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Before the green spider had reacted to what had happened, he was directly splashed by the green spider’s blood plasma, and the whole person was frightened.

“Sister 4! Don’t be dazed! Hurry! Hurry away…”

The green spider’s magic body flew out, up to 3 meters high, with a female form in the upper body and 8 spider-like steps of the spider in the lower body.

Her fleshy body was destroyed, just in a flash.

Although she wanted to remind Green Spider to escape quickly, Luo Puti would never give them such a chance.

“Bang! sa sa sa ……”

Just a moment later, the same situation broke out on the green spider!

A divine spinedor directly hit the heart of the green spider, and then burst out countless golden blades. In a blink of an eye, the Physique of the green spider was directly cut into flesh.

“Too… too terrifying…”

When the green spider came back to his senses, there was only the same magic body as the green spider.

Looking at their original standing position, there are only 2 blood reds on the ground after the plasma flesh has burst, as if the fireworks have burst, red and gorgeous.

A second ago, the green spider and the green spider did not know the power of Luo Puti at all, thinking that Luo Puti was just the common Peak Stage Earth Immortal of the common, and they could easily solve it by joining forces.

One second later, the green spider and the green spider discovered that Luo Puti’s horror could hardly be described in words. Not to mention that they only joined together. Even if ten of them went together, it was not enough for Luo Puti to crush.

Luo Puti’s power has completely surpassed Peak Stage Earth Immortal!

For Magical Artifact and Primordial Spirit Attack, only the Combat Force of individual, in the same realm, I am afraid that only Chen Xiaobei can win a little better, any other Peak Stage Earth Immortal, and Luo Puti mention on equal terms!

“Bodhi elder sister is so strong! The two hateful women were instantly removed in a blink of an eye! The dead end was completely reversed! It was so enjoyable! It was so depressing!”

At the far end, Ziyuan cheered with surprise, like a cute little butterfly, flying up and down, not excited.

“Bodhi elder sister, wife and wife are handsome!”

Yan Soul and Profound Soul are also dancing and dancing, excited 10000 points: “one against two, crushed strongly! The enemy is beaten up and has no temper! It is so handsome!”

“Strong… Too strong…”

Ghost King was stunned in place, but he was a ghost himself, but he showed a ghost expression, and his voice was trembling with shock: “The kind of golden divine splendor can actually increase the strength of True Yuan… It is simply a magic skill. what……”

“Sister 4! We can’t save our strength anymore! We must take out Tian Luo Yao Si to subdue this woman!”

In the battlefield, both the green spider and the green spider have learned the horror of Luo Puti. They no longer dare to underestimate Luo Puti. They are even ready to take out their strongest trump card to deal with Luo Puti.

“Shua! Shua!”

I saw that the magic bodies of the green spider and the green spider retreated in two directions, pulling a suitable distance away.


In the next moment, the green spider and green spider’s magic body sprayed a large amount of azure and green spider silk from the position of the navel, respectively.

Obviously, their fleshy body was completely destroyed. What was spouted at the moment is not the physical spider silk, but the unreal spider silk after the combination of Primordial Spirit Attack and True Yuan.

Without the support of the solid spider silk, the unreal celestial spider silk sprayed by the green spider and the green spider at this moment, the defensive power will be greatly discounted.

Although True Yuan and Nascent Soul can still seal people, they can no longer resist the Heavenly Immortal-level power, and even Luo Puti’s existing power can’t resist.

However, the most powerful aspect of Tianluo spider silk lies in its ability.

As long as Luo Puti is covered with a little bit of celestial spider silk, True Yuan will not work, neither the Dharma body nor Nascent Soul can be separated from the fleshy body, only the dead end remains!


There is no doubt that Tianluo silk is the last hope of green and green spiders.

Therefore, they do not make any reservations, exhaust all Spiritual Power, and release Tianluo spider silk to the strongest, fastest and widest level!

As long as Luo Puti makes a few mistakes, the green and green spiders can complete the big reversal with the help of celestial spider silk.

By that time, both Luo Puti and Chen Xiaobei will die. Although the green spider and the green spider have lost the fleshy body, they can get countless times more rewards than the fleshy body!

Absolutely! Do not! Absolutely great value!

“Bodhi elder sister! You must be confident to avoid it! As long as you don’t get contaminated by spider silk, the spiritual power of the two demonic girls will soon be exhausted, and you will be defeated without fighting!”

Ziyuan is a clever girl and immediately reminds Luo Puti loudly.


Yan Soul and Profound Soul are also very worried about the battle situation, and quickly said: “Bodhi elder sister! You can not attack at all! As long as you wholeheartedly avoid the spider silk, victory will be at your fingertips! 10000000 Don’t hurry to enter the boat!”

The dead Ghost King also nodded and said: “While the two Banshee took out the strongest trump card, the odds are still not great! After all, the speed of Bodhi Young Lady is so fast that it can easily avoid all the spider silk! “

Obviously, everyone has seen the trend of the game and has seen the best way to win.

That is to avoid!

As long as Luo Puti escapes the siege of all Tien Luo Sisi, he will be able to win without fighting.

This is definitely the most labor-saving and safest method.


The scene of the pick-up was enough to shock everyone’s attention!


The celestial spider silk shrouded like an inescapable net, but Luo Puti stood motionless on the spot, without any intention to avoid.

“Bodhi elder sister! What are you doing! Hurry to hide…”

Ziyuan, Flame Soul, Profound Soul, and 3 Little Brat all screamed as unable to bear.

Ghost King had constricted pupils and numb scalp, and his heart was flying out of his throat.

“Is that woman crazy… why not hide…”

Even the green spider and the green spider are faceless and bold, and they can’t believe their eyes.

In the eyes of all of them, if Luo Puti does not hide, it is destined to have only a dead end!

When Luo Puti dies, Chen Xiaobei will die. Ziyuan and they will also be buried, no one wants to escape!

Because of this, everyone can’t understand even after racking their brains, why did Luo Puti make such a choice? Isn’t it tired of living?

“This long battle, Bodhi will never fail!”

At this moment, only Chen Xiaobei’s face was calm and he slowly raised his left hand. The dark lines and poisonousness of the life-threatening centipede had completely disappeared!

The poison was released by Chen Xiaobei himself.

But that day the dark pattern of the centipede was the Primordial Spirit Attack of the black-blooded centipede.

This means that the Divine splendor on Luo Puti has the anti-celestial effect of dissolving Primordial Spirit Attack!

Don’t hide! Still undefeated!

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