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“No more.”

Chen Xiaobei jumped out from under the ground and said indifferently: “I don’t know where Shen Gongbao’s return to the original bracelet leads. If you chase it, you may not be able to eat him.

“Well.” Taiyi nodded, said: “Anyway, Shen Gongbao can’t afford any big waves. It’s up to him.”

“Yeah! This net has caught so many big fish, and it’s not that bad as Shen Gongbao!” Six-Eared Macaque said with a smile: “Brother Bei has Spirit Stone? Let me be Lu Yue!” His Cultivation, memory, poison, I have been greedy for a long time!”

Lu Yue hearing this, his face became very ugly. He is very clear that Six-Eared Macaque’s ability is very overbearing. Once changed into others, except for the appearance, there is no difference, even the other party’s memory and ability can be obtained.

There are many secrets hidden in Lu Yue’s mind, and there are even some high-level layouts about teaching.

If Six-Eared Macaque knows, much of the previous effort of educating senior officials will be wasted, and Chen Xiaobei will be against plot against it.

“You become Peak Stage Earth Immortal, you should consume a lot of Spirit Stone?” Chen Xiaobei said, “For this battle, the Spirit Stone on hand is all charged into the Heavenly Immortal device, leaving only 200 million. A little more Top Grade Spirit Stone…”

“200 million? That’s not enough for even fractions…” Six-Eared Macaque curl one’s lip: “Although my ability is great, but to become the stronger person, Spirit Qi will consume more! Change Peak Stage Earth Immortal, you need 50 billion Top Grade Spirit Stone!”

“It’s okay!” Chen Xiaobei hearing this, said indifferently: “50 billion is not too much, anyway, Lu Yue is already in my hands, there is a chance later, let you become him!”

Chen Xiaobei thought for a while and then asked: “Oh, if I take his Cultivation, can you change directly?”

“Take his Cultivation?”

Six-Eared Macaque suddenly shined, excitedly said: “Yes! Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family has long reported that Brother Bei You can take Xuanyuan Zheng Yong’s Cultivation! In this case, you take Lv Yue’s Cultivation, let He becomes a common person, a middle grade Spirit Stone, and he can turn me into him!”

“It’s that easy!”

Chen Xiaobei eyebrow raised, said: “Yitian, you come!”

“Why?” Qin Yitian’s expression was cold Bingbing, but he listened to Chen Xiaobei and walked over immediately.

“I will give you Lü Yue Peak Stage Earth Immortal Cultivation!”

Chen Xiaobei eyebrow raised, directly using “God’s Greed”, extracted Lv Yue’s Cultivation and sent it to within the body of Qin Yitian.

“This… what is this Cultivation Technique… so amazing…”

Qin Yitian hadn’t responded yet, he felt his cultivation, and the spur began to soar: “I… this actually reached 9–Star Crossing Tribulation Peak Stage…this is also amazing…”

Seeing the scene in front of him, Taiyi frowned, saying, “This is the Demon Race evil method! If you read it right, although this evil method works very well, it has great side effects!”


Chen Xiaobei nodded, said: “Once a person obtains Cultivation through this Cultivation Technique, the soul will be planted with the Heart Demon contract, and will be controlled by the netherworld 7 Demon God. If he dares to resist, he will be killed by the Heart Demon contract!”

“This… doesn’t it mean that my life has been held in the hands of netherworld 7 Demon God?” Qin Yitian beautiful eyes stared round, suddenly tense.

“Silly girl, don’t be afraid.” Chen Xiaobei said with a smile: “is it possible that I will hurt you?”

“Of course you won’t hurt me…but I can’t figure it out…”

Qin Yitian frowned, saying, “I just had to take orders from him because of the body’s evil demon curse of the bloody moon sword master! Now the curse has not been lifted, you add another Heart Demon contract? This… …How does this call me?”

“To tell you the truth, I have a friend who is the descendant of the Demon Race in the world!” Chen Xiaobei eyebrow raised, said: “Anyway, I will ask him to help you lift the curse of the demon, and then the Heart Demon contract is solved by the way, not one. move, two gains?”

“This… how is this possible!?” Qin Yitian did not dare to channel: “Your friend, is it so powerful?”

“Do not believe you ask Taiyi.” Chen Xiaobei smiled.

Qin Yitian beautiful eyes blinked slightly, looking towards Taiyi.

Although it is the first time to meet, Qin Yitian can feel that Taiyi has a kind of founder mystery emperor aura, which is bound to be a super great character with a strong foundation!

“Yes, Brother Bei’s friend, very, very powerful…” Taiyi frowned, “Although he didn’t want to admit it, if he and I were in the Peak Stage period, he would beat me!”

“I can rest assured…” Qin Yitian finally sighed in relief, rare said with a slight smile: “As long as the curse of the demon is lifted, I can completely draw the line with the blood moon sword master, and I no longer have to be at his mercy. !”

Chen Xiaobei nodded, said: “Shen Gongbao ran away, he will definitely see the Blood Moon Sword Master through the 6-Party Alliance, so, Yitian, don’t go back and follow me directly!”

Qin Yitian immediately shook his head: “No! If I won’t go, the Blood Moon Sword Master can urge the curse, causing me to lose my mind and do things beyond my control!”


Chen Xiaobei said with a smile: “I have Xuya space, as long as you go in, you will be cut off from the space where the Blood Moon Sword Master is located, and he cannot affect you! When I find my friend, you will be completely free Now!”

“Xumi space? Then let me go in…” Qin Yitian is really afraid of Blood Moon Sword Master, impatient said.

“Okay! Go ahead, stabilize Cultivation, and adapt to Lv Yue’s dharma body.” Chen Xiaobei moved Qin Yitian into Xu Mi’s space.

“It’s my turn next!”

Six-Eared Macaque took out a middle grade Spirit Stone, and impatient also stimulated its unique ability.

At this moment, Lu Yue is already a common person with no ultivation.

The ability quickly came to fruition, and Six-Eared Macaque directly became the same form as Lv Yue.

Of course, Six-Eared Macaque’s fancy is the secret in Lu Yue’s mind and the most powerful poison under Lu Yue’s Saint.

As for Cultivation, after Six-Eared Macaque digests Lv Yue’s memory, and then find other goals, you can directly obtain powerful Cultivation, which is only a matter of time.

After the change, Six-Eared Macaque became quiet and completely immersed in Lu Yue’s massive memory.

“Brother Bei, how to deal with this big fish?” Taiyi glanced at more than 50 people on the floor and asked.

“These guys are all good, and their status is not low, it’s a pity to kill…”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly, and said, “But, to accept them as loyal dogs, you must use the super Heavenly Court dog food, which is too much for direct exchange. Howling Celestial Dog can’t be contacted… Advance and retreat 2 difficult…”

“Brother Bei! You were just talking about how powerful your friends are, and why have you forgotten him now?” Taiyi said with a smile.

“What do you mean… I understand!!!” Chen Xiaobei suddenly realized that there was infinite ecstasy in his eyes.

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