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Chen Xiaobei can’t absolutely trust Qieluo, and naturally will not explain it in detail. As soon as 10000 leaks, the battle after 3 days will be defeated.

Because of this, Chen Xiaobei simply explained Yun Fanqing a few words, and summoned the king of the magic crow, directly moved towards Xuanyuan Sacred Domain and flew back.

Only Yun Fanqing, Qieluo, and Blood Moon Sword Master are left, and 3 people stay in the place full of mess.

“Where is the self-confidence of Master Young Master… This kind of battle is undoubtedly a loser…” Qieluo’s eyes were dull, 100 puzzled.

“Even if the real 1-Star Heavenly Immortal came to Human Realm, he wouldn’t dare to say that he would win undoubtedly… What exactly is going to be done by the Young Master of the Wind…” Blood Moon Sword Master is also blank, thinking about his location, all Feeling numb scalp, completely unsolved.

“No matter what the Young Master Master Zhufeng does…My only hope is that he can be safe and sound…” Yun Fanqing said with his lips tightly pressed, but said nothing in his heart.

There is no doubt that their three people can’t imagine how Chen Xiaobei will crack the dead end after 3 days, and even more unimaginable, how can Chen Xiaobei win?

Not only their three people, but I am afraid that as long as they are normal people, they cannot imagine how Chen Xiaobei should do it.


Jingmo Wangcheng.

When Chen Xiaobei returned to the city, it was already the morning of Next day.

As expected by Chen Xiaobei, after the enemy troops withdrew, they no longer showed signs of approaching the city gate, and the scout sent out did not detect the enemy’s sneak attack.

Overall, this was the most peaceful and peaceful morning after the outbreak of the war.

However, all the soldiers and 100 surnames in the city were more anxious and frightened than they were 3 days ago.

There are even many people who have not fallen asleep all night, staying on the street all night, always paying attention to changes in the situation.

“Do you know why the enemy forces have been on the move? Tell you! Not because the enemy is afraid of chasing people, but because the enemy is gathering the strongest forces! Tomorrow’s battle will be the battle!”

“I’ve heard that! The scouts who went out to investigate sent back intelligence. The army of Void Jade Palace and Pantheon had been evacuated from the southwestern front. Through Transmission Formation, they gathered day and night! The tomorrow’s great decisive battle, the enemy’s general I am afraid that there will be no less than three 3 troops!”

“More than that! Yuxu Heavenly Master Zhao Tianchao and King of the Gods Zeus also arrived at the scene, they all brought their respective Heavenly Immortal devices! Plus Mystery Old Person Xu Xunkong, and three legendary Ancient Immortal, Combat Force is enough to sweep Realm of Earthly Immortals!”

“300000000 enemy troops, can form 300 Heavenly Immortal-level battle arrays, plus these 6 Peak Stage Earth Immortal, conservatively estimate there are 6 Heavenly Immortal devices! In this battle, I am afraid that 2–Star Heavenly Immortal will come , It’s also mortal…”

A group of men gathered to discuss the situation in which the war would occur.

And their dialogue caused strong anxiety and anxiety among more people around them, and even began to worry about the situation after the war.

“According to this, tomorrow’s World War I will not have any suspense at all, and will surely be defeated! Is his defeat, our entire Xuanyuan Sacred Domain, not all?”

“Yeah… Xuanyuan Patriarch has already said that the dead end of this time can only be broken by a real person by the wind! If the real person by the wind is defeated, the Jingmo King City will be broken by the enemy in a moment, the northern portal opens, and the entire Xuanyuan Sacred Domain , Will fall into the hands of the enemy…”

“How is that good… the enemy is vicious and vicious, and it has long been released, to slaughter our army, abuse women, and enslave men… In the future, heavy taxes will be imposed to drain our people’s blood, sweat and tears…”

“If this is the case, I am afraid that life will be better than death in the days to come… In comparison, Xuanyuan Patriarch treats 100 surnames well and is free of taxes. It is simply a lively Bodhisattva of great compassion…”

Obviously, all 100 surnames believe that Chen Xiaobei has no chance of winning.

The defeat of Chen Xiaobei is precisely the result that the 100 surnames least want to see.

Because, as long as Chen Xiaobei loses, the enemy will have no hindrance and completely swallow the entire Xuanyuan Sacred Domain.

From the previous live broadcast, all the 100 surnames already knew that once Xuanyuan Sacred Domain fell into the hands of the enemy, it would surely kill the people and mourn.

No matter men, women, children, or children, they will fall into a state of dire straits, and life is better than death.

“I really hope that the wind and the real people can win…our life, all hope for the future, all pinned on him…”

“Aren’t you nonsense? Who doesn’t want Zhufengfeng to win? But, under such a dead end, how do you let him win?”

“Yeah… In this deadly situation, Zhu Fengfeng is willing to stand up and fight to protect us. This is already a matter of mercy and merit!”

“Yes! Now in this world, those who are full of benevolence and morality are more vicious than beasts! Those Bodhisattva Buddhas who claim to be compassionate are like blind, no matter whether we live or die!”

“By comparison, the true talents who chase the wind are the real benevolence and mercy!”

“Yeah… No matter whether tomorrow is a victory or a defeat, real people are the heroes in my heart! I will not forget what he has done for us in my life…”

“Yes! Even if I lose, I will use the rest of my life to remember and thank the real people who chase the wind!”

Fair and comfortable, although 100 surnames believe that Chen Xiaobei has no chance to win tomorrow’s battle, but Chen Xiaobei’s actions have been recognized by almost everyone.

as the saying goes, the great hero, for the country and the people!

Chen Xiaobei can really fight for his life and fight for a bright future for the rest of Xuanyuan. This is the real hero!

Based on this alone, as long as there is a person with good heart and justice, Chen Xiaobei will be grateful from the heart.

Seen from a small age, this is the case with Jingmo King City, as well as other cities, and the same is true for the entire Xuanyuan Sacred Domain!

In the battle of tomorrow, even if Chen Xiaobei is defeated and died, he will surely be remembered by the entire Xuanyuan Sacred Domain as a great hero, and his name is 10000 ancient!

Of course, if Chen Xiaobei wins! He is not just a hero, but Savior of the entire Xuanyuan Sacred Domain!

Merit! believer! fate! All will show a wave of explosive growth!


Nothing in the night.

On the early morning of the third day, Chen Xiaobei alone walked out of the city under the watchfulness of countless people from Jingmo King City, moving towards the direction of the enemy’s buildup.

His silhouette is a little lonely, and people’s eyes are a little sad, as if the hero is in the end, lonely and sad.

100 miles away.

300000000 The army is advancing neatly, each step stepping, can make the earth tremble, like an ocean, moved towards a ants rolling over.

Hengtianchai, Tie Lingzhan, Pill Valley son, Xu Xunkong, Zhao Tianchao, Zeus, 6 Peak Stage Earth Immortal, each holding the bottom card, flying in the sky, imposing manner Lingren!

The big battle, at the touch of a hair!

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