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“Trust her? Emperor Jiang, are you really sure? Or is there any way you can prevent her from lying?”

Chen Xiaobei expression was slightly started, and he was puzzled.

With Emperor Jiang’s caution, impossible will blindly believe in a Demon Race.

Since Emperor Jiang dares to believe, it shows that Emperor Jiang must have his own strength and reliance.

“There is naturally a way.”

Emperor Jiang smiled lightly and said, “Qieluo, you swear again, so that Brother Bei can completely believe you!”

“This…” Qieluo’s eyebrows were frowning, and he just vowed to relax, but hesitated at the moment.

Obviously, with the intervention of Emperor Jiang, the oath of this time will be given a completely different meaning.

“You don’t have to be nervous, I will only impose a “Curse on You”, as long as you don’t break the oath, everything will work as usual!”

Emperor Jiang smiled coldly, his voice calm, but revealed an extremely powerful threat: “Of course, if you break the oath, your soul will be cursed by the sky witch, completely scattered ashes and dispersed smoke! The number of qi will also plummet because of you!

As soon as this remark came out, Qieluo hadn’t stated his position yet, and Chen Xiaobei would startled: “WTF! What skill is this? Also too awesome to cross it! Actually, it can make the skyless sky plummet!”

Emperor Jiang said with a slight smile: “The witch tribe is best at witch curse, Zhu Yu ban curse is one of the most profound quasi-Sage Rank method! Once the spell is successfully cast, no one can break it under Sage Heavenly Dao !Even skyless is no exception!”

“Awesome!” Chen Xiaobei’s eyes widened, and his knowledge of Wu people instantly refreshed to another level.

Before the second innumerable robbery, the Wu people were the strongest group of second only to Monster Race, and their heritage and civilization almost reached the Peak Stage of the Great Desolate world.

However, after the Lich War, the witch was withered away, and regarded as a dead enemy by the Heavenly Court, and witchcraft was also determined as an absolute forbidden technique. Therefore, the descendants have little knowledge of witchcraft.

The witchcraft used by Emperor Jiang is the highest-end existence in the entire Malay civilization.

Not to mention Heavenly Court True Immortal, except for the 7 Sage Heavenly Dao, no one can crack it.

Of course, this blessing curse is not invincible.

There are many prerequisites for casting a spell, and the condition must be met to successfully cast the spell.

Just like at this moment, if you want to impose “Curse and Resentment” on Qieluo, you must swear in sync with Qieluo.

The content of the oath will determine the final effect of “Zhou Yuan Zhu You”.

“Qieluo! Don’t hesitate!”

Chen Xiaobei eyebrow raised, said: “Anyway, Wu Tian and I will have a long-term cooperation. As long as Fanqing is safe next time when we meet, you will not violate the oath! If you dare not swear, it proves that there is a ghost in your heart! Not sincere cooperation!”

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei wanted to see “Curse Wishing You”, so he moved out of the sky and put pressure on Qieluo.

As Chen Xiaobei said, if Skyless is sincere cooperation, Qieluo can naturally swear to protect Yun Fanqing Zhouquan!

If you don’t dare to swear, it proves that Qieluo has ambitions, and it also proves that there is no sky with ambitions!

“It’s all about this…I’m willing to swear…”

Qieluo understands the stakes, and in order to maintain the cooperation between Wutian and Chen Xiaobei, I have to brace oneself to say: “I swear in the name of the Heavenless Demon Patriarch and will never harm the Fanqing Master! I will do my best to protect her if necessary! “

“Shua! Shua! shua…”

As soon as this remark came out, Emperor Jiang’s fingertips on the side of the rapidly changing hand, with the power of True Yuan and Primordial Spirit, condensed a dark golden aura.

This halo is only as big as a coin, and the lines in it are constantly rotating, like a mysterious black hole, containing endless opportunities and causality.

There is even a connection with Heavenly Dao, which is beyond the ordinary power, it is an extraordinary existence.


I saw that Emperor Jiang flicks with the finger, that little aura, flew directly to Qieluo, merged into the body from her Qi Sea Dantian, penetrated the dharma body, and was finally imprinted on Nascent Soul.

“nailed it!”

Emperor Jiang looked at Qieluo and smiled lightly, saying: “Remember your vow! It is closely related to your life!”

“I will not break the oath…”

Qieluo rubbed his Qi Sea Dantian, frowns saying: “Are you really only using “Curse and Wishing” for me? If there is another plot against, I will not let you go!”

Obviously, Qieluo is worried that Emperor Jiang will perform additional plot against her while casting the spell.

“Oh, you too underestimate Brother Bei and me!”

Emperor Jiang smiled disdainfully and said, “When you were in a coma, I had suggested Brother Bei to kill you directly! But Brother Bei said that as long as you don’t harm him, he won’t harm you! If I and Brother Bei are interested plot against, do you think you still have a chance to swear?”


Qieluo expression froze, a thin layer of cold sweat could not help but appeared on the clean forehead, and said: “Sorry, it’s me who took the gentleman’s belly with the heart of a villain…”

The Blood Moon Sword Master on the side also swallowed madly, and his heart was chilling.

As Emperor Jiang said, if Chen Xiaobei has the intention to plot against, Qieluo and Blood Moon Sword Master will be controlled to death even if they do not die, or even become Chen Xiaobei’s loyal dogs. Where else can I swear?

Thinking of this, Qieluo and Blood Moon Sword Master couldn’t help but looked at Chen Xiaobei a few points.

Putting aside his position, Chen Xiaobei’s decision alone shows that he is a straightforward and upright, principled, moral, and transcendent man!

“Things have been finalized, we will act separately! Fanqing, if you have any questions, please contact me at any time!”

Chen Xiaobei explained briefly, then took Emperor Jiang to step on the back of the Lord of the Crows, and suddenly rushed into the depths of Yunxiao.

Qieluo and Blood Moon Sword Master began to continue to search for the next target.

Yun Fanqing wants to stare at the Blood Moon Sword Master, it is naturally like a shadow!


Putuo King City.

This is the core city of Putuoyu in the South Zhanbuzhou and the place where the Putuoyu of Heavenly Secret City is located.

Before heading to the endless Dead Sea, Chen Xiaobei waited here for Tianzhao and Poseidon to return.

Both of these guys go back to empty their treasure troves and should be able to bring back 2 rich wealth and resources.

Of course, Chen Xiaobei not at all stupid, but everything with Emperor Jiang, into an old house in the city.

The owner of the house is the Realm of Earthly Immortals, Patriarch of the Wa family, who was previously known by Chen Xiaobei.

At that time, all members of the 9-phase Wangcheng of the 4th Li Wu clan and the Wa clan were devastated in a catastrophe.

Because of this, Chen Xiaobei and Ming Lao formed an alliance to jointly investigate the real culprit and avenge the hatred of the 2 race undead.

Immediately after seeing Chen Xiaobei, Ming Lao asked impatiently: “Zhufeng Young Master! How can I think of it today to find an old man? Was it the real murderer of that year that you have found out?”

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