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“What trick is Chen Zhufeng playing?”

Master Quhua rushed to the front of the enemy. Although he was bearing the super defensive power of the Immortal Grade summon symbol, his heart was not at all full of confidence.

Even the remaining ten or nine enemies all showed surprise expressions, and even the speed of the rush to kill greatly slowed down.

“Everyone is careful!”

Shan Xiongxin was an experienced general during his lifetime, and immediately issued an early warning: “Chen Zhufeng has many tricks. At this moment, he actually put his helpers and weapons in his hands. There must be fraud!”

“That’s right! Everyone be careful! 10000000 Don’t miss Chen Zhufeng’s plot against!”

“Chen Zhufeng is not a fool. If he is not sure, Impossible will take away Six-Eared Macaque and Demon Dragon Tribulation…”

Deng Zhong also had some concerns in his heart and frowned, saying: “However, we already know that his existing hole cards are simply impossible to solve today’s dead end! What is he going to do?”

Obviously, the enemies are prepared, and Chen Xiaobei’s hole card is almost clear. Moreover, the enemy specifically chose to start on the Eastern Sea, which not only made Chen Xiaobei have no chance of winning, and even completely retreated!

No matter how it is counted, Chen Xiaobei is absolutely mortal today!

However, when Chen Xiaobei put away the Six-Eared Macaque and the Demon Dragon Tribulation, all the enemies and the things that they believed in themselves were shaken again.

Because they all know Chen Xiaobei very well!

Chen Xiaobei will not admit counsel, let alone wait for death, suddenly showing weakness is only one possibility, that is Chen Xiaobei thought of a way to break the game!

For the enemy, this’method’ is equivalent to crafty plots and machinations!

After all, in Heaven, Earth and Human Three Realms, many people have suffered losses in Chen Xiaobei.

Therefore, the enemies have an instinctive fear of Chen Xiaobei’s wisdom and strategy.


When the enemy was hesitant, Chen Xiaobei released Ziyuan directly, and immediately said, “Little Zi! Take me into the Sea Territory shrouded in thundercloud!”


Ziyuan glanced at that direction and was instinctively frightened: “Brother Brother Bei, are you cracking a joke…”

At this moment, the natural phenomenon in the world of Heavenly Tribulation has become more and more scary!

The thick black cloud seems to be an endless black sea, and the desolate and heavy breath seems to be the condensation of the ancient and endless power. Once it comes down, it can completely crush 10000 things and 10000 things!

The tumbling thunderbolt, the thick knots, seemed to be a series of Flood Dragon wandering in the Black Sea, fierce, frantic, and even accompanied by a Supreme killing intent from the Great Desolate at the beginning, making the whole space dim!

And on the sea, that one after another Heavenspan water column looks like Dragonflight Chaotic Dance! Terrible, terrifying, united Heavenspan! It also blocked the people of Crossing Tribulation in that terrifying space!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that if there is not enough strength to rush into that space, it is definitely ten deaths without life, fancy death!

Even if Ziyuan is already 9鈥揝tar Peak Stage Earth Immortal, he does not think he can live in that field at all!

If you are not afraid, then it is definitely a crap!

“I didn’t crack a joke! This is the order! Quick!”

Chen Xiaobei had no time to explain and urged with a serious tone.


Although Ziyuan is afraid, she and Chen Xiaobei have signed a blood contract for Primordial Spirit, and are 100% loyal to Chen Xiaobei.

As long as it is Chen Xiaobei’s order, Ziyuan will execute it unconditionally, even if she knows she is going to die, she will execute it to the end!


Ziyuan suddenly accelerated, almost brought out all one’s strength, took Chen Xiaobei, and rushed to the Heavenly Tribulation field at the fastest speed.

“What’s going on? Chen Zhufeng wants to escape?”

Master Qu Hua’s expression was slightly started, and said: “No… even if he wants to escape, he shouldn’t escape into the domain of Heavenly Tribulation… that’s simply death! It’s even faster than fighting us!”

“Isn’t that kid scared?” Pei Yuanqing said contemptuously: “Or, he is ignorance is a bliss, simply do not know the horror of Heavenly Tribulation!”

“Don’t care about everyone! Hurry up and catch up!”

Nine-Headed Insect Shen Sheng reminded: “Chen Zhufeng may just be acting! We must catch up and watch him enter the Heavenly Tribulation field with my own eyes to be at ease!”

“That’s right! Everyone keep chasing!”

Deng Zhong immediately accelerated, and killing intent said abruptly: “Either we will kill Chen Zhufeng by hand! Or we will watch Chen Zhufeng die in the Heavenly Tribulation field! We must not allow the third situation!”

“Shua! Shua! shua…”

As soon as this remark came out, 20 enemies again brought speed to the extreme, and moved towards Chen Xiaobei to catch up.

They are all Peak Stage Earth Immortal, flying speed is not slower than Ziyuan.

“Brother Brother Bei… We are going to die together…”

Enemies are chasing after nothing, Ziyuan has no chance to change course halfway, only brace oneself rush into Heavenly Tribulation field.

“Fool! You will not die!” Chen Xiaobei indifferently said.

“However, I don’t want Brother Brother Bei to die…” Zi Yuan was very worried.

“I don’t want to die either, but at this moment, I have only one choice, to live to death!”

Seeing that he had reached the edge of the Heavenly Tribulation field, Chen Xiaobei moved his mind and took Ziyuan back to Xumi Space.


Controlling Flying Nimbus, Chen Xiaobei is alone and rushes directly into the Heavenly Tribulation field!


The enemies who were chasing behind were all stopped, and no one dared to rush into Chen Xiaobei.

“This kid is really crazy…”

Master Qu Hua鈥檚 entire face was distorted. Looking at Chen Xiaobei鈥檚 back, it was like watching an idiot: 鈥淚t鈥檚 better to die in Heavenly Tribulation than to die in our hands!鈥?/p>

At this time, the Immortal Grade Avatar on Master Qu Hua鈥檚 body was still there, but he simply dared not chase it in. It is conceivable that the formidable power of Heavenly Tribulation is definitely not something that Immortal Grade Avatar can resist.

In this case, Chen Xiaobei’s hole card is even more impossible to resist Heavenly Tribulation’s formal power.

From the perspective of Master Qu Hua, Chen Xiaobei rushed into the field of Heavenly Tribulation in this way, and it was completely dead! To die without suspense.

“Master is right!”

Shan Xiongxin said with a sneer: “Chen Zhufeng died in our hands, maybe a whole body could be left, and even Remnant Soul could be attributed to Earthly Realm and reincarnated! But he rushed into the field of Heavenly Tribulation, and he was destined for the body. Both Heying Soul will be completely destroyed, turned into microscopic ashes, completely dissipated, leaving no trace!”

“No matter how Chen Zhufeng died, our mission is completed!”

Deng Zhong said with a smug smile, “Shen Gongbao this idiot, with that many support and layout that many times, failed to get Chen Zhufeng, and it was our first time to kill Chen Zhufeng! Just thinking about it is very fulfilling!”

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