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“Brother Bei! I knew it! You will definitely come!”

Emperor Jiang suddenly showed his face full of excitement, as if he saw an oasis in the desert, and saw hope in the dark night, and the whole person’s Essence, Qi, and Spirit instantly rose up.

“You are Brother Bei?”

Old Ancestor Dunshan stared at Chen Xiaobei carefully for a long time, and said disdainfully: “a trifling baby becomes the little waste of Peak Stage! What qualifications are allowed for Emperor Jiang to be called brother?”

Obviously, in the face-to-face confrontation of the past 6 days, Old Ancestor Dunshan has understood Emperor Jiang’s name, and at the same time he really admires Emperor Jiang in his heart.

Although Emperor Jiang only has Peak Stage Earth Immortal Cultivation, it has supported the full 6 days without losing.

I am afraid that this is really 1–Star Heavenly Immortal, and absolutely cannot be done.

Although Dun An Old Ancestor wanted to devour Emperor Jiang, but in Old Ancestor Dunshan’s heart, he really admired Emperor Jiang.

At the moment, dignified Emperor Jiang actually called Chen Xiaobei Brother Brother.

This made Old Ancestor Dunshan’s heart feel very uneven, very dissatisfied, and immediately had a strong hostility towards Chen Xiaobei.

Of course, Emperor Jiang gave Chen Xiaobei absolute recognition, absolute respect, and unconditional maintenance, saying: “There are countless extraordinary things on my Brother Bei! Just pick the same things, you are the old Wang 8 forever. Out of reach!”

“Hmph! Ben Old Ancestor doesn’t believe this kid is as good as you said!”

Old Ancestor Dunshan murderous-looking snarled and said, “Ben Old Ancestor devours this kid now, and see what else Emperor Jiang has to say!”

“With your Old Wang 8, it is not enough for me to seize the teeth of Brother Bei!” Emperor Jiang is 100% loyal to Chen Xiaobei and 100% trust.

Since Chen Xiaobei dared to show up, Emperor Jiang firmly believed that Chen Xiaobei would definitely win.

Dunshan Old Ancestor became more and more angry, and the hostility became stronger: “A trifling Nascent Transformation’s little waste, if it weren’t for my five bastards sleeping lazily, they wouldn’t even have the chance to come over!”

“Your five bastards are not lazy, they are all here!” Chen Xiaobei smiled lightly.

I saw that Poseidon took the five old man Nascent Soul who had been seriously injured and flew to Chen Xiaobei’s side.

“Old Ancestor Help… Help!”

Nascent Soul of 5 old man, the blame of impatient cried.


Old Ancestor Dunshan was instantly hit.

The moment before, he also bite a little waste from the Nascent Transformation world.

At this moment, he is very optimistic about the five bastards, all of whom have become prisoners of ranks, isn’t it even worse than small waste?

Wasn’t his Old Ancestor line become an old waste?

“what on earth is it?”

Old Ancestor Dunshan asked coldly, his eyes cold.

The five old men took a deep breath and quickly explained: “Old Ancestor Zongxi is angry… Not that we are useless, but that the kid’s strength is too evil… We are not opponents at all…”

As soon as this remark came out, Old Ancestor Dunshan was even more angry, and suddenly roared: “You are not opponents, are those 3,000,000 evil bone watchdogs, are they all furnishings? Won’t you use them?”

The five old men seemed to have died their fathers, and mourned: “5 Evil Ghost has been purified by this kid. Evil Thought has restored his heart! Moreover, this kid has the evil bone ancestor Demon King inheritance and has subdued 3,000,000 evil bone Ghost!”

“What???? How is this possible?” Old Ancestor Dunshan hearing this, the whole turtle was completely stunned as if it was shocked by electric shock.

Even if he dreamed, he would never have imagined that things would develop to the point where they are now.

“Brother Bei! Well done! I knew that you must have a way to break the game! You did not disappoint me!” Emperor Jiang was extremely excited and praised Chen Xiaobei.

“Breakthrough? hmph! The 3,000,000 Evil Ghost is just the watchdog here! Even if they all go wrong, you are absolutely impossible!”

Old Ancestor Dunshan settled down, and the aura suddenly went dark: “In Realm of Earthly Immortals, anyone who steps on the endless Dead Sea will absolutely escape from impossible! Even if 1–Star Heavenly Immortal comes, he will have to die for this Old Ancestor. !”

“Dunshan old thief! You must be rampant!”

At this time, the evil bone high priest also flew to Chen Xiaobei’s side, glaring at Old Ancestor Dunshan, shouted angrily: “This endless seal of the Dead Sea is banned by our evil Bone Demon Clan to help you strengthen! Our method of breaking the formation , Clear 2 Chu!”

“What’s going on?” Emperor Jiang asked curiously.

“Is such that!”

Chen Xiaobei explained: “Shield Mountain Old Turtle is already a half-step Heavenly Immortal Cultivation. Once you leave this space, it will spur Heavenly Tribulation!”

“In order to ensure the success of the Crossing Tribulation, he hid here all the year round and devoured the powerhouse that strayed into the Dead Sea to strengthen his strength!”

“But it’s not enough! He needs a Heavenly Immortal device to have the confidence of Crossing Tribulation!”

Chen Xiaobei continued: “At that time, when the evil bone Ghost was just sent here, it had not turned into Evil Ghost!”

“So, the old tortoise of Dunshan let the evil bone Ghost help to transfer the banned array of the endless Dead Sea to his turtle shell! That is, he changed his turtle shell and refining it into a 2–Star Heavenly Immortal device! “

“However, to fully stimulate the power of the 2–Star Heavenly Immortal device requires 1.5 trillion Top Grade Spiritual Qi, or an equivalent amount of other energy!”

“In order to accumulate this huge energy, the old Dunshan turtle will stay lurking here, devouring everything else, transforming it into energy, and storing it in the turtle shell!”

As soon as this remark came out, Emperor Jiang immediately understood the ins and outs.

No wonder Old Ancestor Dunshan only wanted to use the dark vortex to devour Emperor Jiang instead of killing Emperor Jiang.

It turned out that Emperor Jiang’s dharma body and Nascent Soul were transformed into energy, which became one of the powers that inspired the turtle shell’s strongest power.

The evil bone high priest added: “It was during the process of helping us to transfer the array and refining the tortoiseshell of Dunshan old thief. I firmly remembered the position of all the formation eyes, and I already thought of a way to crack the formation eyes!”

“very good !”

Emperor Jiang hearing this, more and more cheered, the battle is more energetic: “In this way, we can all get out of trouble smoothly and win a great victory!”

“Hmph! Wanting to break the formation! It’s pure daydreaming!”

However, Old Ancestor Dunshan has no fear, as stable as Mount Tai said: “Since you know the method of breaking the formation, you should also know that there must be a’divide the Magical Artifact’ to succeed! Otherwise, your method It’s just a fart! It makes no sense at all!”

The evil bone high priest smiled coldly and said, “Originally, I did not divide the Magical Artifact, but coincidentally, there was exactly one in our majesty’s hands!”

“This… how is this possible!?” Old Ancestor Dunshan hearing this, his face suddenly changed: “How could there be such a coincidence in the world!”

“As the saying goes, no coincidence is a book!”

Chen Xiaobei smiled wickedly and said, “The Endless Dead Sea is Death Forbidden Land to others, but I happen to hold the key to the break!”

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