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I saw that Chen Xiaobei held Emperor Qing’s Immortal Gourd, a word like’lai’, like the Buddha’s Taoism, and instantly began to include a large number of demonic weapons into Emperor Qing’s Immortal Gourd.

The blood god space is obviously not enough to put down 1 billion demonic weapon.

Until the space expands, these demonic weapons can only live temporarily in Emperor Qing’s Immortal Gourd.

Fortunately, Emperor Qing’s Immortal Gourd is Empress Nuwa’s Divine Artifact. The internal space is extremely huge, and it is not a matter of fact that it contains dozens of planets.

“God… The Wind Master Young Master is a man or a god? That bottle gourd can hold so many demonic weapons…”

Wu Longyin and the more than 2 survivors all looked dumbfounded, and couldn’t believe it was true.

After all, like Magical Artifact at the level of Emperor Qing’s Immortal Gourd, Realm of Earthly Immortals can’t find even half of it. If it wasn’t what you saw, no one could believe it would be true.

“Chen Zhufeng…you…you are hiding too deep…how deep are your details? When will your cards be used up?”

Zhu Tiantian and 3 Young Master wailed pale and weak.

In their eyes, Chen Xiaobei is like a bottomless black hole!

Every time they lifted through the fog and thought they could see through Chen Xiaobei immediately, Chen Xiaobei slapped backhand and told them that what they saw was nothing but tip of the iceberg that’s all!

At this moment, even if they let go and let them play against Chen Xiaobei, they would not be able to condense their fighting intent!

Chen Xiaobei’s strength, cards, resourcefulness, and random picking are all enough to make them lose their skin!

Soon, 1 billion demonic weapons all entered Emperor Qing’s Immortal Gourd.

This time the adventures of the Heavenly Demon Remains have finally come to an end.

An exit was found in the deepest part of the ruins.

Wu Longyin and the more than 2 people all left safely.

When they left, they each and everyone thanked Chen Xiaobei 1000 and 10000, and even the worship of them was a mess. Almost all of them became new believers in Chen Xiaobei.

When they return to their respective forces, they will surely develop a new group of believers, and they will even take the forces under their control directly to the Northern Xuan Dynasty.

the other side.

Chen Xiaobei opened the original bracelet, brought Taiyi, Six-Eared Macaque, and more than 9 enemies in 50 Lock Skynet back to Northern Profound Sect.

Qin Yitian stabilizes Peak Stage Earth Immortal Cultivation from Lv Yue in Xumi space.

Six-Eared Macaque retreats in Sect, slowly digests Lv Yue’s memory, screens out valuable information, and when the time comes to tell Chen Xiaobei together.

As for the more than 50 enemies, according to Taiyi’s suggestion, after Rahu was found, they were all controlled to serve Chen Xiaobei.

But Chen Xiaobei’s own plan was to first take out the Cultivation of Zhu Tiantian and give it to Xiao’er.

“That’s a good idea!”

Taiyi nodded, said: “12–Winged Golden Cicada is the first of the Great Desolate Top 1 Vicious Insects. After growing up, Combat Force is very tough, and can command Three Realms insect race! But…”

“But what?” Chen Xiaobei said: “What else can’t we say?”

Taiyi nodded said, “But once you get Peak Stage Earth Immortal’s Cultivation, 12-Winged Golden Cicada can cross-tribulation soaring away from you at any time! Once it arrives at Heavenly Realm, I’m afraid it’s impossible to escape the teaching!”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly and said, “You mean, Primeval Lord of Heaven will calculate Xiao’er’s position and send someone to catch it?”

“of course!”

Taiyi was heavily nodded and said, “Don’t forget! 12–Winged Golden Cicada was originally taken from Primeval Lord of Heaven! He probably wants to recapture his dreams!”

“According to what you said, I’m afraid I can’t transfer Cultivation to Xiao’er first…” Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly and changed his original idea.

“In fact, more than 12 – Winged Golden Cicada is in danger…”

Taiyi’s eyes were solemn, and he said with awe: “Everyone who is related to you, after arriving at Immortal World, may become a nail in the eyes of the educator, and it must be removed and then quickly!

“What… what can I do!”

Chen Xiaobei immediately became nervous: “Qingcheng, Mengchan, Brother Yu, Ying Zheng, Old Jiang, Old Wang, Heavenly Wolf Xiaobai, Tuohai, have reached Peak Stage Earth Immortal realm, Xuanxin cultivation is extremely fast, and sooner or later… After the Crossing Tribulation, they are all in danger, so I will never be at ease in Realm of Earthly Immortals!”

“Brother Bei, don’t worry too much! Things are not absolute!”

Taiyi settled down and said, “As long as you can find someone you can trust, send the Crossing Tribulation to Heavenly Dao’s Secret Realm, even Primeval Lord of Heaven can’t calculate their position!”

“Absolutely trustable…”

Chen Xiaobei thought about it: “Originally, I had a brother meeting group, Brother Hou, Yama, Howling Celestial Dog, Fairy Maiden Cháng’é, but they can be trusted, but Howling Celestial Dog and Cháng’é have been out of touch for a long time… …Yama and Brother Hou have their own positions, I don’t want to hurt them…”


Taiyi said: “Sun Wukong belongs to Monster Church and Yama belongs to elucidation. If you help you, they will all get elucidated and the consequences will be unimaginable!”


Chen Xiaobei thought again and said, “I still have some friendships with 3 people. Taiyin True Immortal can be absolutely trusted, and Zhenyuan Daxian is also trusted, but he may not easily agree to help me! As for Styx… I only Dare to believe half!”

“Just choose Styx!”

Taiyi said: “First of all, Taiyin True Immortal has a close relationship with the Wu people. It is itself a dead enemy in teaching Heavenly Court, he is not convenient to show up, and it is more difficult to protect you!”

“Secondly, Zhen Yuanzi has never been involved in the dispute of various Sects, it is a transcendent existence! Even more how, as his Quasi Sage, will not run for the trifling of the newly-raised rookie Heavenly Immortal!”

Taiyi’s eyes narrowed, and he said with certainty: “So, you can only choose Styx!”


Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly and said: “Although I have some friendship with Stygian, I have also called my brother Dao…but he is after all Asura evil way, not that I look down on evil way, but I dare not be 100% sure about the character of the letter…10000 I am explaining Under the pressure of teaching, he suddenly changed his mind, and the consequences were unbearable!”

Taiyi said solemnly: “Styx is really not a good man, but he taught the name for Asura, fighting against Kṣitigarbha, heading for many treasures. Although he was seriously injured and defeated, he is definitely a man who can support both heaven and earth!”

“You mean, he is absolutely credible?” Chen Xiaobei asked.

“If Brother Bei is still uneasy, you can take out the 48 Avatar of Styx!

Taiyi Evil Confidence said with a smile: “As long as you find Emperor Jiang, use the evil power of the curse to kill the Sovereign Sovereign through the Avatar curse! Although the blood sea is not dry, the Stygian river will not die! But Emperor Jiang will call him if he does not die. Stripped skin! The amount is coming, he will not dare to take risks!”

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