribute breath gathers! The surface temperature is so terrifying, if you go deep underground, the temperature will only be soared by dozens of times!”

Chen Xiaobei’s own Physique can’t bear the high temperature here.

Fortunately, he wore a Heavenly Immortal night-ghost costume, which perfectly isolates the invasion of high temperature and can move freely.

Emperor Jiang, Six-Eared Macaque, the Lord of the Crows, all have Peak Stage Earth Immortal Physique, and there is nothing unusual at the moment, but if the temperature is really increased by dozens or even 100 times, then, even if running the body protector True Yuan, they have 3 It is absolutely unbearable!

“Is the owner really in this place?” Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly. “After all, he is still a physical body and mortal flesh. Before the Immortal, he simply stayed here for a long time…”

“Brother Bei! You think too much!”

Six-Eared Macaque said solemnly: “Zhu Rongke is one of the 12 Ancestral Witches, and has the same level as Emperor Jiang. During the Peak Stage, Combat Force was only a little weaker than Emperor Jiang!”

“Although the physical body and mortal flesh are fragile, Zhu Rong’s Primordial Spirit Attack has reached the quasi-Sage Rank and can control certain fire laws!”

“Unless it’s a fairy fire, the flames of the world, no matter how blazing and hot, can’t hurt Zhu Rong’s hair!”

After all, Six-Eared Macaque is a Heavenly Realm person. He knows the legend of 12 Ancestral Witches very well. There is awe of Zhurong between the lines, and he does not dare to underestimate this ancient ancestor witch of the same level as Emperor Jiang!

“Brother Bei!”

At this moment, Emperor Jiang suddenly became nervous: “Zhu Rong’s breath is getting stronger and stronger! He may have noticed us! And, he will come head-on!”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly and said, “Come and chant, I have a lot of cards in my hand, Heavenly Immortal is not afraid, and I am afraid that a reincarnated Ancient Immortal will not succeed!”

“Brother Bei! 10000000 cannot be underestimated!”

Emperor Jiang said abruptly: “Zhu Rong is not a fool, he dares to show up, which means he has the confidence to win!”

Chen Xiaobei expression started slightly, and said, “You mean, all the cards in my hand, together, may not beat Zhurong?”

“It really does not exclude this possibility…”

Emperor Jiang said very seriously: “First of all, this place is full of the strongest Fire Attribute! It even hides the fire energy accumulated for 100000000 million years! Like a volcanic eruption, the power will definitely override Realm of Earthly Immortals. !”

“Secondly, this place is the home of Zhurong. The Fire Attribute breath and energy here can increase Zhurong’s Combat Force! And Zhurong’s Primordial Spirit ability can also feed back the Fire Attribute energy here! It will be ten times the normal situation, even 100 times, it is possible!”

Emperor Jiang’s tone is very serious, absolutely not exaggerated, and he never dare to take it lightly.

Chen Xiaobei hearing this, the whole person was also vigilant.

After all, Chen Xiaobei has seen the power of Emperor Jiang with his own eyes. If under normal circumstances, Zhu Rong is only weaker than Emperor Jiang.

But at this time and place, the place full of the strong Fire Attribute breath energy, I am afraid that even Emperor Jiang, will be suppressed by Zhu Rong counterattack.

If Zhu Rong really hides some kind of super ace, maybe he can suppress all the cards in Chen Xiaobei’s hands.

“Gu lu lu ……gu lu lu ……”

At this moment, the lava on the ground suddenly became more boiling, and even broke through the cracked ground, and a large number of spouts flowed out.

At the core of the lava spout, a Daoist shadow is slowly rising!

At first glance, this Daoist shadow seems to be formed by the condensation of lava, exuding a terrifying high temperature and a bright red awn.


But soon, the lava on the silhouette slipped and flowed down!

Who dares to think, in that horrible lava, there is a handsome young man with fair skin and red hair flying!

That terrifying lava, high temperature terrifying, and even Emperor Jiang’s 3 Peak Stage Earth Immortal must use True Origin Body Protection to resist the heat wave.

However, the red-haired young man was not affected in any way, his hair was intact, and even the common commoner on his body showed no signs of burns.

This is incredible.

“It’s him…” Emperor Jiang frowned, his pupils shrunk, and the whole person’s aura was dignified.

Ding-find the reincarnated ancient witch, Zhurong!

Ding-Zhu Rong: One of the 12 Ancestral Witches, who had a public war with the ancestor of the water ancestor and crashed Tianzhu Buzhou Mountain! Quasi Sage Peak Stage realm, Combat Force is extremely scary!

Ding-Cause of Death: Lich’s holocaust final battle, with Eastern Sovereign Taiyi perish together!

“A good wish! The fire is here, going alone into enemy lines! It’s totally ignoring the four of us!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed and he carefully observed the red-haired young man.

There is no suspense. Zhurong’s Cultivation is also Peak Stage Earth Immortal realm, and Primordial Spirit ability reaches Quasi Sage Rank.

On this side, there are Emperor Jiang, Six-Eared Macaque, the Lord of the Crows, and Chen Xiaobei who controls many of the cards.

Zhu Rong dare appeared alone, this courage is rare in the world.

“Emperor Jiang… You finally come to the door!”

Zhu Rong can also sense the breath of Emperor Jiang, and then his eyes naturally fell on Chen Xiaobei: “Here is the weakest of your Cultivation. If you guess right, are you a renowned Chen Zhufeng?”

“This sounds awkward…”

Chen Xiaobei smiled cynically and said, “What’s wrong with Cultivation? Cultivation is weak, and can still defeat you!”

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