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Chen Xiaobei smiled: “First of all, Emperor Jiang is the only hope to catch the flying star Daoist! If he goes on an adventure, 10000 will have a length of 3 and a length of 2 short, I will be equivalent to a broken arm, I will definitely not agree! even more How, without Emperor Jiang, you never want to catch a flying star!”

“Yes! Emperor Jiang can’t take risks…” Qieluo nodded couldn’t deny it.

Chen Xiaobei continued: “Secondly, I am a partner of Skyless. Skyless promised to give me equal treatment with him! If you call him Mozu, you have to call me Beizu! Do you want Old Ancestor? Go for cannon fodder?”

“Uh…” Qieluo expression shook his head stupefiedly: “Qieluo dare…10000 10000 dare…”

“Neither Emperor Jiang nor I can go, and Fanqing is an outsider and cannot go!”

Chen Xiaobei looked at Qieluo and said with a smile: “Obviously, the only people who can go on the spot are you and the blood moon! If you don’t go, we will just go home and go, and don’t catch Fei Daoist anyway I have nothing to lose.”

“Don’t! Don’t go…” Qieluo’s heart almost burst into depression, knowing whether to go cannon fodder, or only brace oneself promised: “I and Blood Moon will go down…Go immediately!”

Obviously, the flying star Daoist seems extremely important to the Demon Sect side.

If Chen Xiaobei and Emperor Jiang turn around and leave, Demon Sect will inevitably be greatly affected.

Because of this, Qieluo and Blood Moon Sword Master can only jump inward even if they know they are pits.

“Shua! Shua!”

2 people take out Heavenly Immortal devices at the same time, just like 2 meteors, rushing towards Lone Star Island below.

“Brother Bei is really a good plot against!”

Emperor Jiang grinned and gave a thumbs up: “Let Demon Sect take the lead, bite the dog with the educator, and then, I can see the timing and get the final victory at the least cost! “

“When the sandpiper and the clam fight each other, it’s the fisherman who benefits! This is the truth since ancient times!” Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently, said: “However, you should keep your eyes on it, don’t let the flying star Daoist run away! I also expect to use him for the Top Grade Spirit Stone!”

“Brother Bei is assured that as long as Meteor appears within my line of sight, he will not be able to run away!” Emperor Jiang is very confident.

Aside, Yun Fanqing heard the clouds and fog, and had no idea what Chen Xiaobei and Emperor Jiang were talking about.

However, Yun Fanqing believes that Chen Xiaobei will never do anything harmful to the world, so he doesn’t think about it and watched quietly.

“bang! bang! Bang… ”

It didn’t take long for Lone Star Island to suddenly burst into a violent roar.

In the sky, it can be clearly seen that the brilliant and dazzling auras are flickering, accompanied by a terrible explosion, a noisy tsunami, and even a natural phenomenon of ice, fire, thunder and lightning, and the entire space is in chaos in an instant. .

“Brother Bei! You are as good as a god!”

Emperor Jiang frowned slightly, observed for a moment, and said: “Look at the situation below, the number of enemies is not less than 5 people, and they all have a very strong Primordial Spirit ability! If you didn’t stop just now, I rushed by myself, I’m afraid I will really bode ill rather than well!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed, the whole person took it seriously, and said aloud: “Fanqing, you are waiting here, if the momentum is not right, you will withdraw first!”

“I…” Yun Fanqing wanted to help, but Chen Xiaobei took the lead in rushing before the words were finished.

Emperor Jiang follow closely from behind, protecting Chen Xiaobei.

Looking at Chen Xiaobei’s distant back, Yun Fanqing couldn’t help worrying, and couldn’t wait calmly at all.


After a short hesitation, Yun Fanqing couldn’t take care of that many anymore and directly pulled away and caught up.

On Lone Star Island, there is already a mess at the moment.

As Emperor Jiang speculates, there are a total of 6 people on the elucidation side, which has surrounded Qieluo and Blood Moon Sword Master.

According to the tips of “Three Realms Illustrated Book”, they are Flying Star Daoist, Chiming Real Man, Wang Chuan Daoist, Bai Muci, Han Zheng, Meng Qi.

Among them, Akamori and Daoist respectively took out an Immortal Grade summon talisman, which entangled the longbow in Qieluo’s hand and the bloody sword Heavenly Sword of the Blood Moon Sword Master.

Bai Muci, Han Zheng, Meng Qi, 3 people took the opportunity to release Primordial Spirit Attack, further contain Qieluo and Blood Moon Sword Master.

In this situation, Qieluo and Blood Moon Sword Master can only barely protect themselves, and there is no chance to fight back.

However, Daoist, one of the strongest meteors in the enemy, did not shoot!

“You 2 are who? Why are you raiding us?”

Flying star Daoist stands proudly on a huge rock, staring at Qieluo and Blood Moon Sword Master with cold eyes.

The Blood Moon Sword Master is a person of Realm of Earthly Immortals, and the flying star Daoist naturally does not know.

Qieluo is the reincarnation of Demon Race, and her appearance has changed. The point is that she is not in the “Three Realms”, so Feixing Daoist doesn’t know it either.

“Don’t talk nonsense! Take your life!”

Qieluo will naturally not explain to Feixing Daoist, bend bow and place arrow, suddenly moved towards Feixing Daoist to shoot an arrow.

“act recklessly !”

Flying star Daoist face turned cold, there was no obvious movement, his figure flashed suddenly, and disappeared instantly.

Qieluo’s arrows fell directly, without even touching the edge of the flying star Daoist.


And in the next moment, before waiting for Qieluo came back to his senses, a scream was already ringing in her ear.

“Not good !”

Qieluo was shocked, however, that only a single thought was born, and it was too late to act!


With only a muffled sound, Qieluo suddenly flew out and smashed a hill beyond several dozen meters.

“Master Qieluo!!!”

Blood Moon Sword Master turn pale with fright, intended to withdraw to save Qieluo, suddenly a sudden pain came from his chest.

“Sa!!!!!! Bang!!!”

The speed of sound is not as fast as the pain comes from.

When the sound erupted, the Blood Moon Sword Master had also flew out, smashing the ground into a huge pit.

“2 wastes! Don’t measure yourself how many catties and how many taels, but also dare to sneak attack us? We sent 2 Heavenly Immortal devices to us in vain! hahaha…”

Subsequently, the silhouette of the flying star Daoist emerged from in the sky, and fell to the location of the blood moon sword master just now.

At the same time, Qieluo Longbow and Blood Engine Heavenly Sword have already fallen into the hands of Fei Daoist.

Obviously, the flying star Daoist did not disappear from scratch, but his speed was far beyond the range visible to the naked eye.

Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary people, he seems to disappear.

“It’s so fast… this person’s speed is too terrifying…”

At this moment, Yun Fanqing, who was originally hiding in the dark, gave a marvel.


Meteor Daoist’s eyes immediately shifted.

“Oops…” Yun Fanqing’s heart was cold, and the whole person was in a panic.

She knows very well that she is definitely not an opponent of Flying Star Daoist. The enemy must attack, and she will definitely die.

“Don’t be afraid, I’m here!”

At this moment, Chen Xiaobei suddenly appeared behind Yun Fanqing, and went out directly from the secret, smiling at the flying star Daoist evilly: “Do you even know me?”

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