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That’s right!

The bald beauty who appeared next to Chen Xiaobei was 3 Saintess, Yun Fanqing!

“Zhufeng Young Master…I am a monk! Please pay attention to your words…”

Yun Fanqing’s small face was originally condensed and serious, but it was made cheeks red by Chen Xiaobei’s words, his eyes flashed, and he was very shy.

“Hmph! When you see a nun, you must lose every gambling!”

On the other side, the white-haired youth disdains coldly snorted, his voice is hoarse and gloomy, revealing a sense of vicissitudes that is very inconsistent with his appearance.

That’s right!

This guy is the master of Blood Engine Heavenly Sword! 100 10,000 years ago Demon Sect Cult Master! Be the super demon of 4 kinds of bloodline! Blood Moon Sword Master!

“Blood Moon! I have been looking for you since you escaped from the seal, and today, finally let me find you!”

Yun Fanqing set his mind, and his beautiful eyes showed a strong fighting intent, and the whole person’s breath became very mysterious.

That kind of breath is very sacred and majestic, as if there are 9 Heavenly Immortal Buddhas in the midst of protection, so that Yun Fanqing’s whole people are protected by the power of the Buddha.

Others may not know it, but Chen Xiaobei knows that this is the breath of Divine Physique!

Yun Fanqing itself has a natural Buddha bone, but it is a peerless genius out of a trillion people!

However, at the first time, Yun Fanqing’s Buddha bone Divine Physique did not have Great Accomplishment, and after overdrawing life force to seal the blood moon sword master, he almost completely died.

Fortunately, Chen Xiaobei tried to save, helped Yun Fanqing to save her life, but also made her bones Divine Physique Great Accomplishment. Cultivation, Physique, lifespan, all skyrocketed.

Because of this, Yun Fanqing always owes Chen Xiaobei a big favor and always wants to repay Chen Xiaobei.


Blood Moon Sword’s eyes were fixed, said with a sneer: “didn’t expect, I haven’t seen it for a while, your Buddha bone Divine Physique has already been Great Accomplishment! Is this your courage to rely on this Seat to face the battle? “

Yun Fanqing pretty face Condensation, ruddy lips, spitting out the sharp edge of the word edge: “Elimination of the blood moon is the life-long responsibility of 3 Saints in Saintess! This has nothing to do with guts, as long as there is a chance, I will look back to death Fang Hugh!”


The bloody sword master’s red gold eyes reveal a lot of disdain, coldly said: “Which kind of money and power is bad? You haven’t enjoyed anything at your young age, you have to fight for your shit duties, Is it worth it?”

“I’m for the life of the world, one person’s life, 100000000 million people’s lives, naturally worth it!” Yun Fanqing’s Tao heart is stable, naturally impossible was seduced by the words and words of the blood moon sword master.


Coldly snorted, Lord of Blood Moon Sword, said with extreme dominance: “Since you are going to die, this Seat is yours! You just want to see if this is your Divine Physique, or the 4 blood Devil of This Seat. Body is amazing!”


The voice did not fall, and the Blood Moon Sword Master’s body suddenly inspired a strange bloodline ability!

At an instant, the red gold eyes of the Blood Moon Sword Master bloomed dazzlingly, like 2 orbs, shining and domineering, which is the characteristic of Monster Race Bloodline.

Immediately afterwards, a huge pair of red gold flesh wings were born on his back like bat wings, which is characteristic of Blood Race Bloodline.

And then, his hands and feet, sharp claws, and rock-like scales are the characteristics of the Orc’s Bloodline.

In the end, three twisted horns grew on his forehead, as if wearing a devil’s crown, which is the Bloodline feature of Demon Race.

Obviously, the reason why the Blood Moon Sword Master is powerful is that, besides having the Heavenly Immortal device, he also has four types of Bloodline, Physique, tyranny, and uncanny ability, and has almost no opponent within the same level.

“Zhufeng Young Master, you leave quickly! This place is too dangerous!”

Yun Fanqing Xiu’s eyebrows were tight and wrinkled. Although the Dao heart was firm and she kept fighting for a fight, in the final analysis, her heart was not at all the confidence to win. She is afraid that if she loses, Chen Xiaobei will fall into death threats.

Chen Xiaobei expression started slightly and said, “Actually, I can stay and help you…”

“You can’t help me!”

Yun Fanqing didn’t wait for Chen Xiaobei to finish talking, and urged: “If it wasn’t for my shot, you would have been dead. You stay will only distract me! When you leave, I can do my best!”

“Uh…” Chen Xiaobei was speechless for a while.

I was just reluctant to waste Spirit Qi just now, and it is not impossible to protect myself.

But Yun Fanqing didn’t know Chen Xiaobei’s hole cards, so he was particularly worried about Chen Xiaobei.

“Want to go? Oh, do you think this Seat is vegetarian?”

On the other side, the Blood Moon Sword Master had already held the Blood Engine Heavenly Sword with both hands, and rushed over at a very fast speed: “Today you 2, no one wants to go! This Seat will take everything you have by hand! Dedicated to the great Qieluo Demon!”

“Chen Young Master! Go away! I’ll block him!”

Yun Fanqing’s eyes condensed, the lovable body rushed out of the sky, and behind him the 9 Vatican golden bell changed from small to large, like a shadow.

“Qieluo Demon? Isn’t Demon Luo reincarnated under the sky?”

Chen Xiaobei not at all left, but looked at the thoughtful froze in place: “Blood Moon Sword Master was originally a member of the six-party alliance under Xu Fu, and he should serve the explanation. How is he doing work for Demon Sect? Is this The guy has become an undercover?”

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaobei immediately became vigilant, opened Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes, and quickly glanced all around: “If the Blood Moon Sword Lord really belongs to the forces of Heavenly Demon, there may be other reincarnated ancient demons nearby!”

“bang! Bang…”

At the same time, 9 Van Gogh Golden Bell and Blood Engine Heavenly Sword have already violently confronted each other on the frontal battlefield.

The power of these two Heavenly Immortal devices is comparable, and the battle is inseparable.

At the same time, the Blood Moon Sword Master uses the idea of ​​the Royal Sword, and the deity moved towards Yun Fanqing.

Yun Fanqing let Artifact Spirit of 9 Van Gogh Golden Bell fight on his own, and he attacked the Lord of Blood Moon Sword himself.

“Dark Devil Blast!!!”

The Blood Moon Sword Master roared with three pairs of six horns on his head, and a black aura erupted at the same time.

“hong long long ……”

6 auras merged into one, like a huge laser electromagnetic gun, suddenly burst out a thick black wave like Flood Dragon.

This wave of light reveals a very strong instruction aura, as if the ancients destroyed the Demon God, and brought the end to everything and all beings.

“Buddha bones!”

Yun Fanqing face doesn’t change, jade hand lightly raised, draw a shining crystal swastika in front of him.

In the swastika, it seems to be blessed with Yun Fanqing’s purest Essence, Qi, and Spirit, exuding the sacred power of pure Yang.


Suddenly, the dark shock wave and Jingguang Foyin faced each other!

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