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“Uh… you have been in a coma, I just talked to Bodhi, I didn’t have time to send you to bed…”

Chen Xiaobei blushed old and quickly put Yun Fanqing down.

Both the poison and the Primordial Spirit Attack have been lifted, and Yun Fanqing has naturally recovered as before, standing beside him, hanging his head, unable to say a shy word.

Although Chen Xiaobei saved Yun Fanqing’s life for the first time, she took off her clothes.

But in the whole process, Chen Xiaobei almost only used the silver needle and True Yuan, simply did not touch Yun Fanqing’s body.

At this time, Chen Xiaobei held Yun Fanqing in his arms, and he held it for a long time, and even his body temperature and breath remained on Yun Fanqing, and he did not leave for a long time.

For a young nun who had been away from men since childhood, this contact completely penetrated her bottom line.

If any other man dared to do this, Yun Fanqing would definitely desperately fight with that man.

But Chen Xiaobei did this, but Yun Fanqing couldn’t get angry at all, but his cheeks burned, the deer bumped, and there was even a hint of sweetness in his heart.

“Bodhi, where did we just say?” Chen Xiaobei didn’t want Yun Fanqing to be embarrassed, so he pulled the topic apart.

Luo Puti is so clever, it is natural to see that Yun Fanqing is worthy of trust, and he is not hiding, indifferently said: “Just said, if I break through to become a half-step Heavenly Immortal, I can cross Crossing Tribulation and detect the clans The ultimate secret!”

“Well, don’t worry about this first!”

Chen Xiaobei said: “First of all, you should take a good look at the inheritance you have acquired, absorb all the power and information into your own things, and then take the next step!”

“This is of course!” Luo Puti nodded, Feng Eye looked at Yun Fanqing intentionally or unintentionally, and seemed to see something out of the ordinary.

Chen Xiaobei continued: “Secondly, the people of Crossing Tribulation are different. The size of Heavenly Tribulation formidable power will also fluctuate greatly! So no matter how strong you are, it is difficult to guarantee 100% success! So, before you Crossing Tribulation, I You must help you prepare some cards that are above your Cultivation and make sure that you will be able to fly 10000 without fail!”

Luo Puti hearing this, my heart warmed, said softly: “You don’t have to worry too much about me, I never make a sin in this life, I believe Heavenly Tribulation’s formidable power will not be too big!”

“Be careful to make the ship 10000 years old! You, but my wife, must not have any failure!” Chen Xiaobei said seriously.

“Don’t be brazen! Fanqing Master is still here!” Luo Puti snorted Chen Xiaobei, and the smart phoenix looked towards Yun Fanqing again.

Lord Bloodline seems to have some hidden capabilities that can make Luo Puti perceive the body of Yun Fanqing’s Buddha bone.

It is for this reason that Yun Fanqing always attracts Luo Puti’s attention.

“Ah… Am I affecting you to speak? Or should I avoid it first?” Yun Fanqing has not recovered from the cowardice just now, like a frightened kitten, trying to hide away with his tail stuck.

“You don’t have to avoid it, we’re done.”

Chen Xiaobei laughed and said: “Introduce you, this is my big wife, Luo Puti! It was she who helped you to lift the Primordial Spirit Attack of the Black Blood Tian Wu!”

Yun Fanqing expression was slightly started, quickly looked towards Luo Puti, and said very seriously: “Thank you Lord Luo for life-saving grace, Fanqing bears in mind that he will definitely return in the future!”

Luo Puti smiled indifferently and said, “It’s okay, Xiaobei’s friend is my friend! Our friends, in terms of sentimentality, don’t ask for return!”

“In any case, I would like to thank Lord Luo Shi. Without your help, I may not be able to save my life…” Yun Fanqing was very humble and sincerely thanked.

When thanking him, Yun Fanqing really saw Luo Puti’s appearance.

Although it is also a woman, and Yun Fanqing’s face value is also extremely high, but at this moment, Yun Fanqing’s heart actually has a feeling of shock to Luo Puti.

On the face value, Luo Puti and Yun Fanqing each have 1000 autumns, both of which are top face values.

However, Luo Puti exudes a special temperament that is difficult to describe in words, which deeply shocks Yun Fanqing’s state of mind.

“Okay, you 2 don’t be polite.”

Chen Xiaobei grinned and said, “Fanqing, please tell me quickly, you are in prison, what happened?”

Yun Fanqing nodded, set his mind, and said: “I followed Qieluo and they hunted a guy named Tianfeng Daojun. They ran all the way and didn’t react. They arrived at the prison sky island under the prison sky realm!”

“At that time, this Tianfeng Daojun flew too high, and maybe he didn’t even know the existence of the prisoner’s realm. As a result, he was directly involved in the prisoner’s realm by a terrible storm!”

“We did not dare to chase after seeing the horrific scene, and we planned to stay on the prisoner’s island and wait for the rabbit to see if Tianfeng Daojun could come out on his own. We will try to catch him again!”

“Who knows, we didn’t wait for Tianfeng Daojun, but for another enemy! I listened to the conversation between the man and Qieluo and learned that the man seemed to be Mrs. Bone’s men.”

“Later, the man and Qieluo met, were defeated by Qieluo, and lay dead on the ground! When the three of us walked over, the man suddenly released a life-threatening centipede, and I didn’t realize it, so I took the trick…”

“Qieluo and Blood Moon Sword Master didn’t chase the enemy anymore to save me, and he was run away by chaos…”

Yun Fanqing pursed her mouth, and when she spoke, she blamed herself and felt guilty: “If I’m careful, I won’t be successful, maybe I can grab that guy…”

“It doesn’t matter, that person doesn’t matter!”

Chen Xiaobei reassured: “Mrs. Bone is my enemy. As for the little babies under her, just run away. Let me and them, there will be a fight sooner or later!”

“The other party is very insidious, chasing the young Master, you must be careful!” Yun Fanqing’s eyebrows were tightly wrinkled, and she had already begun to worry about Chen Xiaobei before the 8th word of the war.

“I will be careful!”

Chen Xiaobei said: “It’s you instead. Then go back to the 3 Sheng An. The Blood Moon Sword Master is with me. He doesn’t dare to mess up! You don’t need to stare at him!”


Yun Fanqing shook the head, resolutely said: “Seal the blood moon is the only mission of my life, if you don’t seal him, I must stare tightly until he completely corrects evil!” Otherwise, every time he does evil, it is me ‘S sin!”

“Okay, I know I can’t stop you, and I will send you back now.” Chen Xiaobei settled down and said: “However, you must remember that everything that happened just now cannot be disclosed to Qieluo and Blood Moon!”

“I know, they are not worthy of full trust!” Yun Fanqing nodded.

“Bodhi, let’s take a step first, you have a good understanding, any ideas, communicate with me at any time!” Chen Xiaobei warned repeatedly.

Luo Puti smiled softly and gently nodded.


Afterwards, Chen Xiaobei opened the original bracelet and returned to Prison Island with Yun Fanqing.

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