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Sure enough, as the distance gradually approached, the black castle was clearly visible, and the scale became larger and larger, I am afraid that it could not be less than the main city of Realm of Earthly Immortals!

In other words, if there is a Demon Race in this castle, the number is at least 1 billion to start!

Seeing the scene in front of me, more than 2 people in the team have all been worried, like walking on thin ice, and the sound of wailing is one after another.

“I knew that, even if I was killed at that time, I would not dare to come in…”

“Look at the look of this castle, the 200,000 zombie demonic beast just now is probably just an appetizer… there must be a more deadly crisis here…”

“Now we have no legs, even if we know that there is danger, we can only brace oneself to go forward… I only hope that Mr. Third Chen can carry it and take us to the day of birth…”

“Yeah… I can only count on Mr. Third Chen… If he can’t carry it, all of us are dead end…”

Undoubtedly, everyone is terrified, looked towards Chen Xiaobei’s eyes, as if looking at the only life-saving straw.

Just now, a total of 3135 storage bracelets were collected from the dead.

In order to survive, these 2 people did not dare to embezzle even a single hair, and handed over all storage bracelets to Chen Xiaobei.

In addition, they also actively contributed all of their Spirit Stone.

After realizing the “Primal Chaos Dharma Body”, Chen Xiaobei has been counting the storage bracelets.

2 More than 1000 survivors, more than 3000 dead, all Spirit Stones add up, about 40 100000000 Top Grade Spirit Stone.

Wu Longyin contributed another 200 million, and the Arctic giant Jiao took out all his net worth and contributed five 5 million.

Taiyi has been cultivation after reincarnation, but there is no Spirit Stone to contribute.

Fortunately, Chen Xiaobei has 2 100 5 1.5 billion Top Grade Spirit Stone in his own heart vault.

After gathering Spirit Stone, Chen Xiaobei added Magic Dragon Tribulation with 30 billion Top Grade Spirit Stone Spirit Qi.

In this way, Demon Dragon Tribulation can also inspire 3 powers, destroying heaven extinguishing earth streamer, 9 Lock Skynet, and Earth Immortal streamer, each can also inspire a power.

This is already the best state that Chen Xiaobei can come up with at present.

In the small vault, there is only a little more than 200 million Top Grade Spirit Stone, and even the next cultivation is not enough.

However, the difficulty in front of me is Shen Gongbao’s elaborately set dead time!

If you can’t get past this level, Chen Xiaobei doesn’t make any sense even if there are more Spirit Stones.

I will talk about future problems later. At present, the goal of Chen Xiaobei most important is to find out the identity of the beauty under the moon and break through Shen Gongbao’s death!

“Everyone is ready! The war may break out at any time!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed, his hands clenched to the Demon Dragon Tribulation, and he walked alone at the front of the team.

Those 2 1000 survivors were at a relatively safe distance.

Taiyi, Wu Longyin, Arctic Giant Jiao, and the three most powerful people are at the end.

The closer to the castle, the closer the danger.

Even Taiyi doesn’t dare to carelessly. After all, even if he has Quasi Sage memory, he can only use the power of Peak Stage Earth Immortal. A little carelessness is also inevitable for body dies and Dao disappears!


As the crowd approached, the storm surged above the castle!

That wind is a screaming wind! That cloud is the dark cloud that covers the sky and the sun!

The atmosphere of the positive space has become extremely dignified and killed, as if the end of the world is coming, Heaven and Earth and Eight Desolates are all lifeless.

“They are coming!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed, a sharp sharp edge was revealed in the deep black eyes, the blood began to boil gradually, and the fighting intent became more and more fierce!

Everyone stopped, with extreme panic on his face, his heart had already mentioned his throat!

The following each step may decide whether these people will die or live in the end.

Everyone’s life is pinned on Chen Xiaobei, even Taiyi is no exception.

“hong long long ……hong long long ……”

Soon, a fierce agitation came from the castle, as if the earth was shaking.

Looking around, the castle’s up ahead suddenly raised dust filling the sky.

The dust is connected in a line, and from a distance, it seems to be rising from the sea, and there is no end of the huge wave!

At a very fast speed, the wave moved towards Chen Xiaobei and the others.

In front of the huge wave that could not see the end, Chen Xiaobei and the more than 2 people behind him were almost like a group of ants.

As soon as the wave arrived, they would only be engulfed as a result, and there would be no other way out.

“Oh my god… are those rushing over the Demon Race’s army? I’m boundless, I’m afraid it can’t be less than 300000000”

“Too terrifying… Even if it is the main city of Realm of Earthly Immortals with 1 billion people, it will only take a few 10000000 million soldiers at most… The first wave of these Demon Race offensives will have 300000000 million pioneers. Army?”

“This… how is this carried? Even if Mr. Third Chen owns the Heavenly Immortal device, Impossible is the opponent of so many Demon Races…”

“As the so-called ant phagocytosis, these Demon Races rushed over at no cost, and will soon deplete the Thirdly Mr. Heavenly Immortal device Spiritual Qi… By that time, we will only have a dead end ……even bone residue Come down…”

The crowd wailed in despair.

Originally, they also had a ray of hope for Chen Xiaobei, but at this moment, seeing an alarming number of Demon Race army, this trace of hope was completely shattered.

Although Heavenly Immortal device is powerful, but full strength attack, it can only kill 30,000,000 Demon Race.

300000000 Demon Race is overwhelmed, and unless the Dragon Tribulation is full of Spiritual Qi, and it activates ten powers in a row, it can barely hold the position.

But it is clear that Spirit Qi in the Dragon Tribulation can only inspire 3 powers.

The gap between the enemy and us, apparent at a glance, there is no suspense at all!

From this battle, we can also see the importance of believers and 100 surnames! As long as there are enough believers, enough 100 surnames, even Divine Artifact can resist!

“If the sky pressed me! I would Heaven Destroying! The earth would not allow me, I would destroy the earth!”

However, when everyone was worried, Chen Xiaobei suddenly took out the second Heavenly Immortal device.

destroying heaven extinguishing earth 幡!

The black flag streamer rushed directly into the air.

30 billion Top Grade Spiritual Qi burned out instantly, with Chen Xiaobei as the center, the atmosphere of the entire space has undergone dramatic changes!

“hong long long ……”

The thunder and lightning roared, deafening, as if time and space were shaking!

The darkness as thick as ink descended, causing 10000 beings to lose color at this instant, becoming dark and gloomy and lifeless!

Darkness has become a constant color tone in this a side world!

In an instant, everyone’s state of mind was trembling violently, as if falling into the icy, lonely, Danger Land, which was signed to eternal damnation, could be taken away by the boundless darkness at any time!

“He He……”

2 More than 1000 people were all shocked and screamed in unison: “He is Chen Zhufeng!!!”

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