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Afterwards, Chen Xiaobei briefly communicated with everyone again, probably about the situation of the battle.

Even if everyone’s brain hole broke through the sky, absolutely didn’t expect, Chen Xiaobei actually used Heavenly Tribulation, murder a person with a borrowed knife to completely wipe out the enemy’s 300000000 army.

This result is incredible to the extreme! Enough to shake the whole Realm of Earthly Immortals!

Who could have imagined that such a mortal game would be easily solved by Chen Xiaobei’s magical plan!

In addition to marveling Chen Xiaobei’s wisdom, everyone has absolutely nothing to say! Be convinced from the bottom of your heart!

“Tuohai! Next, you have 2 missions!”

Chen Xiaobei called Xuanyuan Tuohai to his side and seriously told him, “First, you want to spread the news of my victory as soon as possible, so that the whole Realm of Earthly Immortals will know! Of course, the point is to let the people of Xuanyuan Sacred Domain know! “


Xuanyuan Tuohai nodded, I have long wanted to understand the stakes: “Disciple will let the entire Xuanyuan Sacred Domain know who is protecting them and who will bring a better and happier life to them!”

Obviously, the new believers after Chen Xiaobei will be generated from Xuanyuan Sacred Domain.

The increase in number and speed depends on Xuanyuan Tuohai’s ability to promote.

Of course, before the outbreak of the war, the entire Xuanyuan Sacred Domain people knew that once they fell into the hands of the enemy, their future life would be better off.

Everyone put their hopes on Chen Xiaobei.

And Chen Xiaobei not at all lives up to anyone.

Kill the enemy, conquer, and firmly hold the entire Xuanyuan Sacred Domain!

Such a result can allow Chen Xiaobei to be recognized by everyone.

It is conceivable that Xuanyuan Tuohai’s publicity work will be very smooth.

Chen Xiaobei’s new believers will continue to skyrocket.


Chen Xiaobei continued: “I want you to assemble all the troops in Xuanyuan Sacred Domain, choose to attack Yuxu Sacred Domain and Sacred Domain, and put these 2 Great Sage domains into our own hands in the shortest time! “

“no problem!”

Xuanyuan Tuohai was extremely confident, patting his chest and saying, “Master has wiped out the enemy’s strongest Combat Force, and Void Jade Palace and Pantheon have become toothless tigers! Within 3 months, Disciple will surely take them down! , Military disposal!”

“Don’t be so anxious!”

Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently and said: “Remember, must treat the 100 surnames well and accumulate merit! If you encounter resistance that is too strong, use Top Grade Heavenly Court dog food and “Demon God Robbery” to forcibly conquer and minimize killing! “

“Disciple remember!” Xuanyuan Tuohai nodded, and said again: “It’s just that this Top Grade Heavenly Court dog food may be difficult to refine in large quantities for a while!”

“You don’t have to worry about this, the teacher will naturally be ready for you!” Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently and directly took out an empty storage bracelet.

Then start the “Kind Book” function.

Nowadays, Chen Xiaobei has just harvested a lot of merit, compared with the previous, it is very rich.

With a move of heart, he directly exchanged a total of 30 billion Top Grade Heavenly Court dog food.

Ding-successful redemption of merit awards! Deduct 300100000000 points Three Realms Merits!

Ding-current Three Realms Merits 61184100000000 700010000 points (charm value: 6118100000000 470010000, luck value: 6118100000000 470010000)!

For Chen Xiaobei in the past, 30 billion Three Realms Merits is a large part of all merits. It is consumed in a hurry, and even the Human Sovereign position may be demoted.

But at this moment, 30 billion Three Realms Merits, which is a fraction of Chen Xiaobei’s total merits, was paid instantly, and Chen Xiaobei didn’t even blink.


Chen Xiaobei put all the 30 billion Top Grade Heavenly Court dog food in that storage bracelet, and then handed it to Xuanyuan Tuohai.

“Disciple takes the lead! It will definitely not let the Master down!” Xuanyuan Tuohai took over the storage bracelet, and his confidence skyrocketed.

Already have an absolute overwhelming strength advantage, the cities of Yuxu Sacred Domain and Sacred Domain, the overwhelming majority will surrender voluntarily.

A small amount does not surrender, you can use dog food and “Demon God robbery” to get it.

In this way, although the leader is Xuanyuan Tuohai, in fact, Chen Xiaobei has paved all the way for him! This task is not even likely to fail!

“Qingyang, several of you are still staying to assist Tuohai. I will now run to Pantheon headquarters to meet Tai Yitan Luo Yuhong!”

Chen Xiaobei briefly explained that without much rest, he moved towards Pantheon headquarters without stopping.


Sacred Domain of the gods.

Holy Mountain Pantheon at the core is the headquarters of this Peak Stage force.

At this moment, Luo Yuhong and Tai Yitan have firmly controlled the temple in their hands.

Not because of how strong their Combat Force is, but because Pantheon tried to kill Chen Xiaobei, the powerhouse did its best. In the entire Sect, there were only 3 big cats and 2 kittens left.

Luo Yuhong, as 8–Star Earth Immortal, easily wiped out the stewards. The remaining little ones were afraid of death. Not only did they not resist, they also offered Luo Yuhong and Tai Yitan as Bodhisattva.

“Second Senior Apprentice Brother!”

Luo Yuhong sat on the throne of Zeus, tasting a few small wines, and exclaimed with excitement: “Master is not a person! He is a god!”

“Pantheon this time, up to Zeus, down to the powerful Disciple, all came out of the nest! As you can imagine, Heavenly Secret City and Void Jade Palace are also in the same state!”

“These three Peak Stage forces have completely hollowed out the old bottom and are going to give the Master a fatal blow! As a result, they are crushed by the Master and have no chance of turning over!”

Don’t look at Luo Yuhong at this moment is very excited, and drink to help.

But just a few minutes ago, before receiving the news from Xuanyuan Tuohai, Luo Yuhong was so sad and depressed that he didn’t even want to say a word.

Of course, the more repressed before, the more excitement and excitement that broke out after learning of the news of Chen Xiaobei’s victory.


Tai Yitan stood by the window and stared at the eastern sky: “Master is the real Deity! By comparison, Pantheon’s god is a joke!”

“The Master’s wave of Heavenly Tribulation killed 300000000 million enemy troops in one go! It also included all the core, high-level, and excellent Disciples of the three Peak Stage forces!”

“It’s no exaggeration to say that Master used only one battle to destroy the three Peak Stage forces! Not to mention turning over, it won’t take long for the Master to completely wipe them from Realm of Earthly Immortals!”


At this time, in the sky of the East, a black shadow came.

“It’s the Master!”

Tai Yitan was immediately excited: “Hurry down, let’s go out to meet!”

“it is good!”

Luo Yuhong jumped up excitedly, and the glass was thrown aside.

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