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The goal of Heavenly Tribulation is not to kill Crossing Tribulation, but to test Crossing Tribulation!

In the area of ​​Heavenly Tribulation, everything is regarded as the aid of Crossing Tribulation, that is, no matter what method is used, no matter what, as long as Crossing Tribulation is in the area of ​​Heavenly Tribulation, it resists the attack of Heavenly Tribulation, And survive, it can be regarded as Crossing Tribulation success!

At this moment, although Heavenly Tribulation Huang Lei has already broken the ruined and even crumbling attack of the black spider web, in the end, not at all really destroyed the spider web, not to mention Old Ancestor Dunshan!

In this way, Old Ancestor Dunshan will be endorsed by the Heavenly Realm rule and considered a successful Crossing Tribulation!


I saw Huang Lei dissipated, and the dark clouds seemed to open the door, revealing the blue sky from the middle! If you look closely, you can vaguely see a gate carved like a white jade!

The scene before Chen Xiaobei had seen it, just when Jin Ling Holy Mother Crossing Tribulation succeeded.

However, at that time, Jin Ling Holy Mother was more like using his own strength, forcibly tearing open the door of Heavenly Realm!

At this moment, the dark clouds gradually separated, as if Heavenly Realm was actively opening the door.

In addition, when the Holy Mother of Holy Spirit soared, the mysterious seven-color divine splendor was scattered inside the gate of Heavenly Realm, which helped Chen Xiaobei directly break through the great realm.

But at this time, there didn’t seem to be 7 colorful divine splendor scattered down.

“Master! Thank you for your great tips and tricks to keep me safe! Crossing Tribulation! I must leave now, waiting for you to come to Heavenly Realm, I will serve you well!”

The door of Heavenly Realm opened, and Old Ancestor Dunshan had felt an irresistible attraction. The whole person flew involuntarily into the sky and flew to the mysterious white jade door.

Old Ancestor Dunshan is controlled by Rahu’s Demon God Curse, a God Rank mystery.

That is to say, unless Old Ancestor Dunshan can become a god, otherwise, even if he goes to Heavenly Realm, he can never betray Chen Xiaobei.

“After you arrive at Heavenly Realm, find a way to join the Three Realms Red Envelope Group! when the time comes and you can get in touch with me. I have some tasks that I will leave to you!”

Chen Xiaobei doesn’t have to worry about Old Ancestor Dunshan’s mutiny, he can safely give him some important tasks.

“As you bid!”

Old Ancestor Dunshan flew to the gate of Heavenly Realm, while wondering: “It stands to reason that the gate of Heavenly Realm opens, and some chances will fall, why does this time seem to have nothing?”

Before the words fell, Old Ancestor Dunshan had already integrated into the door of Immortal World, completely out of the realm of Human Realm.

“Yeah… why didn’t any chance come down this time?”

Chen Xiaobei is also very depressed.

Last time, Jin Ling Holy Mother Crossing Tribulation, 7 color divine splendor was born, helping Chen Xiaobei break through great realm.

Heavenly Tribulation at this time is far more tyrannical than last time, but no chance has come, it is really very depressing.

“Is this because of the Heavenly Tribulation of Demon King, so there is no chance to fall into the world? Or is it because the murder is too heavy to fall into the world?”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly, glancing at all around, there were 300000000 million people, and none survived.

The shattered corpses covered the ground, and the blood all merged into an ocean, the ghost, Golden Core, Nascent Soul, all disappeared from the face of the earth.

Even with all the storage Magical Artifact, all Earth Immortal devices, all Spirit Stones, all valuable things, as long as they are touched by the dark yellow thunder ball, they all turn into white gas and rise above the sky dome.

In other words, if the opportunity is not lowered within the door of Heavenly Realm, Chen Xiaobei this time, you will get nothing.

“Forget it…”

Chen Xiaobei was a little depressed, but he could only comfort himself, saying: “Fortunately, I saved Xiao Moxue, saved Xuanyuan Sacred Domain, eradicated 3 strong enemies, and paved the way for a unified Dongsheng Divine State! Real gains , Still behind!”

Ding-Stop the war and get Three Realms Merits 30000100000000 points!

Ding-sheltering 10000 people and earning Three Realms Merits 30000100000000 points!

Ding-current Three Realms Merits 61484100000000 700010000 points (charm value: 6148100000000 470010000, luck value: 6148100000000 470010000)!

Ding-Congratulations, upgrade to the 4th Human Sovereign!

Ding-Congratulations, upgrade to the 5th Human Sovereign!

“WTF! Who said I had no harvest! The bumper harvest is just beginning!”

In an instant, Chen Xiaobei seemed to be struck with chicken blood, and was immediately excited: “60000 100000000 Three Realms Merits! Human Sovereign level has risen 2 levels in a row! My mother! This wife is so cool!!!”

You know, before Chen Xiaobei, the number of merits was less than 150 billion, this time, it has increased by more than 40 times! It was terrifying!

In addition, Chen Xiaobei was only a 3rd-generation Human Sovereign before, as if there was a distance away from the 9th-generation Human Sovereign, but now, he jumped 2 levels in a row to become a 5th-generation Human Sovereign, moved towards the 9th-generation Human Sovereign, and stepped into the 2nd. step!

Although Chen Xiaobei had long thought that after this battle, the merits will have a huge surge, but absolutely didn’t expect, it will soar so much.

After all, Chen Xiaobei could not be considered a complete cessation of war before the victory of Divine State in a unified way. Therefore, the amount of merit that can be obtained is actually greatly discounted.

Chen Xiaobei is really absolutely didn’t expect. There are still so many merits after the discount.

Calculating in this way, if Dongsheng Divine State is truly unified in the future, the number of merits obtained may be more than ten times that of the present, and even more!

If the whole Realm of Earthly Immortals is unified again, and an absolute cessation of war is achieved, I am afraid that the number of merits will reach several hundred times at the moment!

Just thinking about it, Chen Xiaobei is numb with scalp, very excited!

“Now it’s Heavenly Dao’s reward. When the news of my victory spreads throughout the Xuanyuan Sacred Domain, I will also receive a huge wave of new believers!”

Chen Xiaobei became more and more excited: “when the time comes, the first thing I want to do is to first convert both cultivation halo and lifespan halo to the top grade! If there is still balance, you can start to redeem third halo. !”

There is no doubt that Heavenly Dao’s aura is also extremely great for Chen Xiaobei’s help.

Turning on the Heavenly Dao aura is like opening it, which can give Chen Xiaobei a lot of convenience for the twice the results for half the effort.

The number of new believers at this time may be calculated as 1000 to 100000000 million.

One word-elated! ! !

“However, I still feel a little uncomfortable…”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly, looked up at the gate of Heavenly Realm, and muttered to himself: “My luck has obviously skyrocketed, but this time, there is no chance to come down… I always feel a little bit less in my heart what……”

“No! Wrong!”

But at this moment, the expression on Chen Xiaobei’s face suddenly became complicated, and he said with confusion: “Why hasn’t the door of Heavenly Realm been closed yet? I remember it was closed very quickly last time…how could it be this time? Is it open? Is there any special case?”

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