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“Is this the low grade spirit jade?”

After entering Emperor Qing’s Immortal Gourd, Chen Xiaobei Xian extracted the low grade spirit jade given by Mo Luo Wu Tian.

It was 600 pieces, like a round jade stone with big pigeon eggs.

The surface is extremely smooth and soft, and it feels like a girl’s skin when you touch it with your hands.

The inner rhythm circulates, as if filled with 7-color milk, mysterious changes like clouds and mist.

If you just hold it in your hands, this kind of spirit jade will make people feel no sense of Spirit Qi, only rich and strong spirituality.

However, when Chen Xiaobei crushed the shell of a spirit jade with True Yuan, he was instantly shocked!


As if the river was rushing, massive Spirit Qi flowed out in an instant.

As Mo Luo Wutian said, these Spirit Qi are extremely pure and contain almost no impurities. And extremely refined, it is easily absorbed by Qi Sea Dantian.

“Sure enough, it’s a good thing!”

The expression on Chen Xiaobei’s face was shocked and joyful at the moment, so I was so excited: “The purer Spirit Qi is, the smoother the cultivation is! The more refined the Spirit Qi, the easier the absorption! According to my estimation, it can increase cultivation by at least 50%. speed!”

Originally used Spirit Stone cultivation, it was fixed to increase Combat Force by 100 points an hour, or Physique.

If you switch to spirit jade cultivation, the speed is increased by 50%, and you can increase Combat Force by 150 points or Physique in an hour.

This will greatly save cultivation time and is very helpful to Chen Xiaobei.


Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiaobei began to enter the cultivation “The Decree of the Immemorial Will”.


This wave of repairs is the burning of lifespan by Tianzhao and urges Sunlight Jewel Box.

The whole process lasted about 93 hours, which is almost 5556 minutes.

Under the ability of Sunlight Jewel Box, it is 5556 days and 133333 hours.

Raise 150 Combat Force per hour, plus Level 9 Heavenly Dao cultivation aura blessing, increase the total Combat Force by 2100000000 points!

At the same time, the small realm breakthrough has increased Chen Xiaobei’s lifespan by 180,000 years.

Ding-Cultivation: Baby Stage Late Stage, Lifespan: 474210, Physique: 1100000000 500010000, Combat Force: 8100000000, Primordial Spirit Attack: Sage Rank!

“hu ……”

After Chen Xiaobei put out a long breath, eyes slowly opened, he was full of praise for the low grade spirit jade.

“This Spirit Qi is really awesome! This cultivation saved 600 hours more than the last time! Converted into the time within the Sunlight Jewel Box, it is more than 2 days! It is equivalent to 1 years of savings. lifespan!”

Last time, Chen Xiaobei made a breakthrough from Initial Stage to Middle Stage, and this time it was a breakthrough to Late Stage.

It stands to reason that the time consumed by this time should be longer.

It is because of the replacement of Spirit Qi used in cultivation, which not only did not increase the time, but shortened it by 1 hours.

More importantly, Chen Xiaobei is now only in the Nascent Transformation world. After the great realm is higher and the time required is more, using this Spirit Qi can save more cultivation time.

If you cooperate with the upgraded Sunlight Jewel Box, Chen Xiaobei’s cultivation speed will surely soar beyond imagination.

“Of course, although time is saved, the consumption of Spirit Qi per hour has also increased by 50%. The total consumption rate has to change, not at all changes…”

Chen Xiaobei calculated: “The consumed thousand thousand Top Grade Spiritual Qi in one hour will consume nearly 100 34 100000000 million Top Grade Spiritual Qi!”

“And each low grade spirit jade is equal to 200000000 Top Grade Spirit Stone, a total of 100 34 low grade spirit jade were consumed, and I have 466 left!”

“I’m about to enter the endless Dead Sea. These low grade spirit jade may have to be filled into the Heavenly Immortal device. In the future, if you want to quickly cultivate, you have to find a way to earn more spirit jade from Wutian!”

After a brief calculation, Chen Xiaobei packed his mood and left Emperor Qing’s Immortal Gourd.

This cultivated 93 hours, the Lord of the Crows has already arrived outside the endless Dead Sea.

As soon as Chen Xiaobei came out, he was deeply shocked by the surrounding scenes.

This is the central location of the Xihai.

The large and small islands are connected into a huge circle, surrounding a special Sea Territory in the ring.

Outside this circle, the blue waters are endless, seabirds and fish are free, serene is peaceful and peaceful.

But within this circle, the sea water is as dark as black ink, and even the sky above the cylinder is a gloomy, dark cloud as thick as a mountain about to fall.

“No wonder in the legend, even fishes dare not swim into them, and even seabirds dare not fly over! Ghost places like this, as long as there are brain creatures, they will avoid it, and they dare not take a half step. !”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly, and could not help but utter a sigh.

At the moment, Chen Xiaobei is standing on a relatively large island.

Emperor Jiang, Poseidon, and the Lord of the Crows are all waiting.

“I’ve probably visited this ghost place for a while, and I feel that there is some kind of forbidden prohibition!”

Emperor Jiang’s expression was solemn, and he said cautiously: “If it is not necessary, we should not go in as well… after all, our Cultivation is very low, 10000 when the time comes is trapped, but it is troublesome!”

“No! I must go in!”

Chen Xiaobei said: “First of all, there is a large spirit vein without an owner! This is the clue I got from Zhenyuan Daxiankou at the cost of a Ginseng Fruit! It must not be wasted!”

“Secondly, this prohibition in the endless Dead Sea is very likely to be my chance to transform Magical Artifact! In addition, there are also 9,999 Evil Ghosts transformed by the evil bone mad warriors! I want to spend them!”

Originally, Chen Xiaobei intended to use these Evil Ghosts to create Magical Artifact, but now, their strength can no longer enter Chen Xiaobei’s eyes!

However, Chen Xiaobei still wanted to find them.

Because Chen Xiaobei devoured the corpse of Demon King, the dharma ancestor, the dharma body was greatly improved, and it was regarded as a good cause. Therefore, spending these Evil Ghosts is still a good result.

Moreover, the evil Bone Demon Clan was also exterminated by Xu Fu with a 6-party alliance. This hatred, Chen Xiaobei will also report it.

In the midst of nothing, cause and effect cycle.

Resolving the cause and effect is what Chen Xiaobei must do, and it will also help Chen Xiaobei’s breath.

“Since Brother Bei you have decided, I will naturally follow life and death!” Emperor Jiang’s eyes narrowed, his mood was very stable, and life and death were very light.

“I can’t do it…I haven’t lived enough…I don’t want to die…” Poseidon, apparently without Emperor Jiang’s state of mind and courage, face deathly pale pale, body is shiver coldly.

“Okay, if you eat me a sword, you don’t have to go!” Chen Xiaobei shrugged said indifferently.

“His…” Poseidon took a breath and said with a sad face: “I will still live if I eat your sword?”

Chen Xiaobei smiled wickedly and asked, “Is it dead or alive, don’t you know?”

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