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Enchanting the mind, poisoning the curse, and controlling others have always been the best things Demon Race does.

“Brother Bei listen carefully, I will give you the method of “Demon God Robbery” directly to you…”

Rahu immediately taught Chen Xiaobei a section of Heart Law’s Mnemonic Chant, saying: “This is a God Rank curse. Under True God, no one can cast the spell!”

“In the soul of the man of the middle curse, there will be a seed of the curse! As long as he dares to give birth to the slightest alienation, the soul will be completely destroyed!”

Obviously, Rahu’s “Demon God” is countless times more than Lucifer’s Heart Demon contract Top Grade!

The person who signed the Heart Demon contract must have Lucifer take the initiative to control it. If the person is outside the distance distance, Lucifer simply does not know what the other party is doing and what they are thinking, even if the other party sells it.

For example, everyone in the Northern Profound Sect, within the body already had the Heart Demon contract, but the mountains are high and the water is far away, and Lucifer cannot control them simply, even if they are betrayed, they are no longer in control.

But “Demon God” is different!

The seed of the spell is in the soul of the person under control, and it has a strong sense of spirituality.

As long as the person under control has a little bit of dissent, the seed of the spell will wipe out his soul and make him die without a burial site.

In this way, the people controlled by Chen Xiaobei, even far away from millions and millions of li, and even in independent spaces, will carry the seeds of the spell and the fear of being controlled by Chen Xiaobei!

Dare to betray is to die!

“I will try it now!”

Chen Xiaobei grinned and moved towards 9 the seal of


With the blessing of Heart of Literary Sage, Chen Xiaobei can completely learn and sell now.

When the heart moved, True Yuan circulated. The first time he cast the spell successfully, he condense a dark red Demon Race.


The irregular pattern is like a wave of water, integrated into a Heavenly Secret City Elder within the body.

“come out!”

Chen Xiaobei moved his mind and released the Elder’s 9-day seal, indifferently said: “I will give you a chance to kill me! I promise not to fight back, as long as you have patience, my life is yours !”

“I don’t dare…I don’t dare to do 10000 10000…” Heavenly Secret City Elder raised a horse and knelt directly to the ground, peng~ peng~ peng~’s Chen Xiaobei kowtowed.

“Elder Wang! You are Elder in our Heavenly Secret City headquarters! How can it be so timid!”

At this time, Heavenly Secret City Young Master Xu Gengnian shouted: “Take some courage, as long as you kill Chen Zhufeng, I will reward you 1 billion Top Grade Spirit Stone! Reward you 9-Star Earth Immortal!” I became the master of Heavenly Secret City, and I let you be the core Elder!”

“I don’t dare… I don’t dare 10000 10000…”

Elder Wang shook his head desperately on the surface, but deep in one’s heart shook a little.

After all, the conditions offered by Xu Gengnian are too tempting. Once successful, Elder Wang can fight for less than 10000 years!


But, in the moment of shaking in his heart, trying to kill Chen Xiaobei, Elder Wang wailed.

There were no scars or even pain on his body.

However, the whole person turned directly to the ground, motionless, completely cut off the vitality!

Physique is intact, but people are dead!

This shows that the soul of Elder Wang has the soul flew away and scattered!

“This… what is going on here?”

Seeing the scene in front of him, Xu Gengnian and everyone in 9 Suotianwang were stunned and their scalp numb.

“Elder Wang’s death must be due to the dark red devil pattern just now!”

“Yes! I personally saw Chen Zhufeng just punch the dark red devil pattern into Elder Wang within the body!”

“However, the follow-up action of Chen Zhufeng not at all, is it that the dark red devil killed Elder Wang?”

“This… this is incredible too!”

Everyone exclaimed again and again, it was almost impossible to imagine, what is that dark red devil pattern, and why can Chen Xiaobei kill people without complete control? This is really weird!

“God Rank’s curse, you will feel incredible and normal!”

Chen Xiaobei said indifferently: “As you can see, I used “Demon God” for this surnamed Wang. I let him kill me to test whether he really surrendered!”

“As long as he is truly surrendered and does not have any ambitions for me, he will not die just now! Unfortunately, after hearing the temptation of Xu Gengnian, he killed me!”

“Even if there is only a hint of killing or antipathy towards me, it will be sensed by the spirituality of the curse! The curse will directly wipe out his soul, so that he has no chance to explain, and will completely disappear from the Three Realms 6 Road! “

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei used Elder Wang to make Xiaobai rats, try the effect of “Demon God Robbery”.

At the same time, this is also to kill the chicken to warn the monkey, so that everyone else can see the end of the surrender.

“Shua! Shua! shua…”

The effect is already very obvious. Chen Xiaobei without the slightest hesitation, has performed “Demon God Robbery” more than 50 times in a row, and cursed everyone under 9 Lock Skynet!

However, although this skill is against the sky, it is also very expensive.

It has been performed for more than 50 times in a row, which made Chen Xiaobei’s True Yuan completely overdrawn, and Spiritual Power was also greatly consumed.

Because of this, this trick can be used against powerhouses above 7–Star Earth Immortal, and people below 7–Star Earth Immortal should still use dog food for control.


After everyone was cursed, Chen Xiaobei lifted the seal of 9 Lock Skynet and put this Heavenly Immortal device directly.

“Zhu Feng Young Master Rao Ming…Zhu Feng Young Master spare my life please ……We must be loyal and loyal, absolutely not dare to have the slightest distraction… absolutely not dare…”

The 50-odd people knelt on the ground and wailed again and again.

Even the most proud and arrogant Xu Gengnian and Zhao 10000 Ji have completely lost their tempers. In the face of death, they can only choose to submit.

Even Canaan Yu, who only knelt the god Buddha Bodhisattva, knelt in front of Chen Xiaobei. Among the crowd, this was the most productive kowtow.

Not to mention Poseidon and the other high-ranking powers, let alone kowtowing, it was incredibly pious.

They can have today’s status and power. They have made countless efforts and overcome countless difficulties. If they die, everything will be in vain.

They couldn’t bear to die! Naturally, I dare not betray Chen Xiaobei!


Chen Xiaobei grinned and said: “With this group of running dogs, the plan of the 6-party alliance to siege the Xuanyuan family is basically completely scrapped!”

“Yes, yes… the 6-party alliance is in front of the Young Master of the Wind, which is simply 6 spicy chickens! The young Master of the Wind is facing the sword, and the Six-party Alliance will be destroyed…” I dare not say a word.

Chen Xiaobei was too lazy to take care of them, and said indifferently: “Rahu, let’s go! 3,000,000 storage bracelet should have been gathered, it’s time for a bumper harvest!”

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