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Rahu respects Chen Xiaobei respectfully.

7 Great Demonic God even listened to Chen Xiaobei.

The method to resolve the Heart Demon contract was immediately taught to Chen Xiaobei.

In this way, Chen Xiaobei will use “God’s Greed” in the forefoot in the future, and the hind foot will be able to help the person to lift the Heart Demon contract, which is almost elated.


Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiaobei moved his mind and waved 10000 Nightmare Demon Crow from the 10000 beast ring.

These magic crows quickly moved towards the east.

Obviously, there were more than 70 days of high-rise photos and 3,000,000 days of warriors’ storage bracelet in the battlefield of the previous war.

Chen Xiaobei is short of Spirit Stone right now, naturally impossible to forget such a large amount of resources.

Ding-Rescue 100 Surname: Get 30100000000 Three Realms Merits!

Ding——Eliminate the evil: Get 30100000000 Three Realms Merits!

Ding-current Three Realms Merits 995100000000 points (charm value: 99100000000 510000000, luck value: 99100000000 510000000)!

At the same time, the Heavenly Dao rewards have been settled clearly and come to Chen Xiaobei.

Obviously, saving 100 merits of 3,000,000,000 surnames is not just saving the 100 girls!

Tianzhao fell into the demonic path, and the evil deeds of Tianzhaojiao were far more than that.

The merit of 3,000,000,000 is because Chen Xiaobei eradicated Tianzhao education and completely rescued all the 100 innocent people who were oppressed by Tianzhao and lived in deep fire.

The other 3,000,000,000 merit is naturally the reward of the previous battle.

Tianzhao did evil, and its senior officials and soldiers did not resist, but instead followed, so as to follow evil.

Because of this, Chen Xiaobei wiped them out, not only without punishment, but also with rewards.

Ding-the number of new believers is 3100000000! The total number of believers is 663100000000! (Only take ‘100000000’ as the unit, the remaining value system is not calculated in detail)

Immediately afterwards, even the number of believers soared.

Obviously, this is due to the live broadcast just now.

The power of this World is supreme. The powerhouse is respected. The powerful strength displayed by Chen Xiaobei is enough to win him a large number of believers.

“Let’s go, we will fly eastward slowly. When we arrive, Nightmare Demon Crow will collect all storage bracelets!”

Chen Xiaobei simply tidied up, indifferently said.

“Brother Bei, I have a suggestion.” Rahu didn’t rush away, said solemnly.

“You said.” Chen Xiaobei nodded.

“I hope you can conquer the entire netherworld Demon Country!”

Rahu said: “Demon Race is not as evil as the world thinks! All Demon Race is evil and tyrannical because there are no rules and no good education!”

“If you can rule the Demon Race, discipline it well, and let Demon Race abandon evil and do good, for you, this will be an incomparable gigantic educational merit! For Demon Race, this will also be a righteous way. An opportunity for communion and peace forever!”

As soon as this statement came out, Chen Xiaobei’s expression startled involuntarily, stormy sea rushed into his heart: “I probably understand what you mean, but…”

“I know Brother Bei has concerns!”

Rahu continued: “Brother Bei, you didn’t want to bring Lucifer them just because you didn’t want to be involved with Demon Race. But don’t forget, Brother Bei, as the three Realms, I have an inseparable relationship with Demon Race!”

“Brother Bei, you are the owner of my contract. Sooner or later, you will be inseparable from Demon Race! Instead of being in an awkward state with both parties, letting others take advantage of it, it is better to simply become a family!”

“Although it is very difficult to teach Demon Race, as long as it succeeds, the Three Realms Merits rewarded by Heavenly Dao will be more generous than Fuxi’s education!”

“There is also a legend that in the wilderness of Heavenly Realm, the door of Demon Realm may be opened at this time of immeasurable quantity, and the fairy demon havoc before and after futile erupts!”

“If Brother Bei wants to resolve or stop this catastrophe, it should be better to gather the Demon Race outside the Demon Realm this morning, so that they will not be cast into the Molu Wutian under the future!”

Obviously, Rahu did not let Chen Xiaobei accept Demon Race just because of his identity, but analyzed the pros and cons for Chen Xiaobei from all aspects!

First of all, the evil and tyrannical Demon Race is beyond the scope of Heavenly Dao! To comply with Heavenly Dao, there are only 2 methods, one is to kill Demon Race, and the other is to teach Demon Race!

Obviously, slaughter is the next best way to kill countless people.

Cultivation is the best way, there is no killing, and Yin virtue is not compromised! Peaceful coexistence, Yangde does not lose! This is undoubtedly more recognized by Heavenly Dao!

Once successful, this teaching merit will be too immeasurable!

Secondly, rumors of the devil’s robbery have already spread between Heavenly Realm and the reborn Ancient Immortal.

Heavenspan Cult Master and several other Sage Heavenly Dao have gone deeper than once in the desert.

It is conceivable that once this catastrophe erupts, it will threaten the tranquility of the entire Heavenly Realm.

If anyone can calm down this catastrophe, it will be Heavenly Realm’s first hero, and may even become Savior of Heavenly Realm.

Heavenly Dao’s reward will be boundless virtue!

If Chen Xiaobei starts now, conquers Demon Race and teaches Demon Race, he will surely take the lead in the future catastrophe.

More importantly, if Chen Xiaobei does not subdue the Demon Race in advance, until the Moro is born, all the Demon Races in Three Realms will be attached to the sky, and become the life and death enemy of Chen Xiaobei and the entire Heavenly Realm.

It can be seen that Rahu’s suggestion to include Demon Race is entirely for Chen Xiaobei’s sake!

From the interests of Chen Xiaobei, this is definitely the best choice!

“Brother Bei! I agree with Rahu!” Taiyi was silent for a long time. After repeatedly plotting against his mind, he also expressed his attitude.

“Okay! That’s it!” Chen Xiaobei is also an extremely intelligent person, and the stakes in it are naturally clear and clear.

“Very good!” Rahu smiled with relief: “As a result, my devil son, devil grandson, in the next innumerable robbery, will have long-lived hope!”

“Hopefully I can really teach Demon Race…”

Chen Xiaobei took out Emperor Qing’s Immortal Gourd and said: “The demonic essence of the netherworld demons is still there, and the world can’t accept them, so I can only temporarily include them in Emperor Qing’s Immortal Gourd!”

“no problem!”

Rahu nodded, said: “Emperor Qing’s Immortal Gourd is huge, and Brother Bei can build a Demon Race universe in it!”

“Demon Race universe?”

Chen Xiaobei eyebrow raised, said: “A few days ago, I just added 1 billion Demon Race to Emperor Qing’s Immortal Gourd. It seems that in the underworld, I am destined to coexist with Demon Race!”

“May the Three Realms Demon Race be with Brother Bei!”

Rahu sighed and the sound suddenly flew up.

I saw that both of his hands raised, and a burst of bloody True Yuan suddenly shrouded in!

“hong long long ……”

Suddenly, an incomparable gigantic underground Demon Country floats from the sand sea!

In the middle of the world 1000 100000000 demons, worship and worship, as if seeing the gods!

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