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“Don’t panic!?”

Deng Zhong was dumbfounded: “This is a Heavenly Immortal-level array! If you don’t resist power, we will all die!”


Chen Xiaobei was too lazy to talk nonsense and summoned Six-Eared Macaque directly from the Sumiya space.

At the moment, Six-Eared Macaque is a state of soul.

“Master Quhua?”

In Deng Zhong’s eyes, Six-Eared Macaque is Master Qu Hua.

Six-Eared Macaque would naturally not explain anything to him, but just settled in and began to recite an obscure ancient scripture silently.


This section of In Literature there is an extremely mysterious effect, and it has some kind of spiritual resonance with the array being started below.

Gradually, the array subsided, and there was no sign of attack.

Obviously, this passage is the magical method of breaking the formation that Qu Hua Zen Master has spent all his effort on the untold hardships.

Six-Eared Macaque got the memory of Master Qu Hua, and naturally it can be used as an easy as blowing off dust crack array to help Chen Xiaobei get the final chance.

“Master Quhua…you…why do you help Chen Zhufeng?” Deng Zhong said with bold bold face, and said in a denial: “Did your contract master have an alliance with Chen Zhufeng?”


With a playful smile on Chen Xiaobei’s face, we came to didn’t expect, but was reminded by Deng Zhong: “The contract owner of the old bald donkey in Qu Hua has reached a deal with me, and the people under him will support me in the future. !”

In fact, the Buddhism group of 5 headed by Master Qu Hua has been completely wiped out, and even the soul has been wiped out by Chen Xiaobei.

However, the magic of Six-Eared Macaque, the average person can not see the true and false.

Chen Xiaobei just took the opportunity to show off his divisive plan and said that he had formed an alliance with Master Qu Hua’s contractual master. In this way, he could provoke the discord between the man and the interpretation.

“I… I’m leaving…off…” Deng Zhong took a breath, turned his head and fled quickly.

“Brother Bei, you are so bad!”

After Deng Zhong escaped, Six-Eared Macaque smirked: “Looking at Deng Zhong’s posture, he will surely pass the news to Heavenly Realm after going back. Between the teaching and Buddhism, there must be mutual suspicion. The owner of the contract will not be able to walk around!”

“Let their dog bite the dog!”

Chen Xiaobei shrugged, said: “I also don’t expect that there will be an outbreak of war between Herald and Buddhism Monster Church. I only hope that they will contain each other for a period of time, so that I can have a chance to breathe! You can’t do anything else.”

“Well, you are right…”

Six-Eared Macaque nodded, said: “For these small shrimps, it will not detonate the Three Sects battle, but they can bite the dog for a while, Brother Bei, you have time to improve and become stronger, which is very important!”

“Let’s go! Let’s take a look!” Chen Xiaobei grinned, said: “The opportunity to become stronger is already in front of us!”

“Go!” Six-Eared Macaque grinned and flew beside Chen Xiaobei in excitement.

Through the golden light distributed through the array, the psychedelic prohibition is eliminated.

Chen Xiaobei and Six-Eared Macaque finally saw the ancient city underwater in the memory of Master Qu Hua.

Judging from the layout of the ancient city and the decay of the ruins, this ancient city has existed for quite a long time, and may even exist in the same generation as the ruins of the Saint.

That was the last time the Great Desolate of Taikoo!

“Brother Bei! Come with me!”

Six-Eared Macaque flew to the front to lead the way and said, “Master Qu Hua has studied this very thoroughly and the environment is already very familiar. As long as you enter the Aura Tower in the center of the ancient city, you can get the legendary Aura Relic!”

“Is there any danger?” Chen Xiaobei asked cautiously.

“Will not.”

Six-Eared Macaque said affirmatively: “This is originally a main city of the Buddha system, and guarding the array of the main city is the biggest danger here. We have been approved by the array and will not be subject to other attacks!”

“I’m relieved…” Chen Xiaobei paused and asked again: “What is the good thing about Relic? Why is Master Quhua so fancy?”

Six-Eared Macaque explained: “According to Master Qu Hua’s memory, the highest belief of this ancient city is a monk who was a Taoist prince in ancient times, known as Bodhisattva!”

“After the monk passed away, the body became feathered, leaving only a spiritual light Relic, which became the treasure of the town of this main city!

“In terms of quality, this Aura Relic is a 1–Star Heavenly Immortal device! In terms of ability, it should inherit the Primordial Spirit Attack of Aura Bodhisattva, aura of aura!”

“Aura of light?” Chen Xiaobei lighted up and said, “Sounds like it’s like a defensive capability!”


Six-Eared Macaque nodded, said: “The effect of the aura of the aura is to resist all Primordial Spirit Attack within 3 layers of great realm!”

“So bullshit!?”

Chen Xiaobei hearing this, two eyes instantly shined: “One of the abilities of the Bodhisattva’s sage is to resolve the Primordial Spirit Attack! But I have seen it with my own eyes, and that kind of ability is beyond heaven!”

“Uh… this Relic can’t be compared to the Bodhi Girl’s Bloodline ability.”

Six-Eared Macaque said: “The Bodhi Girl’s Bloodline ability is at least God Rank! And Relic is only 1–Star Heavenly Immortal level, even if inheriting the Primordial Spirit Attack ability of Aura, it can only resist up to 4–Star Heavenly Immortal level. Primordial Spirit Attack!”

“That’s enough!”

Chen Xiaobei grinned and said, “If I had the ability of the aura of the aura earlier, I wouldn’t be sealed by Tianzhao!”

“Yeah, something is better than nothing!”

Six-Eared Macaque nodded, said: “even more how, Brother Bei you cultivated Eastern Sovereign Taiyi’s “Phaseless Primal Chaos Law Body”, after devouring Relic, the body’s defensive strength can also be skyrocketed, which is also beyond the ability Important harvest!”


Chen Xiaobei grinned and said, “If the dharma body can be extremely powerful, it can also be invincible!”


While speaking, 2 people have quickly reached the center of the city.

Among the ruins of a collapsed ancient pagoda, one after another resembles a rainbow-like aura, constantly emanating, accompanied by extremely strong spirituality fluctuations.

“Brother Bei! That’s Relic!” Six-Eared Macaque said excitedly.

“it is good!”

Chen Xiaobei moved his heart and released a True Yuan directly, rolling out a pigeon egg-sized sarira from the ruins.

This Relic seems to be 7-color fine jade generally soothing and flawless. It can even feel a mysterious warmth in the hand, making Chen Xiaobei feel comfortable.

“Sure enough, it’s a great treasure! Now that I have it, I’m welcome!”

Chen Xiaobei moved his mind and directly operated the mentality of the “Phaseless Primal Chaos”, preparing to devour the Relic.

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