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“What!? Are you going to go in now!?”

Chen Xiaobei’s simple sentence instantly caused a tremendous shock to Yun Fanqing, Qieluo, Blood Moon Sword Master, and the hearts of three people.

“Zhufeng Young Master! Don’t be impulsive for you 10000000!”

Yun Fanqing was anxious at the time: “The Realm of Earthly Immortals is one of the 7 Death Forbidden Lands of Realm of Earthly Immortals. Does it mean that you can go in as you like? If you act rashly, you will lose your life!”

“That’s right!”

Blood Moon Sword Master nodded again and again, “Even if you go in, you won’t die immediately, but you can’t escape anymore, it’s no different from death!”

Qieluo quickly added: “We have been here during this time, hoping that Tianfeng Daojun will find a way to escape, but there is not even a little abnormal fluctuation on the periphery of the prisoner’s realm!”

“In Heavenly Realm, I dare not say how powerful, but in Realm of Earthly Immortals, Tianfeng Daojun is the undisputed first wind control expert! Even he is helpless, the wind young Master. Once you enter, simply impossible comes alive!”

“Don’t say you are the Young Master of the Wind, even if the real Heavenly Immortal descends, I’m afraid, I can’t come and go freely in this prisoner’s realm! Entering rashly, it’s simply about about one’s own destruction!”

Obviously, Yun Fanqing, Qieluo, Blood Moon Sword Master, 3 people are very worried that Chen Xiaobei will have an accident.

After all, they all watched Tianfeng Daojun swallowed with their own eyes. After such a long time, they couldn’t even see the hope of escape.

In the eyes of their three people, Death Forbidden Land is absolutely not just in name only, but also in reality.

Because of this, no matter whether it is out of affection or cooperation, their three people do not want Chen Xiaobei to take his own life to take risks, lest Chen Xiaobei never get back and be trapped in it.

“Brother Bei, this matter, you better consider it carefully!”

At this moment, even Emperor Jiang was quietly persuaded: “I can perceive that there is a very strange Devouring Power in the sky! I am afraid that it is not weaker than the Late Stage in 1–Star Heavenly Immortal level! If you hide another crisis , You may never return!”

“Brother Bei, Emperor Jiang said so, let’s be careful!”

Six-Eared Macaque is cautious by nature, and with absolute trust in Emperor Jiang, it is natural to persuade Chen Xiaobei: “Even if Brother Bei holds the magic dragon robbery, I am afraid that it will be difficult to break through the realm of prison, and other cards are not as good as the magic dragon. Robbery is naturally useless.”

All of a sudden, everyone on the scene persuaded Chen Xiaobei that 10000000 should not easily enter the realm of prisoners.

However, Chen Xiaobei smiled cynically and said, “I can’t worry, although I don’t understand the technique of wind control, but I have got the same treasure, and I can come and go in the realm of prisoners!”

“Treasure!?” After this remark, everyone immediately became curious: “What treasure? It’s so powerful!”

“3–Star Heavenly Immortal! Locking Wind Bead!” Chen Xiaobei grinned and extracted a broad bean-sized gem from the space ring.

“What is Locking Wind Bead? With this little bead, can you really solve the realm of prisoners?” Yun Fanqing and Blood Moon Sword Master don’t know the goods, and they are all confused.

“This… this is really Locking Wind Bead!” Emperor Jiang, Six-Eared Macaque, Qieluo, all of Heavenly Realm, recognized the orb at a glance.

“Everyone can put their hearts in their stomachs!”

Emperor Jiang smiled indifferently and said, “With this treasure, the True Yuan of the wind of the prisoner’s realm can never threaten Brother Bei! It can’t even affect Brother Bei in any way!”


Six-Eared Macaque nodded is regarded as sighed in relief, naughty said with a smile: “Even the few of us can follow Brother Bei into the realm of prison and play without worrying about safety!”


With a long sigh, Qieluo was convinced by Chen Xiaobei and was full of doubts: “Isn’t Heavenly Realm forbidding Red Envelope to Human Realm? Chase Young Master, how did you get this Locking Wind Bead?”

“Is it still necessary to ask? It must have been redeemed with “Kind Book”!” Six-Eared Macaque carefree said: “Brother Bei terminated the 4th domain war and will definitely gain a lot of merit, trifling a Locking Wind Bead, naturally Redeem easily!”

“No! It’s not that simple!”

However, at this moment, Emperor Jiang took the head, said with a smile: “The merits surged, Destiny skyrocketed accordingly! A person whose luck value explodes, simply does not need to consume his merits to exchange items, luck will naturally bring Come to the corresponding opportunity!”

“Opportunity? What chance can get Locking Wind Bead? Realm of Earthly Immortals simply does not exist such a treasure!” Both Qieluo and Six-Eared Macaque are puzzled, and 100 are puzzled.

Emperor Jiang shrugged, said he could not guess.

At this time, the king of the magic crow was unable to bear smirked: “Don’t guess, you absolutely can’t think of it, Brother Bei took a silly hat Heavenly Immortal to Fool when the Heavenly Gate opened! This Locking Wind Bead is exactly that Heavenly Immortal’s seal fee for Brother Bei!”

The king of the magic crow has become a demon, speak human’s words, and it instantly shocked everyone around him.

Even if they racked their brains, they couldn’t understand how Chen Xiaobei had given an aloof and remote Heavenly Immortal to Fool?

After the simple explanation of the Lord of the Crows, all the talents marveled.

“Three Realms is the first profiteer, and the name is not in vain!” Emperor Jiang, Qieluo, Six-Eared Macaque, there is only one word for Chen Xiaobei-service!

“This… this is too incredible…” Yun Fanqing and Blood Moon Sword Master were shocked and stunned. They couldn’t believe their ears.

“Okay, let’s settle down and keep up with my footsteps! I will take you on a day trip to the prison land!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes were fixed, and he glanced calmly at the Primal Chaos area in the sky: “After today, Realm of Earthly Immortals, there will be no more prisoners!”

Everyone hearing this, right in an instant, immediately followed Chen Xiaobei and sat on the broad back of the Lord of the Crows.


The king of the magic crows fluttered high and flew into the Primal Chaos airspace in the realm of prisoners.

“hong long long ……”

As before, a huge thunder suddenly broke out in that area, but there was no slight lightning. There are winds roaring around, but Primal Chaos all around is like a pool of standing water, without any slight fluctuations.

Celestial Manifestation does not show up, hence the name Prisoner!

“Hong long long ……huhuhu ……”

Soon, the sound of thunder and wind became more frantic and irritable, with the sound of a storm, but no storm.

According to the previous situation, this invisible storm has the power of Late Stage in 1–Star Heavenly Immortal, and can even directly involve the true 1–Star Heavenly Immortal into the realm of prisoners.

Tianfeng Daojun and Tianzhao are no exception, without any resistance, they are directly swallowed.

But at this moment, this terrible invisible storm has no effect on everyone!

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