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“8 quack!!!”

Gangmen 8 Lang is like a wild boar stabbed with anus, growling with a frown: “What are you, so dare to say such arrogant and arrogant stupid words! Our adult Tianzhao is Pantheon’s core senior!”

“Pantheon’s core senior executives are gone, what’s the worst? I heard that Poseidon became the prisoner of Northern Profound Sect!” Obviously, this black clothed teenager is Chen Xiaobei.

Poseidon is still sealed in the 9-lock Skynet, and his name is quite loud, but he hasn’t heard him let go of a fart from beginning to end, and he was almost scared to pee for several times.

Beside, that awesome azure clothed man is Eastern Sovereign Taiyi. If Tianzhao really came, without Chen Xiaobei, Taiyi would be able to handle it easily.

“You brat don’t know how to pretend there!”

Gangmen 8 Lang said disdainfully: “The god Poseidon was sent to Beihai by Zeus, how could he be captured by Northern Profound Sect? I really thought Lao’zi didn’t know anything?”

Obviously, people at the level of Gangmen 8 Lang, simply know what Zeus really meant.

Even more how, Zeus has been shielding the sky in the dark, and even let the Spirit King design frame the sky. Naturally, Impossible told Pansheon the top secret.

As for the Gangmen 8 Lang, it is just a dog in Tianzhao, and it is more impossible to know the inside story.

“I’m too lazy to talk to you like this waste product, and immediately asked Tianzhao to roll over!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes were fixed and his tone was solemn. It was obvious that he was very unhappy with the people of the Tianzhao line. He planned to eradicate it completely today, so that Realm of Earthly Immortals would no longer have the name of Tianzhao!

“You brat is really tired of living!”

Gangmen 8 Lang roared, raised his fist, and struck Chen Xiaobei: “A trifling Nascent Soul Middle Stage waste wood, dare to act in front of Lao’zi! Lao’zi let you know what it means to act Thundered!”

“hong long long ……”

Don’t look at this gate 8 Lang looks like a shovel, but the strength is really not weak, actually reached 7–Star Earth Immortal Peak Stage!

In Realm of Earthly Immortals, this is the existence of King level! Under his control of a king city, 20-30 main cities, it is equal to the original E fire sky!

Just listening to the loud noises, Gangmen 8 Lang’s fist actually pulled Earth Attribute True Yuan in the space, all around the vast yellow sand surging, as if heaven overflowing giant wave, can directly engulf the entire space !

Seeing the scene in front of me, dozens of Tianzhao Ninjas all around exclaimed.

“Look at it! Lord Tu Ni is really angry! When he came up, he took out the strongest Tu Nien secret volume “Sand Wave Sea”, and this time it blasted over, and Xiaobai would be instantly rubbed by sand and soil. Bloody meat sauce!”

“Who let that kid not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth! Don’t offend Tu Ren, don’t say, actually dare to offend Great God Tian Zhao! He is destined not to die!”

“That’s right! That kid is an idiot who doesn’t know the depth! Great God Tian Zhao But the spiritual leader of our Tianzhao clan! Can a trifling Huaxia kid offend?”

On the other side, the 100 Hua Xia Shao girls are making desperate voices one after another.

“That Young Master is a good man, but unfortunately his strength is too weak! If he rushes out of this way, he will only die in the hands of the evil thief in Gangmen 8 Lang!”

“God has no eyes! Really good person doesn’t live long, bad person lasts for a thousand years! Poor young Master, to die for us…”

“As soon as the Young Master died, our hopes were completely destroyed, and the rest of my life is destined to be better than death…”

All of a sudden, all eyes were on Chen Xiaobei.

In the eyes of everyone, between Chen Xiaobei and Gangmen 8 Lang, there was a 3rd-layer great realm, and there was no suspense at all.

However, everyone ignored the Taiyi beside Chen Xiaobei!

“bang! !!”

I don’t see how Taiyi moves. Only in a flash, a bright star-like light ball burst out!

Compared with the huge sand waves that cover the sky and the sun, this sphere of light is too small to see even if you don’t look carefully.


In the next moment, the ball of light shot out at a rapid speed, slamming into the turbulent sand waves!


Who dares to think that the little ball of light suddenly spun up like a black hole in the universe, swept the huge waves of incomparable gigantic sand directly into it!

“Bang! bang!!!”

While swept through the huge waves, the little light ball not at all stopped forward, and in a blink of an eye, it burst on the Qi Sea Dantian of Gang Lang 8 Lang!

With a loud bang, Qi Sea Dantian of Gangmen 8 Lang was directly bombed!

The small ball of light, blasted in from Qi Sea Dantian of Gangmen 8 Lang, and blasted from behind his back, directly on Gangmen 8 Lang’s body, leaving a fist sized, transparent blood hole before and after!


The terrifying Kuangsha was pulled by the light ball, following the blood hole, penetrating the body of Gang Lang 8!

I saw that the blood hole was constantly rubbed by sand, the wider and bigger!

If you look carefully, you will find that the internal organs, muscles, bones, Nascent Soul, soul of Gang Lang 8 Lang are completely wiped out by the sand, and no slag remains!

After a while, the ball of light dissipated, and Kuangsha subsided, and there was no such thing as Gang Lang 8 in this world!

He didn’t even have a chance to beg for mercy, and he completely disappeared!

Seeing the scene before them, the group of ninjas screamed like hell.

“Mother!!! That…that’s the Paragon powerhouse of the Crossing Tribulation Peak Stage!!! Too terrifying…it’s too terrifying…”

“How can this be! Seeing how they look, the black clothed kid is the eldest brother. Why is it a Peak Stage Paragon instead?”

“No wonder the black clothed kid dares to challenge Great God Tian Zhao openly! It turns out that there is a person Peak Stage Paragon around him to protect!”

The horror of Peak Stage Paragon is a nightmare for the general Immortal Cultivator.

Taiyi shot and immediately killed Gang Lang 8 and the remaining ninjas were all shocked.

They didn’t even need Taiyi to speak, they took the initiative to rustling sound and knelt to the ground, kowtowing desperately for mercy.

“Untie those girls, give them water and food, and your Flying Sword, give them all!” Chen Xiaobei stared at him, and ordered it aloud.

“Yes Yes Yes!”

How dare that group of ninjas have nonsense, immediately follow suit.

After the group of girls regained their freedom, they naturally thanked Chen Xiaobei and Taiyi for 1000 and 10000.

However, after all, the Shahai Sea in the Antarctic is not a good place. After thanking them, they will take a Flying Sword with every 2 or 3 people and fled directly to the nearest Buddha sect master city.

“Which of you can contact Tianzhao!” Chen Xiaobei sneered at the group of ninjas.

“This man… you are too worthy of us. At our level, we can’t even see the Great God Tian Zhao even when we see it. How can we contact him?” The group of ninjas wailed.

“You can’t contact Tianzhao, then you can die.” Chen Xiaobei shrugged, indifferently said.

As soon as this remark came out, a ninja jumped out: “don’t, don’t, don’t! I can reach the heart of Great God Tian Zhao! Master Tianzong Musang!”

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