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Chen Xiaobei released a True Yuan, directly stunned the flying star Daoist, indifferently said: “Emperor Jiang is not an outsider, if you have anything, just say it.”

Yun Fanqing sipped his mouth and hesitated for a moment before whispering: “Zhufeng Young Master, you just used the Demon Race method, right?”

“You mean my method of capturing Daoist Cultivation?”

Chen Xiaobei has no doubts, and quite frankly said: “That is indeed the secret technique of Demon Race. I also admit that I have some relationship with Demon Race, but I assure you that I am by no means a devil, and I will never do things that are harmful to the sky. !”

Yun Fanqing nodded, said seriously: “Of course I believe in the character of the Young Master of the Wind, but the Demon Race Cultivation Technique is against the sky and even contrary to human morality. If you use it for a long time, there will always be huge side effects. I am worried… “

“Thank you for your reminder, this secret technique does have a huge side effect, that is, people who have been passed on by Cultivation, the Heart Demon contract will be condensed in the Primordial Spirit and controlled by the netherworld 7 Demon God.”

Chen Xiaobei shrugged, indifferently said: “However, I already have a way to crack this side effect! So, you don’t have to worry about me.”

“This… how is this possible!?”

Yun Fanqing looked at Chen Xiaobei in disbelief, surprisedly said: “I have also heard of the Heart Demon contract, which seems to be a Heavenly Immortal level of prohibition, except for the netherworld 7 Demon God, Realm of Earthly Immortals has no People can crack!”

“You are right.” Chen Xiaobei said with a smile: “Originally, I did not understand how to crack the Heart Demon contract. However, the Netherworld 7 Demon God has been conquered by me. The method of cracking is what they taught me. “


Yun Fanqing hearing this, I was shocked in an instant, a pair of beautiful eyes glared roundly, and the lovable body could not help but tremble: “Zhufeng Young Master…… You didn’t crack a joke with me? Netherworld 7 Demon God, all were Have you accepted?”

“Cheat you have sugar to eat?”

Chen Xiaobei smiled slightly, the tone was very calm, but the words were shocking: “I not only conquered netherworld 7 Demon God, but also conquered 1000 100000000 Nether Demon Race, 1 billion undead Demon Race!”

“I have begun to educate them, and I hope that one day, all Demon Races will understand the truth, respect morality, and build a higher civilization that belongs to Demon Race!”

“My God…” Yun Fanqing was stunned.

I am afraid that all the shocks in this life add up to less than 1/10000th at the moment.

Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva once made countless ambitions, netherworld is not empty, vow not to become a Buddha!

For a Buddhism Disciple, netherworld has a very special meaning in Yun Fanqing’s heart.

Slaughter all demons of netherworld and defend peace and security in the world.

This is just a low-level wish.

All the demons in the netherworld are saved, so that Demon Race can live under peace and security.

This is the best hope.

In comparison, Kṣitigarbha led the war between the monks and the Asura in the Netherworld Blood Sea and the Stygian River, causing countless deaths and injuries. This approach is obviously not as good as Chen Xiaobei brilliant.

The point is that the Stygian River established the Asura religion when Rahu fell and the overwhelming majority Demon Race was hidden.

This sect can only be regarded as a small branch of Demon Race at best.

The netherworld that Kṣitigarbha wants to empty refers to the Asura clan bred from the Netherworld Blood Sea by the Styx.

But the Demon Race that Chen Xiaobei wants to teach means all the demons of Three Realms.

From this point of view, Kṣitigarbha’s boundless ambitions lost to Chen Xiaobei by a large amount.

Yun Fanqing is very smart and naturally knows the powerful relationship among them.

Because of this, she was deeply shocked by Chen Xiaobei’s remarks, and even the state of mind and the things she had always believed in were slightly shaken.

“Zhufeng Young Master… You let me know a brand new you!”

Yun Fanqing’s eyes were full of excitement, and the look towards Chen Xiaobei’s eyes had become very different, surprised, admired, and even full of respect.

Chen Xiaobei is not greedy for fame, but just asked curiously: “You are also from Xi Niu Hezhou, why don’t you know everything about this?”

Yun Fanqing explained: “Our 3 Sheng An is headquartered on the West Sea, and is separated from the West Pole Desert by a whole continent. The news may not have reached Master’s ears. I have been hunting down the Blood Moon Sword Master for a long time Not sure…”

“So that’s how it is …”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly and said, “Then you know, Heavenly Dragon Sacred Domain is being invaded by a force, and dozens of cities have been lost, and the speed of enemy aggression has not slowed down at all! Heavenly Dragon Temple, There is even a danger of being replaced!”

“This…I know this…”

Yun Fanqing pursed her mouth, her face full of anxiety, but said reluctantly: “But the Master will not let me intervene. As soon as I come, my mission is to seal the blood moon. In the past 2 years, even the abbot Master of Heavenly Dragon Temple has no way, I intervene, but it doesn’t help…”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly and swept the Master of Blood Moon Sword in a coma, indifferently said: “It seems that even if this guy does not mess up, Realm of Earthly Immortals will surely usher in an unprecedented great chaos… “


Yun Fanqing nodded said with great anxiety: “The South Zhanbu Chau is already in flames, the North is Reed Continent 9 The Yutai and Tianyin Halls are in full battle! The Heavenly Dragon Sacred Domain in Xi Niu Hezhou is at war, 10000 stupa glare like a tiger watching his prey, sooner or later will be disrupted!”

“There is also Dongsheng Divine State, Heavenly Secret City, Void Jade Palace, Pantheon, besieging Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family from 3 directions! The 3 sides have all officially started, I am afraid that within a month, a shock will erupt War!”

“As a result, Realm of Earthly Immortals 4 most of the continents will all fall into war! This is an extremely terrifying situation! Even when the Blood Moon Sword Master was in chaos, there has never been such a chaotic situation! “

At this point, Yun Fanqing’s face was full of worry, but his eyes were full of confusion.

Obviously, no matter how powerful a person is, in the face of a wave of generations, it is still small like a trivial ant.

If life can end the chaotic world, Yun Fanqing may do it without the slightest hesitation.

However, trifling an ant, even if it lays down its life?

In the chaos of the general trend, Yun Fanqing’s life, even a little splash of water can not arouse, even more can not change anything.

“I must end this troubled world!”

However, just when Yun Fanqing was confused and helpless, Chen Xiaobei’s state of mind was extremely firm. The decision he made a long time ago is now clear again, and there will not be any slight fluctuation in the future!

“How to end?” Yun Fanqing asked Xiumei frowningly.

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes are as deep as the sky, and his state of mind is as unshakable as the mountains. He said in a word: “Unified Realm of Earthly Immortals!”

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